out of control TRAINWRECK! please help! w/pics


Well-Known Member
just tie them down and over to the side, there is plenty of room in there.... it will really widen your plants too. Might as well put in some posts to tie them down to, and scrog over them once they are tied down. Plenty of time, and it will do wonders for your yield, :D.

Great job. Nice herb.


Well-Known Member
VG, thx for the harvest info, I planned to get 'em out a little on the early side, while the smoke will be smooth. The plan is the same as last year, trim and hang, retrim and dry on screens, into mason jars for curing and storage. Last year I 'put up' 3 lbs., and today it is just as it was when the jars were finally sealed last October. Took about two-three weeks of burping jars before the moisture stabilized where I wanted it, dry without being crispy, with stems barely flexible. This harvest is tolast all year, until the next bounty arrives!

One question, do these have a time frame they like to flower? Early? Late? Fast? Slow? Whoops wait a sec, that was many questions...poor etiquette, sorry, but then I got high!

Good to hear it's a good daytime smoke as well, since I'm a burner from sunup to sunset!

The three in the barrels are Purple Diesel, New York Sour Diesel, and an O.G. Kush. These are from dispensary clones that were maybe 6" tall when I got them. The Purple Diesel is a water hog, demands to be watered evry day, almost no exceptions. It has been warm here in the Central Valley, plus I run a big-ass fan a lot of the time.

I'll attach a photo of last years yeild, from 6 plants of various varieties.
Now that's alot of bud man! Great job!


Well-Known Member
I really like your jars! We reached a point where using jars was too time consuming. We went to Oven Roasting Bags. They work very well for long term storage of larger volumes.

I've harvested TW as early as Sept. 29th, and as late as October 24th(dug out my journal). Never a complaint!

In general, I reduce watering as the plants bloom.

I believe(if anyone has firm information on this please mention it?) that part of resin/trichome development is related to water retention. A need to retain water triggers trichome production.

I never overdo this. I just reduce watering to "enough" instead of "plenty".


Had to increase the footprint of my little piece of heaven, no room to tie these monsters down and still have room to manuever in there, so with a little creative thinking I was able to stretch out my area considerably. I included a shot from a few days ago, then some from today of the expanded enclosure.

The raised bed has 5 TrainWreck(s), and in the foreground are the three little guys, all doing quite well. Also in view is my water barrel, which I have in use now due to my tap's ph being 8.3. Rght now the drip systen is non-functioning, but I am working on a system that will draw from the barrel and force water into the system. Project for the future, for now the hose and watering jugs do a fine job.

Thanks for the info, there VG, good information will be put to good use.


someone else

Active Member
such a big fan of the trainwreck. You look like you have some amazing plants there brother, healthy and lots of bud sites.

+rep and subbed...thanks for posting!


Well, between yesterday and today I got the monsters all tied down...for now. I found out how much strain they'll take, busted off a big branch and split a main stem @ the same time, after breaking off a few choice words I grabbed the tape and tie wire and made a nice little splint that will keep it tight while it heals. Thanks to the forum and VG in partic for sharing methods of controlling these beasts! For now they are pulled down and away from the fence for the most part, greatly reducing their visibility from the other side.

I'm sure I will repeat this process several times in the coming weeks, which Hopefully will reverse and I'll be tying up the heaviness I hope they become. The little guys in the barrels are doing fine too, as behind as they are. The Purple Diesel is a bit spindly, so I'm trying a topping technique w/ it which I'll share as I see some result. The NY Sour Diesel has an insatiable thirst, and it's not running down the barrel sides either, it just likes the H2O, but then it does have budsites like crazy.

On H2O.....since I started ph-ing my tap water, the only problem I had has gone away completely. Some leaves, near the plant tops in particular, were folding longwise, like canoes, or tacos. No other symptom, no droop or color change.

I checked the water.......8.3!!!!

Three weeks later adjusting each batch to 6.5 to 7, as well as letting it sit out for a day or more and the problem has resolved itself. Once it began working, I set up the big barrel and am gravity feeding for the moment, a bit slow, but it works fine.

Now I'm thinking of a smell generator to mask the wonderful stink that will soon come. Wouldn't want to draw any predators, even if the hounds would enjoy a meal!

Pictures will be attached, I'll try to get them in an order that makes sense.



All is well with the trainwrecks, they are beginning to show some sign of what I believe to be flowering.

I've posted a new thread with question as the my cute little O.G. Platinum Kush that appears to be starting as well.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about breaking shit off.

If they are not putting up buds yet you have plenty of time to deal with the issue. To be honest cutting those girls probably would have ended up with the same amount of fruit per tree but a smaller tree over all.

Indoors people trim the underneath of their plants and if done right do not experience a reduced yield. This would be going the other way though.

Next time dont get a sativa that can get to 15 ft?


Well-Known Member
There yealds don't drop cuz there light don't penatrate that deep.
Not saying its not a good idea just saying might be a little diffrent under the sun


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow my friend ! Tie them down a little less next time and then give them atleast a few days to get used to it before pulling them further. You can train those as much as you want. 20 Gallons isnt much water. I am using 80 gallons every other day to water 8 plants 3 of which are in 100 gallon pots. Maybe in ground is different though. Good long soak will really let those roosts tap down nicely. Why not hook up a pump and connect to your irrigation line? You can get all the adapters you need at hardware store to covert it to the correct line.

Props again on your grow !


An update, didn't realize how long it had been, and it's been some busy days, but I do believe the reward will be handsome!

The little 'kush bush' started showing flower almost two weeks ago now it is only 3' tall, but I am liking what I'm seeing, I think it will be like 30 colas, some big, some smaller, the purple diesel is not far behind, and all the rest are today showing the first signs, so time to start a feeding regimen, since really they have vegged on what I put into the soil and little else, other than a top dress here and there of earthworm castings. I did a couple of foliar feedings as well with a casting tea.

As for a feed regimen, I had...key word, HAD, some FF nutes for bloom that came as part of my trade for the clones way back when, but as I got closer, I read the literature and figured I'd need about 4X what I had...and that shit ain't cheap! I talked to the guy the stuff came from, he says he has 2 unused 4 lb tubs of Jack's Blossom Booster, and will trade, even steven, so I did some searches here, and hopped on that deal, since that will get me thru without a big expenditure.

I did find out I should add some Cal-Mag, so I picked that up as well.

Unless someone warns me off it, I'll feed @ 1/2 recommended strength, every other watering until I begin to flush.

I did give the kush and prpl diesel a dose of some MG bloom booster I had already @ 1/2 strength b4 I got the Jack's, which was yesterday. Just in case anyone is using it, the MG I mean....

BE SURE TO CHECK PH AFTER MIXING!! Even @ 1/2 str I had to bring the ph up probably 5 points.

Photos attached....updates will continue, and thanks to everyone for the input....and advice!




Well-Known Member
They are all beautiful! My trainwreck just showed me sex today, this gave me inspiration!

Nice grow. +Rep