Never been so sick in my entire life.


Well-Known Member
Just had most of these symptoms a few weeks ago. 1 sinus med, 2-3 Tylenol's along with a few good rips allowed me to sleep and eat. Lasted about 5days, if you feel any stuffed head symptoms then grab a sinus rinse from walmart for $5, it makes a world of difference.


Active Member
shit dude i had the same thing happen in december, i was puking every 15 minutes for 7 hours straight, like clockwork every god damn 15 minutes, and it started at 8pm at a movie theater. it was fucking miserable no sleep whatsoever. the shits, headache, no sleep, it was fucking awful. i wanted to go to the hospital i was so worried i was like dying lol


Well-Known Member
I drank absenth ( green shit 70% alcohol) one time..... that's all it took to kill me for three days. That shit sux monkey ballz.


Undercover Mod
Im feelin good lasted about three days. Haven't smoked a cig in 5 days. I think this is a new Era been smoking half a pack a day for the last 6 years.


just some guy
Im feelin good lasted about three days. Haven't smoked a cig in 5 days. I think this is a new Era been smoking half a pack a day for the last 6 years.
1/2 a pack a day, ... 2.50 ... X 30 = 75 bucks a month... X12 = 900 a year.... X6 = $5,400.00! fuck tobacco. glad you feel better, shoot for 10 days, then after that, go for 20.