Never been so sick in my entire life.


Undercover Mod
I spent 8 hours yesterday puking with a severe headache and chills and fever.

I couldn't even drink water without barfing it back up.

I'm still sore as hell today and have a headache.

I thought I was gonna die I weighed myself today and i lost 10 pounds from barfing.

Guitar guy

Active Member
Sounds like the flu. It is still flu season I believe. When I had the flu it was a week of being sore and having chills. Hope you feel better man


Well-Known Member
im going thur the same thing now it sucks i been just trying to sleep it off but im waking up every hour or so and got got the chills shaking like a dope fein i cant keep nothing down either hope this shit will be over soon


Well-Known Member
Make sure ur sipping on that nyquil, at least fucks you up enough to where you mildy forget your sick


just some guy
"balzac" lol... great name. I hope you have someone looking after you, bringing you soup to sip, and a pail to barf sipped soup into...etc. etc. wet wash cloths for your head...etc. A GF or a mom or a friend who is empathetic and female is the ultimate cure.


Undercover Mod
My woman has been at work the last two days. She actually got called in today.

I told her to not come over on her breaks. I dont want her to get this.

Sucks though cause I'm using all my vacation hours at work for me being sick.


Undercover Mod
I haven't smoked a cig in two days I think I might quit.

I smoked a bowl last night and it was a bad idea.

meechz 024

Active Member
im going thur the same thing now it sucks i been just trying to sleep it off but im waking up every hour or so and got got the chills shaking like a dope fein i cant keep nothing down either hope this shit will be over soon
im shakin i'm a dope fiend, dealer left me vacant on vacation from his proceeds
I see my Mommas face she say im lookin so clean, but i stole three hundred dollars from her purse to buy some codeine
cleanin my bong with the pokey stick, cus the dope dealers not dealin me opiates, so I hope he gets shot by close associates.

mothafucka im dope sick!
dooooope sick


Well-Known Member
fuck, hope you feel better..keep away from me. I do not need to be sick like i was last year ughhhhhh


Undercover Mod
yeah i tried to smoke some weed to figured maybe it will help with my stomach made it 10 times worse
Yeah nothing like being stoned and horrifically sick at the same time.

I just called into work and I guess three other people are out with the same tihng

putrid retch

Active Member
I haven't smoked a cig in two days I think I might quit.

I smoked a bowl last night and it was a bad idea.
This is a perfect opportunity for you to quit cigs. My wife & I both quit in 2006 after 40 yrs of smoking cigs...she did the 'hypnotism' route & I just quit outright. I came away pretty much unscathed...she had developed emphysema, COPD, & pulmonary-fibrosis from all the years smoking cigs (the pulmonary-fibrosis was from her working around horses & all the hay-dust). She's now on oxygen 24/7 & is pretty much house-bound. She does have those backpack air-tanks she can wear when out & about, but it's a total hassle for her. Quit now & you won't regret it. It's a tremendous feeling of accomplishment & your health will thank you for it. Food tastes excellently now, but I did put on 40 lbs because of quitting. It's worth it!! :D


Active Member
try mrsa got my leg cut open been sick ever since going on 2 months. heres a scar pic. im thinking about getting a tattoo around it like a psycodelic well with bricks falling into it, scar at the center with a skeleton guy coming out of the scar barfing



Well-Known Member
I had the swine flu Christmas before last. It was pretty much exactly as you described. Like 'the flu', but extreme. If you start feeling like your organs are trembling or shaking, go to the hospital.


Well-Known Member
If your dope sick I've been there.I got hooked on roxys for a few months but realized it and put myself through was hell.but there is one amazing trick.

IMMODIUM! anti diarreal medicine was origginally created to be a pain killer because its an just doesnt cross the " blood brain barriqr" which means it doesn't relieve pain or give u a sense of euphoria. But it does make your pissed off opiate receptors happy. So if you were on say 50mg of opiates a day take about 10 2mg immodium(the store brand is good) every few hours and it will take care of 95% of the withdrawal symptoms. Taper yourself off it each day loperdine for withdrawels on Google.I promises u its a miracle fix with WD. Benedryl,immodium, tylenol pm, and weed is the best wothdrawel kit.good luck buddy.make it to day 4 and your good to go


You described the last time I drank (apart from the weight loss). Chicken Soup and Sprite or Ginger Ale. Feel better