Need Help !Used vinegar to.......


Well-Known Member
sure, actually i suspected phosporous which doesnt really yellow, just pales right towards the end. Tricky tho. Maybe some of these pics may narrow it down.

High ph I will say will most likely cause a a range of issues that quite frankly can have you chasing your tail
Thanks. Yeah I,m gonna start using RO water from here out , till I figure out whats the matter with mine . I seriously think its buffered.


New Member
all water will have something in it, it wont harm the plants so long as they stay in the correct ph zone and they can take up the nutrients at both ends of the scale (acid, alkaline) tap water is fine, ph down to 6.5 ish, bat guano in the soil. Simple but effective :-)


Well-Known Member
all water will have something in it, it wont harm the plants so long as they stay in the correct ph zone and they can take up the nutrients at both ends of the scale (acid, alkaline) tap water is fine, ph down to 6.5 ish, bat guano in the soil. Simple but effective :-)
My tap water has a buffer thats hard to break is why I,m giving up on it.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I went up to the store and got 10 g of ro water . It phs around 7 . It ph's down 10x's easier than my tap water only had to use 1 drop to gallon of ph down . So I picked out two of my plants and made it rain . Flushed them with 1 1/2 gallons of water each (1 g [pot)
and doused the leaves . Got em back in my room now ands its dark time for them now 12 noon.

I can already tell though ,I,m gonna lose some big fan leaves on some of them its like the outer 1/4 inch fringe of the leaves are totally wilted but the rest of the leave is fine , will know what i got when the lights come back on they surly need a rest after all that .Update around 7 pm tonight .Feel free to post any experiance with this occurance with this situation .


Well-Known Member
I like to run 1/2 RO, 1/2 tap water. It lowers the PPM of my tap water down to a respectable level, and provides a pH buffer which isn't as strong as tap water alone but is stronger than plain RO water. When I used straight RO water, it always just seemed to take on the pH of whatever was added/whatever it was added to.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks man that's a good solution to my problem . Thanks for the info ! I'm going to mix some up and check it thanks !+rep

Still looking for answers about the vinegar fumes effing my leaves up , glad to find out about the yellowing ,the ph deal and the water deal though thanks for all the good info , we just kinda got off the main topic .


Well-Known Member
No problem, you just may have a hard time getting any definite answers about the vinegar situation unless somebody here has done the exact same type of thing.