My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


Active Member
batteries died after a couple pictures and i dont have anymore so cant put pics up tonight. it looks like a weed whacker went through em lol. i trimmed all of the bottom crap off and only left the top 3-4 nodes on each branch. oh and this post is at 4:20 pimpage :) noticed as im typing right now the clock says 4:19 lol


Active Member
ok long overdue picture update is here. i didnt notice how well they were doing till i seen the couple pictures from right after trimming. its day 34 total and 2 days into 12/12 so vegged for 32 days if i counted right. anywho heres the pictures the first 4 are from right after i trimmed them. only got pictures of the 1 tub the camera died. last 4 pictures are from a few minutes ago. the bare spot in the bottom left corner on pictures 5 is where a light fell on the plant i had to cut the branches off. i tried rigging up an extra light in a corner i wanted more but it didnt work out and fell off onto the plant



Well-Known Member
Thick Thick stems mate! Very nice :) Used your space well.

Shoved mine into flowering last night, lights on - 12 midnight till 12 midday, then off. Its generally colder in the night so i thought i'd do it this way.

How low can my plants go before hitting shock? Is mid 50s? okay, so around 56 minimum?


Active Member
i thought i read 60 was the low point i dont remember for sure. but there should be a 15 degree difference from lights on and lights off. like mine for example box runs around 80 with lights on and 65 during lights off thats good. im not positive you might wanna do some reading but if your lights on temp is around 70-75 you should be ok id think. but if your dropping 20+ at night that might not be good. oh and im pretty sure 1 female is showing. i see a tiny hair popping out but no calyx thingy or whatever they call the actual bud it comes from lol. no magnifier so cant tell for sure yet should be able to in the next day or so


Active Member
theyve grown a bit more in the last couple days from the 12/12 i was just waiting a few more days to put up pictures. just gonna do them once every week or 2 while flowering. the female is a good one to thankfully it has 8 tops


Active Member
i got antsy and decided to do a full inspection. found and pulled out 4 males plus theres 1 more im pretty sure is male but giving it another day to make sure. 2 100% positive females and 1 im pretty sure is. other 4 plants are showing no signs at all yet so hopefully thats a good thing and their female :) anywho heres a few pictures. i started tying down branches towards the empty spaces so its kind of a mess right now and lookin beat up. first pictures is the 2 females and 1 unconfirmed. the ones inside the line are th e females. im so happy its 2 of my best bushy ones and 1 of them is the plant ive been keeping track of the most since the start :) and a few pictures of the poor fellers who went to the graveyard. oh and im happy that 2 of t he males were the crappiest plants. my 2 runts from the start that never took off as you can see by #2 and #3 in pictures 3



Well-Known Member
Damn Skervy looking good. sucks about the 3 dudes though. good thing you have at least 2 girls hoping the other four are girls bro. good luck. everything looking lush and green. I got my updates up day 9 flowering check em out.


Active Member
2 more confirmed females yay :) so the tally is 4 female 4 male 4 unknown. im liking my odds i think ill get the 50% i wanted and have 6 plants. switched my lights over to 10x 2700k 2x 6500k forgot about that its been 8x 6500k 4x 2700k till now.


Active Member
so happy yet dissapointed. 2 more confirmed females :) now for the dissapointed part i think i may have jumped the gun on one of the first males i pulled. the bigger one in the picture of 3 may have been a female. ive never judged on preflowers that small before i just seen small bumps and no hairs. im noticing one of the new confirmed females is 1 i thought was male and gave more time to be sure. anywho now the tally is 6 female 4 male 2 unknown so happy i hit my 6 plant mark :) tempted to reveg and replant them so their all even under the lights but i dont think i will cause i dont want another month added onto the grow. ill post new pictures in about a week when theres enough hairs to actually show up on this camera.

quick edit forgot to mention i added 2 more bulbs so im using 14 now for total 364 watts


Well-Known Member
Going well so far man! :D Keep it up, i recon you'll get another female :) Just gotta feeling :P

Get some pictures up :) Just shoved some more up myself, but im digging what you got up so far :) Be sure to post when you've updated some pics.

I'm havin some serious smell issues at the moment and im only like 5 days into flowering ( i think ), any ideas?


Active Member
ive been controling mine so far by using a filter while lights are off and air fresheners during lights on so far. i cant use my filter during lights on or it gets to hot cause my exhaust fan sucks


Active Member
1 more female and 1 more male. final tally 7 females 5 males :) and the male luckily was the crappy one that only had 3 good tops and 2 small side ones. had a light fall on it and burn the shit out of a few so i cut them off


Well-Known Member
How'd yu find the air fresheners are doing?
Thinking of getting some ona gel, so we'll see how that works out. Heard it ruins the smell of the plant but tbh, i'd rather have dank bud that smells like fresh linen, then no bud and a prison sentence :)


Active Member
honestly take the time and investment in a real exhaust fan so you can use a home made filter. all of that other s hit only masks the smell so muchand the weed smell overpowers everything unless your constantly spraying a freshener. my biggest regret and #1 thing to fix besides the door on the next run is a new fan no more crappy pc fans lol. the only reason my house doesnt stink all the way through is because i use a filter for 12 hours of the day


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the girls.:clap: It's gardners like yourself that inspire me to keep trying in the face of failure.

Definate +rep for the cabinet and the thread. Ccan't wait to see how it turns out. Scribed!
