My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


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still no batteries that will last long enough to take pictures and upload them :/ and i dont have the money to buy the spiffy lithium ones it needs to take more then a picture. 3 of them are bursting out trichs everywhere now the pink one the most its so purty. im gonna call the pink one stinky pinky cause it smells the best and the pink hairs of course :P i cut a small branch off the pink one to attempt a clone it had 1 branch that wasnt developing as much as the rest so i figured id chop it off.


Active Member
Those lithium batteries are fucking expensive. I'd ask if you had a camera phone but half of the pics on those come out all grainy. :(

Guess we'll just have to keep impatiently waiting.


Active Member
well still not much to say since theres nothing to show without batteries :/ but the plants are moving along nice still no major problems yet. 1 thing im noticing is the plants poppin out trichs everywhere have smaller buds then 1 of the plants that seems to have like no trichs. it has id say close to double the size of the other plants buds. pinky has the shortest smallest buds of them all she better make up for it in potency lol :( hopefully some day soon ill come across some batteries that keep this camera alive. otherwise wont be anymore pictures till i can afford to cough up like 20$ for some top notch batteries lol


Well-Known Member
My little girl has millions of trichs while as for the trich count on my big one is almost none. Trichs just started to appear yesterday. i guess it comes with the genetics/lineage.


Well-Known Member
My little girl has millions of trichs while as for the trich count on my big one is almost none. Trichs just started to appear yesterday. i guess it comes with the genetics/lineage.
they located on the main colas?
cant find any yet, got a 45x eye piece to look for em


Active Member
hey plants are looking great! super green and healthy can wait to see them when they are like 5 weeks into flower O_O


Active Member
ok i havent been updating for shit or put up pics for over 2 weeks now. BUT..... the day has finally come for batteries lol ill have new pictures up in 6 hours when the lights come on but for now heres a teaser of the clone that rooted. the small one is what it looked like before it rooted and was transplanted. using jello shot cups for my clones lol



Active Member
ok here it is people the pink showed up barely i really need a better camera. dont mind the droopy leaves they havent had water for 3 or 4 days :P

something around 30 days of 12/12 to lazy to count it up exactly



Active Member
theres not shit for undergrowth anymore except my really bushy one from the start it has shit sproutin out all over i left it so ill have some foliage to reveg it. so im gonna end up with just a bunch of little fat cola nugs im estimating 3-4oz atleast. maybe just wishful thinking :P but the way im estimating is i have about 45-50 top buds even if i get small 2-3 gram buds ill be pushin near or over 100g


Well-Known Member
shit you have it rollin in dont ya. im thinkin around a quarter Pound as well. way better than my hit congrats. i cant seem to keep my plants leaves from turning yellow. How o you PH your plant. meter, strips, etc...


Active Member
Even dehydrated I'm jealous of your plants, lol. Hey, I need some help doing a lighting setup and I thought I'd try to get some advice from you. I'd say the cabinet I'm starting to use is 3'x2'. Wanting to stick with CFLs obviously. Any suggestions? One dude suggested using a power strip with adapters and Y splitters which sounds like a good theory, but then how do I raise and lower the lights? ::daydreaming::


Active Member
if your setting up a spot that big you might as well make your own fixture so its good and not extra ghetto. make like a box lip shaped wood frame to fit the area and put the lights sideways in it. thats what im planning to do soon as this ones done


Well-Known Member
hey i dont know if you saw my questions but i wondring how you ph your ladies. you have a ph meter right? the reason i ask is because thats the only thing i think tat can be fucking with my girls. Ph fluctuation


Active Member
oh no i missed it and no i dont use any meters. i just use 1 gallon of water each plus the recomended dose of schults and a splash of molasses every 3-4 days. i slowed down on molasses though and it stopped the mold on top of the soil. all of my leaves under the top later and slowly yellowing and dying off to but i know my reason is they have no light. do you have lights around the bottom of the plants? i know yours got pretty tall and maybe its just lack of light on the bottom unless its all the leaves


Well-Known Member
yea i have 2 68 watter on the bottom but this same thing happen with the last grow. it must be something im doing. thanks for the help bro. i wish i could figure out whats up yours looks so beautiful.


Active Member
could be your water i dont know unless your using bottled or something. i just use straight tap water semi warm not hot and not cold. try investing in one of the ph dealies it was on my list of things to get but i figured its not absolutely needed so i skipped it


Well-Known Member
could be.. i have a PH tester but i've been keeping it in the range of 5.5-6.5 but haven't been steady at one number it's always fluctuates. appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
could be.. i have a PH tester but i've been keeping it in the range of 5.5-6.5 but haven't been steady at one number it's always fluctuates. appreciate the help
Do you have any type of wood or bark in your soil mix?
That can effect the PH dramatically and also absorb N.

Your plants look fine to me man i dont know why your worried. Make sure any water you use is either rain water or tap water that is left out for 24 hours to clean the chlorine.

I wanna help ya mate, wots in the soil mix?


hey bro just jumped in on your thread today.. looked at the whole thing.. lol.. im taken a seat to see how this fans out in the end.. your plants are looking healthy.. good to see shits working out..