Michigans RIU Summer BBQ/Get Together


Well-Known Member
Bawk bawk bawk buk buk buk buk bawk bawk bum bhai uk buk buk..

Lol... I guess if I want to bring my wife she'll have to sit in the car and smoke by herself lol..not being carded and all... Naww Ill stay home if bob is going.


Well-Known Member
No card checking, this ain't a union meeting, bring the family stumpjumper.

Should be a large parcel of land with a pond or river access ...if I don't take home a trophy in the canna. Cup atleast. I know I am winning the fishing Derby........... hate coming home empty handed,


Well-Known Member
gezz buds everyone here tryin to have a community day with friends family good vittles why try and harsh the mellow man... seems like you are the only one carrying this thing like a stigma bro... no disrespect intended here boss but just go and medicate with those u deem fit


Well-Known Member
I can see it now, we get there, and everyones is going to be like you gotta try my stuff, no man mine is better, someone else will be like no you guys gotta try this shit i grew,

we smoke like 50 joints real quick, than break out the HASH, than eat a cookie or 3 . than 35-45 minites after we get there, we will all be so Pucking HIGH we will just sit there all queit and shit, and not say a word to each other, mabey Laugh and giggle alittle bit. Take a weed nap and go home
Ive been to maybe 5-6 bbq/get togethers already.

only 1 was a canna cook off and there was blind test bud and concentrate judgein wit a $100 entry to each money was donated to some sorta charity.

The other were thrown by random compassion clubs. But basiclly it was on private properity and private event $10 a person (went towards the food and whatever and a wrist band saying you could smoke/purchase medical marijuana) (Im sure this could easy be a big public event with bands/comedy etc but it all cost $$),it was an all day event. One person or a team of people brought grills and cooked enough food for a few hundred people (normaly bbq, burgers, and hotdogs) Then everyone else just bought there own buds/concentrates and people wo wanted to would brin a lare table and a blunc of medicine for donations. and there where tones of demonstrations like ow to make simpson oil.

Yes people will get fucked up but for the most part people know went to tapout lol.