JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help


Well-Known Member
Well, not quite pure, about 10 percent coarse vermiculite and I use popcorn as spawn. But no exotic mixtures. My best crops come from straw suplemented with 10 - 15 percent castings and 5 percent cotton seed meal.


Well-Known Member
If the side if a cap looks like it has a bruise, a dark colored contusion that seems a bit softer than the rest of the cap, is that contaminated?


Well-Known Member
Just ate the 2 large caps I used for spores prints along with a nice big fleshy stem. first time eating undried mushies. here we go....


Well-Known Member
Trip was very mild. I'm sure I didn't eat enough. I really need a scale so I can know what size dose I'm taking.


Well-Known Member
indeed a scale would help ;) wet mushrooms are really about a tenth of there wet weight, so eating 80 grams of wet mushrooms is about 8 grams dry, although slightly more potent fresh


Well-Known Member
The problem is that these gems are not consistant in potency. Has anyone any information on the variations in potency depending on the flush?


Well-Known Member
Ive got to admit, the thought of chewing up 60 grams of wet fungus is not terribly appetizing. I probably munched down about 20 and I could think of better things to chew on ;)

I'll probably stick to dry when I want to "Blast off"

I did have a nice talk with my wife about the nature of the universe while she rubbed my chest and arms before sleep finally took her from me. My beautiful wife is not much of a psychonaught herself, she did acid a couple times when she was a teen and a bit of E, but she supports me in my quest to connect the universal dots. She may try a mushroom trip in the future though. She has stated a small curiosity that may blossom into the actual desire to cross over. Time will tell...


Well-Known Member
4th flush on the Nexus cake had these two mutant heads on it. They look cancerous.. almost like little tumors. Are they ok? I assume they are, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

On another side note.. I am about to order some MHRB and I'm wondering what is better, powdered or whole bark pieces? Anyone familiar with the spice enough to cast some advice?


Well-Known Member
Those "tumors" you see are most often the result of the cap touching petrochemicals of some sort there is a term for it that I just can't recall. At least I it looks sort of like that. Usually you see some of the gills turned out through it.


Well-Known Member
Those "tumors" you see are most often the result of the cap touching petrochemicals of some sort there is a term for it that I just can't recall. At least I it looks sort of like that. Usually you see some of the gills turned out through it.
I was thinking maybe the same, Lysol maybe, though maybe just a mutant. My Panama clone always has a huge bunch of mutants every first flush.