I've gotten a taste for opiates...


Well-Known Member
what your not understanding is naloxone will probally save u but junkies no it also steals your high. i no this might not seem right to most but remember your not hooked on dope. u would never get that needle of naloxone in me when i was usin


Well-Known Member
Definitely seems like a consensus on this one. From personal experience, DON'T even get started. The wd's are horrible and even when clean there is always that temptation....be smart bro
Oh dear. My first post here and a thread I thought may be enjoyable. How wrong can one man ever be? More vitriol than I have seen on any forum, and I visit a lot. Not a single person pointed out that we smoke weed in the full knowledge that the smoke contains mucho very nasty stuff, many carcinogens, and is proven to be quite toxic to the CVS. Heroin on the other hand, only has one drawback - it is addictive. But you have to WORK at achieving a bad addiction, unlike with cocaine or methamfetamine, probably after tobacco and alcohol the worst drugs on the planet. Heroin causes little or no damage to any tissues or organs of the human body and is quite a benign drug. The fact that it is illegal is the cause of every problem associated with it, most especially the stuff it's cut with by greedy dealers. You would have thought the USA had learned from the 1920s and booze that prohibition makes everything worse. Bathtub gin is a good analogy for the heroin sold in the US, which is generally of the poorest quality in the world. But opium is what we were discussing. Like marijuana, a herbal gift from the Gods. Clean and pure when boiled, filyered and evaporated. Everything in moderation, opium can give the user the most beautiful experience. Somehow the actual title of this thread ended up forgotten by page 2!
I refuse to condemn anybody for their life choices, being a libertarian as 99% of tokers here are, and I expected Americans to be also. But no. There does not even, with a few notable exceptions, even an attempt at understanding the allure of the poppy, which has given me some of the most beautiful experiences of my life. And to the marijuana fascists, it is patently obvious that the most desirable stuff, the famous balls and bullets from Nepal which have a mixture of around 80% hashish, the finest cannabis in the world, and 20% opium - until the fad for Dutch strains of bud with unnaturally high THC levels, makimg it actually rather unpleasant to those of a certain age, reared on Lebanese Red and the finest Moroccan hash. The opiated Nepalese may have been twice the price of the best Leb, but was worth every penny, and sadly, likely the result of the current difficulties of bringing the odd few ounces home through Customs, common in the 70s, almost impossible now


RIU Bulldog
Think I'm playing with fire?
Nah dood 4get these guys!
Opiates are the SHIT!

Six years from now when you're horribly addicted, broke, jobless, friendless, stuck in a rut, going nowhere, in line at the methadone clinic or a quivering/shaking/screaming/psychotic mess in rehab for the 4th time cause you promised her you'd never do it again.
What's the first thing you do after spending 7-10 in rehab?
You find yourself some opiates baby! And why? Cause you love opiates more than you love your mom/gf/bf/familiy/whatever.
Stop it already, genius.


Ursus marijanus
Oh dear. My first post here and a thread I thought may be enjoyable. How wrong can one man ever be? More vitriol than I have seen on any forum, and I visit a lot. Not a single person pointed out that we smoke weed in the full knowledge that the smoke contains mucho very nasty stuff, many carcinogens, and is proven to be quite toxic to the CVS. Heroin on the other hand, only has one drawback - it is addictive. But you have to WORK at achieving a bad addiction, unlike with cocaine or methamfetamine, probably after tobacco and alcohol the worst drugs on the planet. Heroin causes little or no damage to any tissues or organs of the human body and is quite a benign drug. The fact that it is illegal is the cause of every problem associated with it, most especially the stuff it's cut with by greedy dealers. You would have thought the USA had learned from the 1920s and booze that prohibition makes everything worse. Bathtub gin is a good analogy for the heroin sold in the US, which is generally of the poorest quality in the world. But opium is what we were discussing. Like marijuana, a herbal gift from the Gods. Clean and pure when boiled, filyered and evaporated. Everything in moderation, opium can give the user the most beautiful experience. Somehow the actual title of this thread ended up forgotten by page 2!
I refuse to condemn anybody for their life choices, being a libertarian as 99% of tokers here are, and I expected Americans to be also. But no. There does not even, with a few notable exceptions, even an attempt at understanding the allure of the poppy, which has given me some of the most beautiful experiences of my life. And to the marijuana fascists, it is patently obvious that the most desirable stuff, the famous balls and bullets from Nepal which have a mixture of around 80% hashish, the finest cannabis in the world, and 20% opium - until the fad for Dutch strains of bud with unnaturally high THC levels, makimg it actually rather unpleasant to those of a certain age, reared on Lebanese Red and the finest Moroccan hash. The opiated Nepalese may have been twice the price of the best Leb, but was worth every penny, and sadly, likely the result of the current difficulties of bringing the odd few ounces home through Customs, common in the 70s, almost impossible now
I have no experience with unrefined opium, but a good bit with the purified, standardized opiates and opioids. I will disagree that heroin and its other potent congeners have only the disadvantage of addiction. The drug has a peculiar depressant effect when you take it long enough: it bleaches all ambition, capacity and sense of beauty from the user. This is not often discussed because it is difficult to express in clinical terms.
I also didn't have to work at becoming an addict. Once I made the decision to use the drug for its high and not purely to treat prn pain, the die was cast, and I just sort of slid in like liver off a cutting board. cn


Well-Known Member
Heroin on the other hand, only has one drawback - it is addictive.
Oh, wow. Really? Because I'm pretty sure it's also CUT with baby laxatives (or else the purity would kill you) and other dirty shit. It helps you get AIDS (because of the needles and the kind of people you end up with when using them all the time) and makes you more likely to use needles in general. PLUS it's addictive, which has some CRAZY repercussions. You can't act like addiction is a lone problem, it causes a multitude of problems.


Well-Known Member
Oh, wow. Really? Because I'm pretty sure it's also CUT with baby laxatives (or else the purity would kill you) and other dirty shit. It helps you get AIDS (because of the needles and the kind of people you end up with when using them all the time) and makes you more likely to use needles in general. PLUS it's addictive, which has some CRAZY repercussions. You can't act like addiction is a lone problem, it causes a multitude of problems.
wait...did...did I just like one of fins post? What is happening!?


Well-Known Member
Think I'm playing with fire?

Yes I got that taste a long time ago when I toyed with only 10 grams of good strong opium. Tried to ration and enjoy the new drug, but the pull was strong, wanting more after every wee puff. Worse than potato chips :). Luckily I did not have easy access to more.

match box

Well-Known Member
Opiates have always been my drug of choice. I started using Heroin at 17. I thought what a great thing I don't feel nervice the knot in my gut was gone. It came back with a vengeance going through w/d. Over the years I've used methadone and suboxon(can't get correct spelling) to help with w/d but just going right to w/d leaves a stronger impression that has helped me to control the addiction. For some reason the obsession it's so strong as I've gotten older.


New Member
opiates are my drug of choice.The tar here is such expensive garbage that the lure is gone.I'd give my left night for a quick trip to 133 st and Amsterdam in NYC


New Member
..You can't act like addiction is a lone problem, it causes a multitude of problems.
The biggest problem with addictive drug use.. is when you can't find or afford more drugs. Take it from me.. a Suboxone patient, and addict who used to spend $100 a day on the bad stuff.. telling yourself that moderation is key, telling yourself that it's only occasional and that you are in control, and telling yourself that it can't happen to you.. that was me. I am a perfectly logical person and consider myself to have above average intelligence, I'm very tech savy, and a responsible person who is in control of my own life. I'm a homeowner and part of middle class America, I always think things through, and have a knack for discerning when I am making a bad decision usually beforehand. But still.. not understanding the power of the addiction, and not expecting to not to be able to control the situation.. I myself got sucked in. I was always in control I told myself.. and I was. Until I didn't have any one day, and felt the powerful hell like tug, the dangerous pull to the other side of the table. I could not go that one day without it. I tried.. it was a nightmare. I fought it like I have never fought anything before. One week without sleep later.. and not exaggerating at all one bit.. an entire week without a single minute of sleep.. skin turns yellow.. throwing up just while trying to get through the day to day routine of life.. and all those hours that dragged on feeling like months.. time slowed down.. every few minutes you relish in how horrible it is, and how fucked you are. What can you do about it at that point? You can use again.. or you can get on methadone or suboxone, if you're lucky to find a treatment center that will help you.. otherwise your local hospital will let you sit in the detox wing so you can just suffer there. It's not fun. It was not worth it one bit.