I've gotten a taste for opiates...


Well-Known Member
the pharma drugs are probably more widespread than heroin and meth use

"hey its doctors drugs, what could go wrong, doc drugs are after all so much better than real drugs"

I don't think so.

The people broke on the streets aren't paying $2-5 a pill, they're paying $10-20 a "." (Point)


Well-Known Member
Pills are more for children and house wives...

And men in the city/suburbs...

MAYBE some in the country...


New Member
finshaggy.............sso.................... u guys need to drive past the homeless shelter get your heads straight..........drive past the needle exchange ..............drive down the street w all the hookers................. it sounds like maybe u have both tried the opiates but your not stronger than the opiates u might think so and thats where it starts ............once a month turns into once a week and one day u wake up and the beast is hungry ................ u will be so fuckn sick the thought of living without it will make u want to kill yourself ...........in your head u will know all u have to do is a lil more .................................................................................one more thing theres no way prescription opiates kill more people than the H .........


New Member
if u believe everything the government tells u ..........your a fool............how many of those prescription overdoses were people hooked on the H trying to get well.................... im going to guess half


Well-Known Member
if u believe everything the government tells u ..........your a fool............how many of those prescription overdoses were people hooked on the H trying to get well.................... im going to guess half
The numbers are there, think what you want. It's a lot easier to get a hold of Oxycodone then it is heroin.

And when you try to insult some one at least use the correct spelling. *you're

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Take one LARGE step back from the opiates and stay with Ganja. It's a good, simple little buzz and it isn't really addictive.


Well-Known Member
Perks lead to oxy, oxy leads to heroin, heroin leads to death prostitution and jail. Ive seen it happen but You have free will if this sounds like fun


Well-Known Member
I know they aren't opiates but I was conducting an experiment on myself with taking a buncha different workout supplements (18 in all) everyday for several weeks. My results were staggering but after 6 weeks I started noticing difficulties breathing, so much so that I went to the hospital because I literally stopped breathing. It fucked me up and still to this day (almost 2 years later) when I take anything the problems come back. Mix that with anxiety and it's not a fun ride.


Well-Known Member
cannibeer , what planet do u live on? so as not to get into a pissing match with u i,ll say that we agree that we stearnly disagree with eachother peace brim


Active Member
Yeah and where people can't obtain H pills are prevalent. To the OP, if you've decided against using opiates as many above suggested, I know its not similar in effects but start smoking bho if your looking for a more euphoric high. Sometimes the globs are so big I "lean" in place for hours at a time, my favorite :D


Ursus marijanus
cannibeer , what planet do u live on? so as not to get into a pissing match with u i,ll say that we agree that we stearnly disagree with eachother peace brim
I am interested in knowing how and why you sternly disagree with me. Since I am forewarned, I'll be gentle. For a polar bear. ;) cn


New Member
I smoked weed, was instantly hooked. I tried ecstasy, bought 10 pills, ate them all in 2 days and was disgusted with my self, yet I still buy it when I'm offered. Although I love weed, I learned my lesson, don't do drugs.