iPhone Weigh Scale - An idea I thought of when I was baked [pic inside]


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Staff member
Ok guys, so I am an industrial designer/mechanical engineer and thought of a concept and wanted to get your feedback on it. Its basically an iPhone weigh scale that connects to your phone or any smartphone via the headphone jack and can weight up to 100-250 grams.

Its in the rough concept stage, but thought I would throw it out there and get everyones thoughts on it.

Post your comments below!

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ME you say LOL. Scale and phone? Any self-respecting EE would use the accelerometer on it... I'm sure there's a way.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ME you say LOL. Scale and phone? Any self-respecting EE would use the accelerometer on it... I'm sure there's a way.
Well indeed, you just take a rod under the centre of the phone and use it like a balance, the accelerometer will act as your spirit level to tell you when the weights are equal. For the accuracy and ease of use though it would rather make sense just to spend a couple of quid and buy a digital scale from amazon.


Well-Known Member
Cop stops you with a scale in your pocket....questions are asked.

Cop stops you with a flat piece of metal and an iphone.....go on your way sir


New Member
No deal

But seriously I thought the idea was good, but there are some good points you'd still be carrying what can be identified as a scale and there is an app already (don't know if it works) but u get the picture