how much longer till my girls finish the seedlings stage?


Active Member
"maybe u can help me?"

I think so. What we are really talking about here is pot size and transplanting. The bigger the pot the seedling goes into, the longer it takes to get to real vegging. I put new seedlings into solo cups until the plants are taller than the height of the solo cup. Takes about 2 weeks. Then they go into a 7-inch pot that is 3/4 gallon and usually get topped or FIM'd at this point. When they reach 12 inches or so they go into their final pot, somewhere between 1 1/2 to 3 gallon pots.

Your problem is that you likely skipped the first couple transplantings and put the seedling directly into a large pot. That's why it is taking so long to see above ground growth. In smaller pots the roots will "bottom out" much quicker and start vegging. By transplanting 2 or 3 times you take advantage of the fact that the roots have to be established before much growth is seen. Next time try TP'ing early and often.

Good luck, BigSteve.
So you are saying pot size is the issue that is causing extremely slow growth (1-2 sets in ~30 days?).........

If what you were saying was the case, then it'd be impossible for cannabis to survive in the wild. They'd only grow roots. Grows like would be impossible. Using tractor buckets to dig your outside holes would be absurd....

The only times I personally have had this slow growth was from trying to use local clay to start a seedling outside in off season. The light was so dim, and media was so wrong, the first set took 4-6 weeks, then a buddy ripped it out...
I started seedlings recently in 1 gallon pots as thats all I had, and four weeks later they are almost rootbound (7-10 more days for a solid matting of roots up the sides like in solo cup). They have been slow because of the extreme root growth, but they all had ~7 sets by the end of week 3 with ~250w of t5. Temp has been a bitch to control and humidity has varied often, averaging 60% thankfully.

Im all for transplanting early and often, but its pure insanity to think thats the reason. You said yourself the roots grow at the same rate as the leaves. I find that roots grow much faster than leaves. But just because roots take off doesnt mean all other growth is slowed to a stop. They do the same stretch/height thing as a solo cup in 1 gal, it just takes exponentially longer..

I think im with thechemist77 on the bad seeds idea.
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