How do y'all think Im doing on my first grow? day 10 of 12/12 (pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I'm growing 4 plants right now which are mostly all different sizes. I got 1 feminized 8 week old NLXskunk, 2, 3 week old LA ConfidentialXSkunk which both showed their sex today and are both female :lol:bongsmilie:eyesmoke: :lol: , and 1 1 month old KushberryXskunk which has still not definitively shown its sex yet but I think its gunna be a female cause I had another one of the same age that showed its sex already and it was male

Soil: FFOF
Nutes: AN Iguana Juice Bloom
Light: 2 26 watt 6500k bulbs, 2 27 watt 5500k bulbs, 2 42 watt 2700k bulbs and 1 68 watt 2700k bulb. Altogether that's 258 watts of well positioned CFL's and the inside of the rubbermaid bins are nothing but mylar.

On the big plant there are about 8 equal budding spots because I LST'd and I topped. The other 3 I'm just hoping for big colas and maybe a few bonus popcorn buds.

What do you guys think> How am I doing? Any pointers or suggestions? ALso, I hate to be the guy to ask this as I know the answer is very uncertain, but does anyone have an estimate as to what I might harvest?


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i like the light setup. i cant say how much youll yield or anything but it looks like your on the right path. i would recomend getting a mother room and flowering from clones. it speeds up the whole process. flowering really short clones is better than lanky seedlings in my opinion. especially with cfls


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses. Purplephazes, that number really excites me. I've been shooting for an ounce even though I know I'll get more so I won't be disappointed.

Bud Nugbong, I've never heard that a clone will actually flower faster than a small plant, but that idea interests me. Honestly, if I were under different circumstances I would try taking clones and using your advice but get this. I'm 18 and pulling off this grow under my parents' nose. They're not oblivious to this shit either. I've just done so much research and made it so stealth that I've been able to pull it off. (Just looks like 2 rubbermaid bins sitting there (no smell, no light leaks, in the sketchy basement). I'm going off to college in September and this is the only grow I'll be able to complete untill then.

Anyway, any more predictions as to what I might yield? You might get +Rep like these two guys


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses guys and +Rep for all (if you wanna send it back that's cool with me ;)

Mygirls, how much does the lower humidity affect your plants in early flower? Its at 40% now down from 60 during veg. Also, how can I lower the humidity without a dehumidifier.

Any more predictions on yield?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the lower the humidity the less moisture in the room, means less chance of molds or meldews. it also helps make the buds harder.
i use fresh air andheat to maintain my humidity..
yield is hard to say.


Well-Known Member
If you just watered with the space you have you should be ok, just make sure you have plenty of air coming in and out of the cabinet and you are ok otherwise you will start to get mildew on your plants


Well-Known Member
whats up jr22? nice lookin grow growing the L.A.CONFIDENTIAL X SK 1 as well as the OG18 XSK 1 and MANDALA'S SPEED QUEEN. the og18 cross turned male and went outside,but i am planning on using the pollen to cross with the others .the l.a. conf x skunk is female and has been on 12/12 for 3 weeks but the speed queen still hasnt turned ,thats good tho i think its gonna be a bitch,ive been wanting to smoke some shit from mandala bad.i havent smoked the la confidential b4 either.the kushberry x sk1 was was only 16 inches tall and started from 12/ had one huge cola that weighed 35 gams wet and had about 10 popcorn buds ,killer smoke.sorry dawg i got to ramblin about my own shit im on pain meds that make me talk forever ,good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
whats up jr22? nice lookin grow growing the L.A.CONFIDENTIAL X SK 1 as well as the OG18 XSK 1 and MANDALA'S SPEED QUEEN. the og18 cross turned male and went outside,but i am planning on using the pollen to cross with the others .the l.a. conf x skunk is female and has been on 12/12 for 3 weeks but the speed queen still hasnt turned ,thats good tho i think its gonna be a bitch,ive been wanting to smoke some shit from mandala bad.i havent smoked the la confidential b4 either.the kushberry x sk1 was was only 16 inches tall and started from 12/ had one huge cola that weighed 35 gams wet and had about 10 popcorn buds ,killer smoke.sorry dawg i got to ramblin about my own shit im on pain meds that make me talk forever ,good luck bro.
Yo it is alll good. I ramble too when Im high. Seems like we're doing alot of similar stuff. When my other KushberryXskunk turned male, I put it outside as well just to experiment with outdoor growing and see how often Id have to check on the plant if I did a guerilla grow. I'm really hoping my KushberryXskunk turns out female. it even sounds like a sick strain...Kushberry yum. You got any pictures of your grow that I could check out?


Well-Known Member
100_3238.jpgdude i havent took any pictures since my last grow my camera fell in the river last month,i100_3136.jpg might try to get my bros so i can post some.heres my last 2 girls the date is totally off i never got the chance to fix it100_3237.jpgthe plant with the arm in the picture was "chronic" from serious that was some stank and yielded 3 oz wet, a lil over an oz dry .the plant in the green pot was white rhino i had to give it to a friend because of the my wife trippin but i did get a half oz. off the plant and it was fookin knock down and got me high like when i first smoked


Well-Known Member
That's too bad about your wife not approving of the wholeweed thing. Either way, you had a nice looking plant there. Also gives me an idea of the correlation between the size of the plant and the yield. Thanks bluesdad, I'll see you around these forums.

Anyone else have a yield prediction?