Glucose Tabs, and flushing pot....


Well-Known Member
I have Type 2 Diabetes. As I was having a small fit the other day, I reached out for my glucose tabs. These tabs are grape in flavor and quickly inject needed glucose into your system when your blood sugar is low.

Some place (High Times maybe) I was reading about adding a supplement during the flushing stage, such as sweet leaf. The idea is to allow plants to live on even after all nutes have been cut off, just like the packs you get with fresh cut roses to keep them from dying right away... The are basically carbohydrates right?

So as the diabetic stoner I am, I was wondering if disiolving glucose tabs and adding them during the flush would help provide basic sugars. The tabs do contain citric acid for taste, so I figure you will need to PH balance them first in a water solution..

Is this just a crazy idea, or may it work.

Glucose tabs are cheap, and come in multiple flavors. What do you think the outcome would be?