Gas Prices...Canadians ripped again


Well-Known Member
as an american I have about $6000 in medical debt. seems like americans are always getting screwed in that aspect compaired to differant countries. it is what it is. here in MI gas is $1.68/ gal and is proclaimed to be the nations lowest. maybe If you had guns, gas would be cheeper.
There are way more guns per person in Canada than the us so there goes that theory.


Staff member
having lived in now both countries
the gas is not cheaper always it depends where you live

now look at where cheap ass gas is, and look at their min wage there.
most americans get 5-9$ in min wage,

geez i wonder why everythings "cheaper"
in alaska the min wage is almost at par with canada and the gas is almost the same price as canada, along with food and commodity items.

it just depends where you live, when i live next to michigan the prices were a few dollars "cheaper"

as for hospital bills in america you get insurance its stupid and canadian health care that doesnt cost money is by far a more superior plan of action
but the people who have 30k hospital bills are people who are too stupid to grow up and be an adult and pay 10$ a month for insurance.
theres also subsidized insurance for people who live in poverty.

still its a stupid system and health care should be free, but its not as widely dramatic as us canadians thought /think it to be

this thread is not being moved to politics because the politics section seems to only be about america, anytime a canadian thread is posted in there it just goes and dies to page 50 so i allow the canadian patients to speak politics

that being said no name calling, its unneeded


Well-Known Member
Sorry Sunni. Everything leads me to the political side of things which you did a great job explaining. Thank you for that.


Well-Known Member
guns is the answer to everything. canadians have no sense of humor aye. pain pills are cheep in the US also even without insurance just sayin


Well-Known Member
Why gas prices piss of Canadians is because most of our oil gets sold to the us and then they refine it and we buy it back for three times the price.
Same as our lumber and to a lesser degree fresh water.
Nothing personal friend, buddy or guy

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Saw a CBC Market Place piece last year about the difference in prices for the same products in the US. It was just as I thought...we get ripped just because they can.


Well-Known Member
That is why we got bitches sucking dick for 5mg hydrocodone. Fucking stupid ppl.
thats because its expensive to get more than what your script is for if you can get a script in the first place. $4-$5 a pill for 10mg norco. ppl are fuckin stupid doing that shit