Flushing???? +rep


Well-Known Member
Spanishfly, if you don't agree with the majority on here then find a new forum. All you keep doing is moving from one thread to another disagreeing with people, that's not helpful.
Sorry, I have to AGREE with a load of naive kids who spout what they have READ and what my experience has told me is not correct? No way, José.
Anyway I rather like this forum. Have a nice day 420God. Hey, he calls himself a 420GOD !!!!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Well then you can benefit from what you've learned through your own experience but maybe other growers are using nutes that do need to be flushed.


Active Member
I have used tobacco since i was 14. I have never smoked decent grade weed that was as harsh as the premium ciggs i smoke...take a cigarette apart sometime...they dont care about quality..as long as they get the nicotine in there. Bad example. Also is that tobacco grown indoors with as strong of a nutrient concentration as possible? tobacco farmers like corn and everything else never give as much care as we give what we grow.


Well-Known Member
That's why there are different quality and potency MJ out there. People that don't flush and have seeds grow swhag. Usually grown for speed not quality. We that take our time, flush and care for our plants have sinsemilla or nugs, smoother and tastier.


Well-Known Member
I have used tobacco since i was 14. I have never smoked decent grade weed that was as harsh as the premium ciggs i smoke...take a cigarette apart sometime...they dont care about quality..as long as they get the nicotine in there. Bad example. Also is that tobacco grown indoors with as strong of a nutrient concentration as possible? tobacco farmers like corn and everything else never give as much care as we give what we grow.
imma jump in now. tobacco isnt grown in hydroponics and is a rotating crop, wtf would you flush it? i flush mine but i use super concentrated dynagrow and monster bloom at a huge 7-62-36. the smell of nutes makes me gag and i can taste that shit if i dont flush. if you use little nutes, might not notice, i use a f ton and adjust ph based on the nutes i want it to take in at that time. oddly if i add too much i can raise the ph so i doesnt absorb as quickly. so mine are sitting in a very rich solution. but ya know what, spanishfly, if you like the way your smoke taste, then great! i just wont be smokin with you lol.


Well-Known Member
That's why there are different quality and potency MJ out there. People that don't flush and have seeds grow swhag. Usually grown for speed not quality. We that take our time, flush and care for our plants have sinsemilla or nugs, smoother and tastier.
Sorry, I make sure I don´t have seeds - in fact only ever grow feminised nowadays. I take great care in drying and curing my bud, it is beautifully smooth and my clients love it. I find, however, that flushing is a total waste of time.

OK, we will have to agree to differ - my experience has shown me that flushing makes no difference whatever. After a series of experiments.

On the other hand we have a load of people who have READ that flushing is the way to go, have never tried any compaisons, and insist anyone who doesn´t go along with them must be wrong.

Others reading this must decide for themselves.

But the main proponents of flushing are indoor growers, who only get a few grams per plant. Outdoor growers who get a pound a plant often can´t flush at all as their plants are in the ground - doesn´t bother them though.

OK, nothing more really to say in this thread. I know what works for me. Have a nice day folks.


Well-Known Member
and 420 god is an f-in god man, i saw him with the elves after some spice smokage. he had this huge crown of buds and dreads of blunts the elves were smokin. lmfao! im too damn high lol


Well-Known Member
"it is beautifully smooth and my clients love it. I find, however, that flushing is a total waste of time."

you just anwsered everyones question about if you grow for the highest quality or for your "clients"
i find if i dont flush, i have to wait more than 3 months to get rid of the chlorophyll.


Well-Known Member

You are being quite the hypocrite, aren't you? For someone complaining about kids having an 'I'm right, you're wrong' attitude, you need to check yourself. It is possible to voice your opinion without yelling that everyone else is incorrect, and then additionally making fun of a poster's name. Talk about child's play, my friend.

You are just as annoying as the people you claim to despise. After all your raving, I'm not convinced of your view, however. I HAVE done side-by-side comparisons and had multiple testers of my flushed and non-flushed results. Flushed being the victor unanimously. This technique is valid. Not because I READ it somewhere, but because I experimented... Just like most of the other pro-flusher KIDS here on RIU.

Like you said earlier, I guess we have to agree to disagree. But do it with some respect, please.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm not very scientific. i read a lot and try to experiment as much as i have funds for but a scientist i am not. so forgive me if i am about to ask a silly question. if the issue for the anti-flushers is that (besides alleging that it's pointless) you are depriving the plant when it needs food the most, what would be the issue with using a low-ish dose of ready-to-be-consumed organic fert during the flush? organic compounds should not contribute to fert buildup. i suspect it has something to do with the chems in the dirt not letting the organics do their thing, but if you are flushing that stuff out does it matter? like maybe alternating between something like big bloom and heavy flushing for the last 2 weeks. is it silly?


Active Member
I believe if your organic you don't need to flush at all. Is that right anybody? i heard switching nutes mid cycle isn't the best idea...could be wrong...like i said i heard it...


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's silly at all, my friend. I've heard of flushes being done with a regulated lower dose of nutes being used with success. But success really is in the eye of the beholder when flushing is concerned, as evident here in this thread. I've never used organic nutes, but I would love to hear your flushing results if you give it a try. It seems like an extremely plausible hypothesis to me.

In response to your statement of depriving the plant of food during flush when it needs it needs it most... In my experience when I am about to flush the plant is near completion of its life cycle and is in essence, dying. During my flush/non-flush experiments, the difference in yield was negligible. But as with all grow ops, they are all unique with drastically different outcomes. But hey, I'm no trained botanist, just a hobbyist :D


Active Member
I don't think it's silly at all, my friend. I've heard of flushes being done with a regulated lower dose of nutes being used with success. But success really is in the eye of the beholder when flushing is concerned, as evident here in this thread. I've never used organic nutes, but I would love to hear your flushing results if you give it a try. It seems like an extremely plausible hypothesis to me.

In response to your statement of depriving the plant of food during flush when it needs it needs it most... In my experience when I am about to flush the plant is near completion of its life cycle and is in essence, dying. During my flush/non-flush experiments, the difference in yield was negligible. But as with all grow ops, they are all unique with drastically different outcomes. But hey, I'm no trained botanist, just a hobbyist :D
well put....correct me if i'm wrong please...doesnt the plant produce all the way up till it peaks with an ideal window of only a few days? but the most common recommendation is flush for 2 weeks...if all of that is true then it seems only logical to me that flushing that long would take away something it needs during the final swell...im just a hobbyist as well lookin for answers like everyone else


Well-Known Member
well put....correct me if i'm wrong please...doesnt the plant produce all the way up till it peaks with an ideal window of only a few days? but the most common recommendation is flush for 2 weeks...if all of that is true then it seems only logical to me that flushing that long would take away something it needs during the final swell...im just a hobbyist as well lookin for answers like everyone else
I'm sure you are correct that there is a perfect sweet spot, and I do my darndest to calculate the best time to flush before harvest as not to let the ladies go too far before flush or let them go to long without any nutes at all. It's all a gamble, I guess. To combat a total loss of nutrients I add molasses during my flush which gives them a bit of carbs for the micros, Ca, Mg and K that staves off total starvation. It supposedly helps with the 'final swell' but with my experiments the difference with flush w/ mol. and flush w/o mol., again, the differences were negligible.

All I can say with total conviction that flushing certainly improves flavour and smoothness in my situation. All the variables in everyone's unique grow affects everyone's outcome differently. But it works for me.

There's always two answers to every question ;)


Active Member
I'm sure you are correct that there is a perfect sweet spot, and I do my darndest to calculate the best time to flush before harvest as not to let the ladies go too far before flush or let them go to long without any nutes at all. It's all a gamble, I guess. To combat a total loss of nutrients I add molasses during my flush which gives them a bit of carbs for the micros, Ca, Mg and K that staves off total starvation. It supposedly helps with the 'final swell' but with my experiments the difference with flush w/ mol. and flush w/o mol., again, the differences were negligible.

All I can say with total conviction that flushing certainly improves flavour and smoothness in my situation. All the variables in everyone's unique grow affects everyone's outcome differently. But it works for me.

There's always two answers to every question ;)
ive had two harvests on using botanicare cns17 nutes...not an experiment or anything in fact nowhere near even the same strains. the harvest without flush the smoke kind felt like minor chemical burning on my tongue an tore my throat up...the one using flush was a very big difference. much smoother an no burning sensation. maybe the flush is most needed for synthetic nutes and not so much organic since organic is a natural source. my flush is florakleen and it says to only use it for a day or two...mine normally get 4 or 5 days tho just to be sure.molasses? u mean like the kind u get in the grocery store? I've heard molasses many times but didn't know what anyone was referring to but i also heard that u have to have beneficial bacteria to make that work. is that true?