Fish Fert Question

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
probably not. I'd look into an organic soil mixture like super soil or some dry organic fertilizer like happy frog or something.


Active Member
If you have a good strong soil, I don't see why that wouldn't handle most of what you need. Less can often times be more, as the lack of nutrients will cause the plant to excrete compounds that cause your microherd to solubilize the nutrients it needs more. Plants are pretty amazing, I'd recommend feeding less at first as it's much easier to f' up your first time around by dumping a lot of things in it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with 1337, but I'll add that in my opinion a "good strong soil" is soil that has lots of organic matter in it.


Well-Known Member
Yep it is all about the soil. It is expensive for good stuff but you can reamend and reuse it.


Gathering soil mix ingredients having difficulties finding some stuff but still looking.
I picked up a bag of Composted Sheep Manure for tea, can I add this to the soil or is it too harsh ?

this is where I'm at, a few more ingredients to get:
All-purpose Soil (fer free) 1.5 cu ft (horticultural grade sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite, peat sedge
and compost)
Organic Soil 0.12-0.09-0.06 …1cu ft
Blood & Bone Meal 7.7.0
Dolomite lime
Epsom Salts (mag sulfate)


Well-Known Member
soil only carries you so far, you need aact to break down whats in the soil, and fert teas to replenish.