

Active Member
I see this come up quite often, what fertilizer should I use, what is the cheapest fertilizers. Alot of time I see people buying expensive fertilizer when they would not have to be. Now this recommendation is for growing in soils ONLY, any hydro growing is a completely different scenario.

For starts most people live within a drive of some type of farm coop, maybe you will have to drive a couple of hours, but it will be well worth the drive to get good cheap fert..

Now before I start I want to touch on the organic side also. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, etc.. are all the same, if somebody says I derived them from different plant materials or petroluem, they are still NPK.

Now to get in to my recommondation and the prices.

These are going to be listed in # or gallons per acre at first then I will break it down afterwards. This is a set for my corn crop but will easily transfer to veg and flower of MJ. I quarentee that if you use this you will grow a tree.

For the first start of a plant, I use just straight potting soil with nothing in. When it gets to the first true leaves I use a weak mixture of Miracle grow after 2nd and 3rd node use full strength Miracle Grow once every week.

When time to transplant here is what I use in the soil.

304#/acre Urea 46-0-0
115#/acre 11-52-0
42#/acre 0-0-60 in the form of potash
90#/acre 24-0-0-28 in the form of ammonium sulfate(AMS)

So the final analysis of this is 174-60-25-25
How did I get that?
304# of 46% urea equals 304 * .46 = 139.8#N
115# of 11-52-0 equals 115 * .11 = 12.7#N, 115# * .52 = 60#P
42# of 0-0-60 equals 42 * .60 = 25#K
90# of 24-0-0-28 equals 90 * .24 = 21.6#N, 90 * .28 = 25.2# S

Add up the N= 139.8+12.7+21.6=174
Add up the P= 60
Add up the K= 25
Add up the S= 25
Just that easy
I also use some liquid 10-34-0 and zinc 6-0-0-10 but for ease I am just going to leave out because these are so hot and can burn very easily.

So adding up the total gross #/acre you would get
304+115+42+90=551#/acre An acre is 16.5 feet by 1/2 mile or 2640 feet
So an acre = 16.5*2640 or 43560 sq feet.
So 551#/acre divided by 43560 sq feet = .0126# per sq feet.
So 16oz/#, .0126# per sq ft * 16oz per # = .21 oz per sq ft of this fert. mixture

Now for the interesting part, this is a complete fert. by far than what you will find anywhere. Micro Nutrients are pushed but many soils allready have these, and by watching your plants if you see something you can correct as you go.

Now the price, this is going to shock you. At current fert. prices this will cost you
around $155 to $160 per acre.
So we will use $170 to be long $170/43560 sq in an acre = $.004 * 100 =

.40 cents per sq ft

Thats right one time a year .40 cents how is that for economical.

Now dealing with coop fertilizer places just tell them this is what you want for a mix, tell them your fertilizing your garden, take a 5 gal pail along, fill it half full and you have plenty for years to come. Make sure to keep it dry and out of sunlight. Perferably covered.

Be careful with it, because you can burn a plant very easily, just use the recommended amount only.

Hope it helps any questions fire away.