Easy Chicken


Well-Known Member

mouth orgasms

and tabouli salad to top it off


tommorow morning i have an appointment with Mr. toilet:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok expect a rep after ya taste it!!!Cut the chicken up,i toss the wings to my dogs if youre skillet isnt big enough put baack the breasts and cook em like stoney said.1 large skillet,olive oil or veg oil will work.Pour oil into skillet approx 1/4 from bottom.let it warm the oil at med high.Season the chicken with tonys or just salt and pepper,Fill the skillet with the chicken 1 layer only ,no peices on top of each other!!!!brown each side slightly and let simmer[so you know its done all the way after the next steps.add garlic and onion,and add about two joints worth of sugar to the top of the chicken cooking turn heat up til chicken starts to stick to skillett.add cold water and it will deglaze the skillett making an awesome gravy.cook a few more mins covered and its done,i swear with rice youll be walking like a fuckin duck from eating so much peace:mrgreen:
Um, you need to put that up as an actual recipe, please. The deglazing step isn't quite clear in my head because if you're putting in 1/4 the total pan depth of oil, that's a hell of a lot of oil to deglaze through.. ain't it?

And what the heck do you mean "two joints worth of sugar"? How much sugar is that? :lol:


Well-Known Member
What, high chicken you say?
Well seamaiden imagine one joint worth of weed,now do the same with sugar twice times.......:mrgreen:
Ok, now I have to go roll a fucking joint, dammit! :D That's about a tablespoon... I'm guessing. I don't roll joints, how would I know? :lol:

Yeah, I just might hit you up my friend, just might hit you up. I'm damn curious about that chicken, and we cook lots of chicken here.


Well-Known Member
Im serious youll love it.I have friends who refuse to cook so ill make it for them.Even had to make abot 5 chickens worth for the bigwigs at shell oil!!!somebody offered me a chef job there,i told em that it doesnt pay as much as an engineering job so no thanx!!!!got an offer the other day 25,000 sign on bonus.think im calling them back monday,looks like i will be overseas all winter!!!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
you want a chicken recipe?It looks terrible...it's bad for you.But it is so fucking good. I can't find the original recipe, so I'll do it off the top of my head...... Get four chicken breasts
1box stovetop chicken stuffing
One ten ounce colby jack cheese
1 can cream of celery
Green onions or scallions
1 clove garlic
Brown the chicken and cook through in olive oil,set aside....use the same pan,add a finely chopped clove of garlic,and the white part of as many scallions as you like.Cook a few minutes, then make the stuffing according to directions in this pan.Crack open the can of cream of celery, and add about2/3 to the finished stuffing.stir it in.Thin with a shot of milk if necessary.Shred the cheese, and add 3/4 of it to the stuffing...stir until melted.Chop the chicken up, add to the mess, stir till covered, let sit on low five minutes, top with remaining celery soup, cheese and the green parts of the scallions.MMMMMMMMM.


Well-Known Member
you want a chicken recipe?It looks terrible...it's bad for you.But it is so fucking good. I can't find the original recipe, so I'll do it off the top of my head...... Get four chicken breasts
1box stovetop chicken stuffing
One ten ounce colby jack cheese
1 can cream of celery
Green onions or scallions
1 clove garlic
Brown the chicken and cook through in olive oil,set aside....use the same pan,add a finely chopped clove of garlic,and the white part of as many scallions as you like.Cook a few minutes, then make the stuffing according to directions in this pan.Crack open the can of cream of celery, and add about2/3 to the finished stuffing.stir it in.Thin with a shot of milk if necessary.Shred the cheese, and add 3/4 of it to the stuffing...stir until melted.Chop the chicken up, add to the mess, stir till covered, let sit on low five minutes, top with remaining celery soup, cheese and the green parts of the scallions.MMMMMMMMM.

I will be trying this soon:joint:

I learned to cook when i started becoming serious about lifting and reallized i needed to completely change my diet and started cooking healthy. (meat) it never stopped after that:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
theres nothing wrong with carbs, its all about timing, when your eating them, get that down you cant eat so much and not gain a pound:mrgreen:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, wish I had time to think about when I'm eating....around here, someone always got their hands in your food, or wanting something...gulp it down and get to work!:mrgreen:
theres nothing wrong with carbs, its all about timing, when your eating them, get that down you cant eat so much and not gain a pound:mrgreen: