Easy Chicken


Well-Known Member
Just leave it where it is and turn the broil setting on but watch it closely as that shit gets hot and will burn quick.


Well-Known Member
Have ya cooked it yet????Was gonna give ya a cajun recipe called sticky chickin youll gorge youreself trust me....let me know,im a cajun chef....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Do it this way:

Preheat oven to 450F.

Whole chicken, get out your kitchen shears and cut out the spine (don't worry, you CAN cut through those little chicken pelvises!).

Lay out flat on foil covered pan. Open the bird's carcass up, season (best and easiest) as Kosher salt & pepper, and ONE herb of your choice)

Drizzle with oil, and have on hand either wine, water, beer, or broth to add as it bakes, just in case it needs some liquid at the bottom. You're gonna roast it to start for about 45 minutes. Make sure that the juices from the thigh run clear before taking it out, better to overcook than undercook, so whole hour in the oven should just give you better skin.

God gave us chickens and that means he loves us, or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Have ya cooked it yet????Was gonna give ya a cajun recipe called sticky chickin youll gorge youreself trust me....let me know,im a cajun chef....:mrgreen:
Shit, I bet we'd have some recipes to share! You ever make beignets? My husband's never had them, has no idea what they are (NOR how good they be). Mmm.. maybe I should make some tomorrow for breakfast.


Well-Known Member
Do it the way I just told you and you won't need to heat up the broiler to get that good skin. But you've gotta do it the way I told you!


Well-Known Member
Ok expect a rep after ya taste it!!!Cut the chicken up,i toss the wings to my dogs if youre skillet isnt big enough put baack the breasts and cook em like stoney said.1 large skillet,olive oil or veg oil will work.Pour oil into skillet approx 1/4 from bottom.let it warm the oil at med high.Season the chicken with tonys or just salt and pepper,Fill the skillet with the chicken 1 layer only ,no peices on top of each other!!!!brown each side slightly and let simmer[so you know its done all the way after the next steps.add garlic and onion,and add about two joints worth of sugar to the top of the chicken cooking turn heat up til chicken starts to stick to skillett.add cold water and it will deglaze the skillett making an awesome gravy.cook a few more mins covered and its done,i swear with rice youll be walking like a fuckin duck from eating so much peace:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok expect a rep after ya taste it!!!Cut the chicken up,i toss the wings to my dogs if youre skillet isnt big enough put baack the breasts and cook em like stoney said.1 large skillet,olive oil or veg oil will work.Pour oil into skillet approx 1/4 from bottom.let it warm the oil at med high.Season the chicken with tonys or just salt and pepper,Fill the skillet with the chicken 1 layer only ,no peices on top of each other!!!!brown each side slightly and let simmer[so you know its done all the way after the next steps.add garlic and onion,and add about two joints worth of sugar to the top of the chicken cooking turn heat up til chicken starts to stick to skillett.add cold water and it will deglaze the skillett making an awesome gravy.cook a few more mins covered and its done,i swear with rice youll be walking like a fuckin duck from eating so much peace:mrgreen:
ok so to make sure, enough oil to fill the pan up a quarter of the way?

I already added some lemon juice and a few various herbs already

do i add the sugar before it goes in or when

this is overwhelming:cry:

so i wanna do 450 for 45 as opposed to 350 for 90?

thanks again guys:joint:


Well-Known Member
If youre makin the sticky chickin its on top of the stove .sugar comes after its been browning alittle.1/4 in of oil in skillet not a quarter of the skillett ,thats bad for you.....


Well-Known Member
well i made it with same salad

i will post a pick because of the incredible-ness of this meal:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thank you!!!

it was with your help!!!!

cooking is so damn rewarding

and it gets you wifey ass:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Oh, women are TOTALLY impressed by a guy who cooks. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, either. ;)