Door to door christian, have a date, need help.


Well-Known Member
it just seems like to me, why do it, why be a dick and try to ruin someones faith? why ? i think you have some anger , you want to ruin his faith because "God" ruined someone FOR YOU, you have some serious anger and resentment from your life when you did have faith. so you wanna ruin it for everyone else.
If thats NOT the case and you simply just like to be an ass and argue ..than youre an ass, grow up and go back to playing your video games, throw out your highlighter, youre not going to "prove" anything to someone that devoted to their religion, and why you have a bible int he first place i have no clue since youre an atheist but you might as well throw that out too

I have never met an atheist like the one described here, someone who is 'mad at God' or someone who has some kind of resentment towards religion because they found out it wasn't real. Atheists don't believe in God, it wouldn't make sense to be mad at one and decide not to believe in it because of that, right? You're mad at it because it isn't real, it isn't real because you're mad at it? Circular

I can't speak for Z, but myself, I think you're right about the anger part, I am personally angry at much of the world over organized religion, but that doesn't lead me to want to ruin anything for anyone else. In fact, it's the contrary, I want to.. well, wanted to, show people what is true and make life better for them and for me and for everyone. I say wanted to in past tense because now I'm a pretty cynical person and don't really care what happens to people I don't have some kind of personal relationship with. It just becomes too bad for your mental health.

Also, I don't know how difficult it is to see it from an atheists perspective, but saying it's hopeless is an understatement. I went from believer-agnostic-atheist over the course of 3-4 years, during that time the mentality just becomes defeated. You try to do something a million different ways and nothing works... eventually you just give up. Messing with a couple believers might be seen as tasteless by a lot of people, but it's not going to affect their faith

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
so you just like to argue? ...kinda dumb man, do something else with your time lol

yup youre right people convert all the time, chances are though a door to door christian , mormon , or whatever is not going to be swayed that easily
and WHY why put the doubt there? to "free" them?
maybe zaehet will convert back ? but you probably didnt think that did you because youre only seeing 1 side of it

you atheists are like vegans, stuck up fucking know it all assholes. you guys think youre so fucking right, all the time , just leave the damn door to door christian guy alone. :roll:
Why put the doubt in there? Maybe because their belief system is a total load of horse shit and you are trying to steer them back to reality, back to the place where you need evidence and logic to support a belief? Maybe zaehet will convert back, but I seriously doubt it. He hasn't been indoctrinated with "atheist propaganda" or anything. As far as I can tell he has the same information in front of him that me, you, and those door to door assholes have except he has already made the correct choice.

You sound so out of whack with reality. All atheists are stuck up know-it-all assholes? Whatever, you are a close-minded prick. Leave the door to door christian alone? I hope you see the irony in that stupid statement.


Staff member
Why put the doubt in there? Maybe because their belief system is a total load of horse shit and you are trying to steer them back to reality, back to the place where you need evidence and logic to support a belief? Maybe zaehet will convert back, but I seriously doubt it. He hasn't been indoctrinated with "atheist propaganda" or anything. As far as I can tell he has the same information in front of him that me, you, and those door to door assholes have except he has already made the correct choice.

You sound so out of whack with reality. All atheists are stuck up know-it-all assholes? Whatever, you are a close-minded prick. Leave the door to door christian alone? I hope you see the irony in that stupid statement.
i actually dont believe in god , and im far from close minded, but Z is being an asshole. he is just trying to do it for self amusement,.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
atheists are assholes its the truth (at least the majority i know). ill say it most of them will do anything to spite someones faith just because the OP even stated hes doing it for self amusement

ill say it again hes just doing it to hurt someone he'll gain nothing but frustration arguing with someone who isnt going to change and same is said for the person trying to tell him about god
I too have met my fair share of "asshole athiests".

They seem to think they have life figured out. Instead of using reason and kindness to convert others to their way, they tend to try to berate and insult the "unenlightened."

Then you have asshole "christians", who in my opinion aren't very christian.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Self amusement, yes, i think it will be fun. But maybe, just maybe, there is a small chance that when i show them personally with the bible i have, all of the hatred that is written in the book that they choose to believe, they may actually stop and think about it, and start to question why they choose to believe in a book that condones slavery, rape, and genocide.

They look about 16, that is how old i was when i seriously started to question everything that i have been taught from the day i could even think, the doctrines that were force fed to my mind.

It will be fun in the sense i will be able to show another human useful information about a book that they have probably not read through in it's entirety. Fun to see the reactions they give when they see all the evil that has been written in that book, evil in which they are supposed to fallow, according to the book.

There may still be a chance for them to shrug off deluded thinking and make a life of their own, rather than basing it on a book that promotes some of the most evil things humans have ever done.

Maybe they will start to ask questions, maybe they will shrink back into the box of faith their parents have made for them... regardless, maybe i can help... maybe i can't, but at least ill have a good time while i do it.

To everyone who thinks im a dick, im not going to be, im always nice... if i hadn't been nice to them they wouldn't want to come back to see me. I treat everyone with just as much respect as they treat me, i just have some questions to ask them... that may make them feel a little uncomfortable when their blanket of faith is being tugged off of them.



guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i actually dont believe in god , and im far from close minded, but Z is being an asshole. he is just trying to do it for self amusement,.
You are closed minded. You are the one stating that neither will change their views. You are the one discouraging a cordial debate simply because they have different view points. You are the one making sweeping generalizations about specific demographics.
King james lmmfao his version rotfl wake up the passage turned you off is god cause that's what it was meant to do study on the people whole re written the bible...


Well-Known Member
King james lmmfao his version rotfl wake up the passage turned you off is god cause that's what it was meant to do study on the people whole re written the bible...
Personally if god does exist, i shall be negotiating a new contract for myself
you can carry on like the fawning worshiping slave you are

i have bigger plans ! LOL



Well-Known Member
Ok, now I'm confused. Why do all the threads get interesting when I stop paying attention to them?

Tyler, I'm sorry if I did something to run you off. I noticed we weren't friends anymore, lol. :sad:
I know I post a lot and haven't really had much to add to the philosophy threads lately, so I don't blame you.

Zaehet, you're an a hole, lol.

Here is something I was thinking about today though and I'd be interested in hearing you guys' thoughts.

Many, if not most, Christians are taught to see the world as a horrible, defiled, negative, hopeless place. For people like me, the world became a much brighter more beautiful place when I realized there was no god. But if a Christian or any other religious person came to this realization, do you think they would cease to see the world as a horrible place? It seems to me like many of them hold onto their beliefs BECAUSE the world seems so hopeless; they cling to the last bit of hope they can see. Maybe some people aren't ready to let go of their empty faith. Maybe there needs to be a cushion layed down for them so they don't have to worry about the transition. They first need to see that the world is not a horrible place before they let go of that which, in their eyes, is the only beautiful thing in existence.


Well-Known Member
atheists are assholes its the truth (at least the majority i know). ill say it most of them will do anything to spite someones faith just because the OP even stated hes doing it for self amusement

ill say it again hes just doing it to hurt someone he'll gain nothing but frustration arguing with someone who isnt going to change and same is said for the person trying to tell him about god
all neitz does is argue with people he wants to be right all the time, he will do anything to try and fucking argue with someone i know because i have to every one of his posts every day and how he acts towards others, hes in so much of defensive mode from politics that he brings it into whatever thread he goes too...
I think you take things personally that weren't meant as personal attacks. You'll find that most people with philosophical interests do enjoy a good discussion/debate; some may call it an argument, but you'll find that there is usually no ill will regardless of how heated it gets. It's not that I have to be right, but that I yearn to be right regardless of whether my original sentiments were correct or not. I can/will/and do change my mind when I am wrong and am not ashamed to do so. When people question things, it's not them saying you're unreliable or untrustworthy- it's them wanting to get to the bottom of it, understand it better, and perhaps make sure it is true before they believe it. Skeptical people are just that way. A lot of times we come off as a holes, but it's just a desire for intellectual integrity.

And when doing something to spite someones faith, it's not being arrogant, it's trying to break through to show people that they are wrong (at least in our eyes). They are free to argue back and if they provide a sound argument for it... hell... I bet everyone of us would believe in a god if we were convinced that one exists. Right? (like if you agree)
(sorry, I rambled a bit there)
We are trying to break through to them and engage them in discussion, but sometimes the shell is so thick and impenetrable that a little force is required to get through to them. Zaehet, is not the type to hurt anyone intentionally. I think you're misunderstanding the situation. and again.. I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier. It wasn't my intention. And I do apologize.


Staff member
I think you take things personally that weren't meant as personal attacks. You'll find that most people with philosophical interests do enjoy a good discussion/debate; some may call it an argument, but you'll find that there is usually no ill will regardless of how heated it gets. It's not that I have to be right, but that I yearn to be right regardless of whether my original sentiments were correct or not. I can/will/and do change my mind when I am wrong and am not ashamed to do so. When people question things, it's not them saying you're unreliable or untrustworthy- it's them wanting to get to the bottom of it, understand it better, and perhaps make sure it is true before they believe it. Skeptical people are just that way. A lot of times we come off as a holes, but it's just a desire for intellectual integrity.

And when doing something to spite someones faith, it's not being arrogant, it's trying to break through to show people that they are wrong (at least in our eyes). They are free to argue back and if they provide a sound argument for it... hell... I bet everyone of us would believe in a god if we were convinced that one exists. Right?
(sorry, I rambled a bit there)
We are trying to break through to them and engage them in discussion, but sometimes the shell is so thick and impenetrable that a little force is required to get through to them. Zaehet, is not the type to hurt anyone intentionally. I think you're misunderstanding the situation. and again.. I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier. It wasn't my intention. And I do apologize.
quote me in the thread it was not in here . all youre doing in here is trying to boost yourself with your friends who all are in this section you choose this section to try and discus this when it was original in random jib dont sway the issue away from where it started so you can "have back up"
what i said to Z has nothign to do with what i said to you, and are actually days apart from eachother.


Well-Known Member
Hey, NK! I had no idea that our friends status changed, but we don't need a stinkin' pc to grant us that status ;) I didn't even know you could de-friend someone. Please send me with another request and I'll accept it. Your insight above is interesting, I've noticed the same thing myself: it seems that religious people do tend to see themselves, and the world, in a negative light. 'The world is a pit, and we are lowly, sinning creatures in need of salvation and forgiveness'. But that is part of the attraction of religion, for if everything were fine in your life and you were happy, what would be the need for it? It seems most people not active in their religion become so only after something horrible happens, you don't hear about many lottery winners rushing back to church. This is also demonstrated in the belief of Armageddon, most of the christians I know cannot wait for the rapture for the world to be destroyed and for their suffering to come to an end. I love life and this planet, and to me that is the greatest nightmare. I wouldn't want to subscribe to an ideology that celebrated my own destruction, seems perverse...


Well-Known Member
I feel you misapprehend me Sunni. I thought the sentiments in your two comments were comparable and congruous, so I decided to address them as one; and to use one to illustrate the other. I don't know that these people are my friends, but they are certainly more sensible and cordial when it comes to allowing the straightening out of a miscommunication; It's a totally different crowd from politics which usually IS fighting and name calling exclusively; plus the politics crowd wouldn't have understood my previous comment. I don't expect back-up here. Not a single person here would side with me because of who I am; as you've pointed out, this is not the politics section. Hell, Heisenberg disagrees with probably 80% of what I believe.

The reason you think I'm always in defense mode should be quite apparent... if you look at the tone in which you usually respond to me.


Well-Known Member
I feel you misapprehend me Sunni. I thought the sentiments in your two comments were comparable, so I decided to address them as one; and use one to illustrate the other. I don't know that these people are my friends, but they are certainly more sensible and cordial when it comes to allowing the straightening out of a miscommunication; It's a totally different crowd from politics which usually IS fighting and name calling; plus the politics crowd wouldn't have understood my previous comment. I don't expect back-up here. Not a single person here would side with me because of who I am. Hell, Heisenberg disagrees with probably 80% of what I believe.

The reason you think I'm always in defense mode should be quite apparent... if you look at the tone in which you usually respond to me.
I debate politics on 2 other boards but I HATE the political section on this one. The lack of moderation and the flame wars are just too much. No one can have a decent debate there without getting drowned out by the hardcore ideologues and trolls.