Dogs and or not?


King Tut
Lol. Out of my 4 dogs, the two bigger ones will follow me around when i smoke. They like the smell i guess. They'll sniff my second-hand smoke but if i actually blow it their direction they turn away.

The two little CHEWuhauhas, however, love when i'm trimming and processing bud because a nug or two will inevitably drop off the table or tray and they snatch that shit right up lol. The messed up part is after an hour or so, they are so stoned they can't even stand. Swaying back and forth, tongue hanging out of their mouths, skittish, ears laid back, etc. i do my absolute BEST to keep it away from them because it just doesn't look fun at ALL to me but i'll be damned if they don't grab more every time they get the chance.

Fucking little thieves ;)

EDIT: The two little dogs might weigh 8-10 lbs combined. Teacup chihuahuas.


Well-Known Member
I had two dogs over the years that ate joints. They both got stoned to the bone and slept very very hard. I called the vet the first time and apparently it's pretty common for dogs to eat weed.


dogs eat grass, cat poop, other animals poop, scraps off the floor, more grass ,spiders, birds, anything you name it doesnt harm the animal

my friend and i baked chocolate pot brownies once and my friend hid them under his bed in tupperwear, his dog is a medium sized dog anyways the dog chewed through the tupperwear and ate THE WHOLE PAN of brownies we made, the dog was fucking stoned as we know it so i disagree with the statement above us she couldnt walk her eyes were like a china mans, she was so high his mom was like wtf you give the dog and hes like she ATE all my chocolate weed brownies, anyways the dog slept it off for like 12 hours

edit : i dont condone people who get their animals high animals are naturally attracted to smell when they sniff a flower they dont go oh what a pretty rose smell they go oh this has been here this peeded here this bumbleebee landed here, so for people to say my animals like to come around when i get high so i blow smoke into their face i dont agree with it since dogs have like 150 more smelling things in their nose (not sure what its called lol) then we do so they dont just smell pot they smell a lot of different things and dogs and cats by nature are very curious animals
It's the chocolate!!
The Weed had Little to Do with It.
But, too much of the chocolate (not the weed) will slowly poison the dog, and exibit high-like states.
Because of many un-educated explainations about the weed edibles consumed by dogs...
Those that were taken to a vet, was told (probably by the vet) that it was the weed.
Most people would probably automatically accept that... based on the human consumption results.
But in actuality, all those stories that claim weed consumption, were all 'chocolate' edibles.
Try making canabutter, make some garlic-toast, then it's not chocolate.
Observe what behavior the dog does without the chocolate... Then you'll know.


Well-Known Member
Dogs are like people. Only some like getting high. My chihuahua gets too stoned when sitting in my lap she gets all goofy and retarded. My pit and terrier absolutely love cannabis they just get the super munchies.


Well-Known Member
It's the chocolate!!
The Weed had Little to Do with It.
But, too much of the chocolate (not the weed) will slowly poison the dog, and exibit high-like states.
Because of many un-educated explainations about the weed edibles consumed by dogs...
Those that were taken to a vet, was told (probably by the vet) that it was the weed.
Most people would probably automatically accept that... based on the human consumption results.
But in actuality, all those stories that claim weed consumption, were all 'chocolate' edibles.
Try making canabutter, make some garlic-toast, then it's not chocolate.
Observe what behavior the dog does without the chocolate... Then you'll know.
yea chocolate is toxic to dogs.


Well-Known Member

I read the whole thread and did not find one fact on cannaboids and dogs.

I saw a bunch of hypothetical responses and some facts about chocolate and eatables.

Yes chocolate is poisonous to dogs, FACT. Yes dog's and cats have eaten chocolate and survived. (Had several trash diggers myself)

I know science has tested THC on rats and they do have receptors so one can assume all mammals do.

I would really like to see some supporting evidence on dogs and cannabis. They are one of the closest mammals to us. It would make sense that they have Cannaboid receptors. It exhibits in their behavior when ingestion.

Think about it if your world is a 3,000 sq foot plot; and you one day feel really weird. You'd shiver, piss yourself and lose balance too. That's nothing new for side effects. We are just aware of our decisions and anticipate it with excitement. We know what we are doing they don't.

I've been researching this subject for a while now my childhood dog "Whiskey" is nearing 15 years and has several tumors growing on her body. I am curious to know the possible benefits to heal some of these tumors and give her a more comfortable life.

Here are some interesting links one sounds like torture though.\Pharmacology of Cannabinoids.pdf

Toxicity (Cut from above)
The median lethal dose (LD50) of oral THC in rats
was 800–1900 mg/kg depending on sex and strain [51].
There were no cases of death due to toxicity following
the maximum oral THC dose in dogs (up to 3000 mg/
kg THC) and monkeys (up to 9000 mg/kg THC) [51].
Acute fatal cases in humans have not been substantiated. However, myocardial infarction may be triggered by THC due to effects on circulation [52, 53]. This is unlikely to happen in healthy subjects but in persons with coronary heart disease for whom orthostatic hypotension or increased heart rate may pose a risk.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
My wee boarder Terrier called Winston is mental. Got him baked and he becomes the most calm dog imaginable. So what ever you imagine him to be, he's calmer. I also have a wee Jack Russel called Dudley or as we call him Deaduels. He is calm, very calm. He doesn't like the smoke, makes him sneeze. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I've heard it'll kill them if they have just a small amount so I keep mine away from it...
I had my 70 lb pit lui find a brownie stash there was only two left but he ate them and was on a spiritual journey. He would walk and then his back legs would fall out from under him, he was baked.

i called around and had a vet tell me that 20 lb dog would have to eat over 100 grams for it to b an issue. He told me just do what you do when u get to stoned for him. So I just left him alone with some food and water he was baked for over a day. Funny thing is when he first ate it he looked like he felt real good he was running around all hyper and stuff. About an half hour after that his looks were of fear he didn't what was goin on. Poor pup!


Active Member
My lil morkie always comes to the room when I light up, and the kitten follows her :P whether they get high or not, I don't know. Maybe they just like following me...


Ursus marijanus
My wee boarder Terrier called Winston is mental. Got him baked and he becomes the most calm dog imaginable. So what ever you imagine him to be, he's calmer. I also have a wee Jack Russel called Dudley or as we call him Deaduels. He is calm, very calm. He doesn't like the smoke, makes him sneeze. Thanks.