Dimming options for 4 hlg-185h-c1400b


Well-Known Member

If you are always going to power all 4 drivers simultaneously, the easiest and cheapest option is a 25KΩ pot resistor, I beleive. I'd also go for a linear vs log and multiple turns for precision, but any 25KΩ pot should work just fine, from what I understand, maybe someone will confirm ...

According to Meanwell specsheet :
(100KΩ/N N=4) = 25KΩ

100KΩ for 1 driver, 50KΩ for 2 and so on ...

Hope this helps.

Edit : Check SDS's post here : https://www.rollitup.org/t/meanwell-led-drivers-3-in-1-dimming-function.838760/
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Well-Known Member

I don't know how I missed this little thread. I have never seen that analog converter before. I was looking and I think that the converter could even be used on a typhoon controller to make it work with hlg drivers. I could be wrong on that part though.

Anyways...If you go to the maker site(Coralux)...they have a 10v pwm converter too. Same as the analog pretty much, but makes a pwm signal instead of just straight analog voltage. But both should work great to make the storm compatible with a HLG.

I ordered the storm and the PWM converter with 2 day shipping...I'll update this when I get it up and going.


Well-Known Member
...storm + storm 10v converter + hlgs ....wow... nice combination... posible?..
...they said...
---We want to make sure that it is compatible with your drivers--- are compatible with hlgs?...

GG where is the thread? ....subbed...

....maybe i missed something....what analog converted you talk?.....

...pic its only for example or ideas....

...a mystery for me... the diferences on analog version to an pwm version

---The 10V Converter is available in Analog or PWM flavors depending on your dimming scheme---
...analog version?...i need more info about that... maybe some photo...

pd... an storm controller its basically an arduino + lcd 16x2 + rotary encoder + rtc with baterie + button....
...but with arduino + lcd 16x2 with bottoms (or a touch tft) + rotary encoder + rtc with baterie + pca9685 module ... maybe you can play with stormx code too... ...with few modifications... or maybe not... ...maybe its only other crazy idea mine... and with a mega you have more space for code modifications...;)

pd2... other great question... ....its about old ferduino controller...can ferduino controller work with HLGs drivers or other 3 en 1 meanwell dimming functions drivers...

.....ferduino controller + storm 10v converter (or similar) + HLGs.... its possible?... how?....

...maybe i am only dreamming again... ...ferduino...cobs... change pwm function by a dimming on resistive way with 1 rele for on-off and 10 reles with respective resistor ....10 levels of power without pulsed light... yeahhh dreamming again...

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Well-Known Member
The typhon from Steve's led has 10v and 5v outputs so it might work then.

Seems all the converter does is provide a 10v signal?

The storm looks nice.. I didn't see that until I already got the typhon. Otherwise the extra 20$ is alright if you need more than 4 channels


Well-Known Member
typhoon SL + storm 10v converter + hlg?... other nice thread?... ...where?...


--- Seems all the converter does is provide a 10v signal?---

...maybe you ask ....seem all controllers does.....???...

.....maybe im too stoned again...

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Well-Known Member
If you want to be able to switch off the power of each driver individually, and use a potentiometer to dim, you would have to use a separate 100K pot for each driver. But if all four will always be powered on at the same time, you can use a 25K pot (or slider or multiposition switch)


Well-Known Member
...ok supra... ...potenciometer way its an analog way... manual way... and economic way too....

...me and greengenes talking about automated ways with arduinos ... he talk about use pwm for dimming.... and i about maybe a crazy way on dimming with resistors and reles and arduino...

...a way more complicated.... but for some persons... more fun... learning to do some new things... monitoring more datas...etc...

...avance on moving... stay in only manual its ok... but if want more ... you can use arduino for monitoring independent from your manual sistem... monitoring or controling other things..etc...

...but maybe only few persons here liked the automated arduino way...

...a few few threads about arduinos and cobs... only my modest and inexpert opinion off course... maybe am only the one person here that i like too much these things... maybe i must open a thread about my questions or examples or ideas about arduino + cobs... or arduino for control or monitoring a grow tent or an greenhouse... maybe other talking alone thread mine....

...ive learn others how to... without buy nothing... buying and constructing learn more of course...

...time to infusion....

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Well-Known Member
I hear you man, plenty of cool things to do with automated dimming. I just wanted to add that info because it caught me by surprise when I wired four drivers together with separate power switches. The issue may apply to the other dimming options as well but I have not tested that.
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Well-Known Member
Dimming using a rotary switch ....

Another simple and low-cost dimming method is the 12-pole rotary switch ...
View attachment 3211296

Along with that ,12x resistors ( 1/4 Watt ) are needed ....

Underneath ...
View attachment 3211297

..the first pole should be marked as "1" .( the square hole on the pic .)

R1 is the Low Limiter ....

R1+R2+R3+...+R11+R12 = 100K Ω / Ν

For example .
Io_max of driver = 2100 mA

If_min of COB is 350mA and If_max is 2800 mA.

4 Drivers should be dimmed simultaneously..

Thus R1+R2+R3+...+R11+R12 = 25KΩ

Ιο_min should be 350mA ...

350mA is 350/2100*100= 16.66% of Io_max ...
For a single driver LowLimiter should have been 16.7 K Ω .
For 4x drivers is 4.2 KΩ .
R1 = 4.2K ..closest resistor is 4.7 K ..
18.8% of Io_max = ~395 mA

Posistion 1 is set at ~395mA ...

(For exact limit set R1 can be a 10K small trim pot ,Wiper with either A or B connected
View attachment 3211320)

25K - 4.7 K = 20.3 K

20.3 K / 11 = 1.845 K

View attachment 3211334

1.8 *10 = 18 K
18 +4.7= 22.7 K

2.3 KΩ are missing ...

Resistors R2 to R11 should be 1.8 K
( 2100 *0.018 *4 = 151.2 mA steps )
R12 should be 2.4 K
(2100 *0.024 *4 = 201.6 mA final step )

Set currents :

1_ 395 mA
2_ 546 mA
3_ 697 mA
4_ 845 mA
5_ 1000 mA
6_ 1151 mA
7_ 1302 mA
8_ 1453 mA
9_ 1605 mA
10_ 1756 mA
11_ 1907 mA
12 _ 2109mA

Note of course ,you can set an 'upper limit' also ,or
of course calculate the resistances needed to get another
"pre-set " scheme like :

1_ 350 mA
2_ 550 mA
3_ 700 mA
4_ 850mA
5_ 1000 mA
6_ 1200 mA
7_ 1300 mA
8_ 1400 mA
9_ 1600 mA
10_ 1750 mA
11_ 1900 mA
12 _ 2100mA

( Do the math ,by yourzelvez ..:P...).
...my crazy idea substitute the rotary swiitch with reles and the correspondent resistor...

...one rele for on off the driver ...
...and other reles with correspodent resistor for 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,and 90% ... 100% are the led drived on ON posisition and OFF position are led disconected or driver off....

on this pic we see the resistors on the driver datasheet

...check the resistance values... for diferent power level... maybe need extra pcb or circuits ... im not an expert on electronics ...but...

...i think its doable ...but im inexpert and maybe i dont see others problems...

my way is possible and doable?... maybe i stay touching an ear and i cant see the total elephant
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Well-Known Member
I got it all hooked up(plug and play) and working great. I haven't got to see the sunrise and set, but dimming control is precise. I will probably get a thermocouple now too. I suggest getting at least 1 jumper cable, and the case for the controller. I am going to flush mount mine inside my housing, so I passed on the case, but in retrospect, kind of want it.

My hlg's won't dim totally off, so integrating the power to the controller from you fan supply instead of a separate one is a good idea, the controller will still keep time and do the sunrise/set when it's supposed to with a regular timer. But if they went to full zero, you could just use the storm as a complete timer. There's probably a way to make that happen with a relay on the driver AC's.

Anyways, so far I am very pleased.


Well-Known Member
...maybe a video?...

...for thermocouple way ...some modification on code... not?

...but i saw coralux use the storm with an thermocouple and amplifier 31885 and outputs to control an Solid State Rele (or rele way...;)) ...indicator led and a transistor to drive piezzo buzzer too... for control one reflow oven...


...but i dont see the modificated code on public... sorry..

...link and pic are only for examples or ideas...

...one question about storm controller... its possible program one storm (or one typhoon) with one simple arduino board and some wires?... i think yes but maybe im wrong...

...maybe i saw similar way...

http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Examples-2-Use-an-Arduino-as-a-FTDI-Progr/ ;)

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Well-Known Member
oooo....whattt?... why?... how?....

...sorry about that... :?

...maybe need a modificated converter for the HLGs.... but i dont know if this converter can go with only with LDDs 1000 mA... ...actually the LDD limits are 1500 mA.... ...maybe coralux share more info... dreaming again...

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Well-Known Member
oooo....whattt?... why?... how?....

...maybe need a modificated converter for the HLGs.... but i dont know if this converter can go with only with LDDs 1000 mA... ...actually the LDD limits are 1500 mA.... ...maybe coralux share more info... dreaming again...

It was all my fault. I had a "fuck directions" moment. Nothing for coralux to worry about. Just make sure you plug it in how it's supposed to be, and aligned with the right pins.


Well-Known Member
...coralux disegns fails a bit too.... they can use one plug sistem for evitate this.... ...one adecuate on the converter side... on the storm side the connector its correct ... for my pov ... the incorrect its the plug in the converter side...

....its only my modest opinion... off course...
