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    I saw your DIY led grow thread , I am planning to do growlight myself for a month. The plan and idea was started to do with 100 pieces of osram oslon ssl ( 60 red 30 blue 5 wwhite 5cwhite) Then all the cob posts and grow out there changed my idea to 5 cob (4 x 3000k 1 x 5000k but not the cree one , only cobs I afford cheap samsung LC040B)

    please tell me your view about my ongoing plan ? what should I do ?
    Hello bro Positivity. I see you using ledil reflectors. What kind of degree they are? The holder is also Ledil?
    ledil reflector, ideal holder, ledil reflector adapter.Have used 52 degree and 90 degree reflectors. Without getting all into it there are situations where I can see either reflected or not being preferable. Bjb has the nicest all in one holder/reflector system I've seen but I was never able to try them due to availability
    Hope you're doing well man. Miss you around.
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    Doing well, thanks gg. I'm out for now for obvious reasons. Can't be endorsing bad vibes..
    Anyway, I'll be back eventually. Too much commercial theory, jockeying, yada yada right now anyway. Don't really find it very interesting. Miss all the discussions with the normal heads but the journaling I was doing was incredibly time consuming. I needed a break from growing, forums, everything...
    Take care all...@ gg, sal, scotch, hy, sds, gd, psua,chroni....and everyone else that was able to hold a conversation about leds without being a badass idiot behind a keyboard
    bro Pos... im back to silence mode... its not fun ... without masters or brothers...

    ...my best wishes for you... stay in safe... i tried sds talking to you... but you know...

    ...cuidate mucho un abrazote...

    ha ha ha the timing of that was perfect, you just couldn't stop your stumpy little troll fingers could you.
    keep racking them up. please... you are making good entertainment for us all here.
    just to say hi! & keep that 'hard copy' very handy eh? did you also not know that his forum has some pretty good lawyers over here and there as it is Californian based.I guess you didn't do any research on that matter then eh? so, slaunder,,, you VS the-led-growroom.com & all of its associates.?
    at least your brave,,,,, but very stupid aswell I will admit.
    let it be known to all that your forum has threatened violence and ratting out peaceful med patients. you are the epitome of scum in the world
    Wanted to keep your 200w thread clean so posting here
    I have not seen a DIY with anodized heatsink. Read here anodizing does not make much difference for active cooling.
    May be 4-8% better cooling not worth playing with strong chemicals. Any thoughts of anodized DIY
    Good luck with your new light.
    Thanks. Will post a new thread for this tomorrow.
    Will see if I can test this after my current test but haven't done anodizing yet.
    Currently for next 3 weeks i am testing kitchen herbs under 10w red/blue epistar vs 10 watt Philips 3000k luxeon strip.
    Anodized parts are more of a surface treatment to prevent oxidation.it looks cool but IDK if it will enhance thermal conductivity.....i work with all kinds of metals and they do vast quantities of anodized parts in all colors. If u need some done at a good price I might be able to run them thru at employees cost......
    Thanks Nasty
    What kind of reflectors are you using in your avatar? Trying to figure out what would be best for my new CXB3070 light. I already have the ideal holders and found the adaptor for the LEDiL reflectors so just tyring to see what others here like.
    Ever used the LEDiL Stella lens on a 3070? If so, how does it mount?
    Nope..did look a little at it. Think it was scotch has a set of them, you should ask him. Seems to need a special mounting technique to mount correctly. The tightish beam will need some headroom..
    Hi Positivity. Newbie here so I can't personal message yet. I hope you don't mind me asking you a question on diy led lights here. My question is if my 3 watt red 660nm leds have the DC Forward Voltage VF: 2.2 ~ 2.6 Vdc in the data sheet and I want to use 20 of these in my build. Do I take 2.2 x 20, 2.6 x 20, or split it down the middle and use 2.4 x 20. Thanks for any advice you can pass along.
    You could probably just go by the high number. That usually follows current closely so you could check the datasheet to see what the estimated vf will be with your chosen current. if you need a closer estimate that would be best.
    Ok I will go with the higher number. I'm trying to make two led lights with 660nms, 620nms, 730nms, 460nms, 420nms, and white 6500k leds. Using a constant current driver with output: 36V-65V 600mA +/- 5%. Thank you very much for the help!
    Hi, do you get any benefits from 4h of 50W UVB in your grows? thanks.
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    Haven't run any tests to prove it but i'm a firm believer in it. I won't run my main garden without it anymore
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