Recent content by Positivity

  1. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    I just saw this so id like to reply here. This dudes not welcome here in this thread ...FYI.. Just informational purposes So...this guy is obviously part of the quantum rape and molester club How nice. So special. Have a good day. I got up to there and stopped reading. I'll finish it later...
  2. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    You know I can't go there in this climate. Not good enough in the end. Most satisfying indoor bud I had recently was a cmh bud Happy Sunday. Look back the past few pages and watch out for the molesters
  3. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    Just a quick stop by to say Good Morning I had new york chowder soup for breakfast with my coffee. its rainy so it'll work. Gotta get something in the belly otherwise the multis don't sit well. Be sure to check page 55 when your bored going to listen to some reggae now and fix my water...
  4. Positivity

    The beautiful human anatomy

    what a day You're right. i made a lot of new friends yesterday I can't wait to meet. Nice ass btw
  5. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    Ahhh.what a day for exposing the trash of the industry ya know I cant change the world in a day. but i can expose the fuck out of some scumbags that deserve to get stretched a couple inches if anyone wants to give me a map to this guy Id be really appreciative But id probably thank him too...
  6. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    Lead astray? You freaking clown. This thread is devoted to leds from page 1 Go fool someone else
  7. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    Welcome to my thread If that's the case you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about It doesn't change your view on molesting now does it Now get the fuc out pleas. you support molesters Trash
  8. Positivity

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Who even uses the word molester but a fukn molester You get bonuses for that kinda thing
  9. Positivity

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    this joke will fit well here. this guys got jokes. finds molesting people funny be sure to buy your leds from the quantum guys actually i will leave because i could really give a shit about this thread but scrubs like you ill stay. you think molestation is funny punk
  10. Positivity

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    awww so ya take molesting seriously. i bet you hide your identity really good huh. your tough behind the screen
  11. Positivity

    DIY led grow

    aww yeah the bullshit is thick molestation jokes from your favorite LED vendors let that shit soak in
  12. Positivity

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Im waiting funny guy tell me how funny molestation is tell me how funny body shaming is go ahead punk
  13. Positivity

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    so who gets deleted now the molester or the guy calling out the molester
  14. Positivity

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    actually i will leave because i could really give a shit about this thread but scrubs like you ill stay. you think molestation is funny punk
  15. Positivity

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    i was there i know things... by the way do you all work shifts cuz i feel like the reps just did a rotation. lets go new guy. buckle up