Cops raided my grow room, took everything but never even found 1 plant !!!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When I set these recycled items up I leave the ID tag on. The police don't remove the tags with your name, address and other inf.


Well-Known Member
He's not underage.....they cant hold a fucking juvenile for 3 days in a police station.

doby mick

Active Member
Here in the U.K. the confoskated grow room aquitment is autioned off and usely goes straight back into the hands of orginized crime, But its all about the MONEY


Well-Known Member
Yeah i agree, im pretty sure if there were no seeds or plants, or even any weed they can not take any of your stuff. And have to give it back to you weather they like it or not. My freid was busted for an incident a long time ago, he had some grow lights and stuff. the cops never even took anything from him, they just left it there and warned him not to start growing.


Well-Known Member
6 hours i think unless theyre parents give consent for them to hold them for any longer.


Well-Known Member
You do know your Mom is lucky she didn't get in trouble.
To F-up your Mom will haunt you till the day you die.
Stop growing till your of age and in your own home.....Geeeeee...need a good slap!