Club 600


Well-Known Member
Man I've had an interesting Sat. but a good one. Found out a friend has been working for 2 weeks at the hydro shop in the city. Means good discounts and good to see a friend with a job he loves. My hillbilly friend that I've mentioned before about some real bad plants stopped by with more worm piss. He also told me he bought a 400 and a 1000 watt ballast w/bulbs and a 4X8 tent from a friend. I told him I'd help him out with clones and etc.. to get him started right. This way I can help him while also helping myself with more room for different strains a win win for both.

Whodat those plants look extremely nice. I can smell the goodness thru the comp.


Well-Known Member
My backyard garden has been exploding, and I have noticed that
the amount of life in that area has increased in general. I made
a Ladybug bivouac. I have seen all manner of insect, and the birds
already loved our fountain/birdbath and are now helping with the bugs.

I have also seen a troop of lizard move in as well.

I have managed to avoid the poisons so far, but will likely hit it with
Fertalome at least once. It is good stuff and will be used at dusk when
the bees are all home for the night.

I have been using hempy buckets for the larger plants.

Crookneck Squash:








Honeydew melon:


An outdoor mushroom bed, with a Tigger melon, a Lettuce, and an Onion stuck into it:

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
haha cof.....i can relate to that, there's days where the fire just isn't there so i drift towards something i can get passionate about, sometimes i just keep drifting :)


Well-Known Member
Jigfresh and doobiebrother whats up fellows! It was 2 years ago that I held my first guitar and it was your encouragement and inspiration that pushed me to learn music....since then I've been playing nonstop. It was difficult and frustrating at times, it was like learning to ride a bicycle for the first time lol but with Gods help, today I can hold a note or 2 and play with some real musicians. I hope I can jam with you 2 some day
Love u brothas



Well-Known Member
Jigfresh and doobiebrother whats up fellows! It was 2 years ago that I held my first guitar and it was your encouragement and inspiration that pushed me to learn music....since then I've been playing nonstop. It was difficult and frustrating at times, it was like learning to ride a bicycle for the first time lol but with Gods help, today I can hold a note or 2 and play with some real musicians. I hope I can jam with you 2 some day
Love u brothas

Always amazes me when people start such difficult & esoteric things as learning how to play an instrument.
I'm glad you stuck with it: the world can always use more music!

I'm still open to participating in online collaborations.
What styles of music are you gronking on most?


Well-Known Member
Cof- man you gotta love when that happens. LOL I am way way off from anything. I "stalled" due to some lighting issues and not paying close enough attention. I know better. Trying to get it going. Pluss I guess it doesnt help that I started a new project. It is also slow going. LOL At least this one is supposed to be at first.
Man guys everything is looking awesome in the 600.


Well-Known Member
After we finally have a house and I have a workspace in the garage, I'm building myself a badass electric Diddley Bo.
Get into some nasty ass Delta Blues....


Well-Known Member
Jigfresh and doobiebrother whats up fellows! It was 2 years ago that I held my first guitar and it was your encouragement and inspiration that pushed me to learn music....since then I've been playing nonstop. It was difficult and frustrating at times, it was like learning to ride a bicycle for the first time lol but with Gods help, today I can hold a note or 2 and play with some real musicians. I hope I can jam with you 2 some day
Love u brothas
This makes me so happy. :) All I could ever want in life is to bring happiness to the people I love. I'm so glad I could be a part in you finding music that I'm sure makes all he ones you love happy. :)

And I don't know if you saw, but I'm going to have a baby in the next month! Really excited about that.


Well-Known Member
This makes me so happy. :) All I could ever want in life is to bring happiness to the people I love. I'm so glad I could be a part in you finding music that I'm sure makes all he ones you love happy. :)

And I don't know if you saw, but I'm going to have a baby in the next month! Really excited about that.
Congrats man, you are going to be a dad! I'm stoked! Boy or girl? Hahahahaha, GET A LOT of SLEEP LoL, you are going to need it lol....and yeah brotha I'm so grateful to you and doob, I will never ever forget you 2 year old son is attached to the guitar too, lol
love u brotha and congrats