Club 600


Well-Known Member
That or he needs a better chair haha

edit: Lets got REALLY high :bongsmilie:



Well-Known Member
Well I have been getting really baked this last week it feels so good smoking the home grown but 2 in a half off 3 is not as much as I hoped for so might just veg enough to fill the tent for 8 weeks them have another load ready to go in.... Bit less work then putting 3 in every couple weeks and should get a bigger yield to last longer then a fortnight ha


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone?? 1st 2 pics my Purple Cookie Monster and last 2 my Kryponite kush. @ day 60 of flower tonight. Plan on pulling them most likely this weekend. My Thin Mints and Louie the 13 will not be kept after outdoor . They both are shooting some late nanners. That and I don't care for the phenos I have of those. Winter be ready to drop some Dog s33ds. Hopefully find me a nice keeper pheno. View attachment 2734705View attachment 2734702View attachment 2734703View attachment 2734704


Well-Known Member
so that's why I got such a bad back, lol.....
hahaha funny but the dude has bad posture he will regret that when he's older
Morning campers, in agony this morning with my back (left side of course with my dodge knee).....Happy weekend.



Well-Known Member
What's up 6er's. I've spent 2 hours watering all my plants today. We've gotten over 12 inches of rain in the last month. With clay soil it makes for a muddy mess. It's been the first time with a 3 day stretch of no rain so I took the opportunity to feed them the worm piss I finally got. I tried a cheap attempt at making a tea by adding 1 cup molasses and combined 1 gallon piss to 3 gallons of water. Then I even added a air stone from an old fish tank. I know there's 1 term that states this but I've been smoking heavily this morning. I've heard and seen you guy using this method and figured it's a lot cheaper to feed all my plants outside this way. Specially since the worm piss was a Weird day when you happy about being given a gallon of worm piss. It's as bad as buying bags of sh?t and being excited when they are on sale while I drive buy LOTS of farms just to get to the store. Back on topic, my outside girls are needing some attention before they start to flower in about 30 days. I even broke down and fed for cal/mag.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. Gonna upload a bit of whats happening. This is the bare raw i work to much to give my girls what they want :( Got 11 Lemon Skunk Clones going in the aero rooter. But just found out the timer for the pump has malfunctioned they could have been without watering for days and they look like sadness :/ Damn work. Got 2 hours of sleep thursday to friday, then at it again. I gotta find something else. Well

¨Hash Pill

PsychoFruit Auto
Super Cheese Auto
Ultra Lemon Haze Auto Just not autoing so this i guess is going with the 12/12 :)
Lemon Skunk Clone #2 Crazy looking :) Kept the flowering parts just to mess with the enemy´s head! :P (Dont no who the enemy is atm)
Lemon Skunk Clone #1 Mother of 11 now in the scrogbox for future lemon dank :)
Gonna order some new foods and carbon filter for the 12/12 Lemon Skunk aint no smelling joke.
Oh yeah i went to the doctor with my knee friday. Im now on pain relief and should rest for a long period. Worst thing is it is getting fucked from the vibrations of the machine im standing on 8-18 hours a day. One more week and its two weeks vacation, wohoo damn i cant wait.



Well-Known Member
Day 43~ 12/12 for the flowering girls.

MVK, pistils starting to recede and calyxes starting to swell... Looking and smelling good.

The other cab.

Blue Pit

Space Bubble.... A kinda sorta canopy shot?.?.?...

I can feel the swelling approaching :-)




Well-Known Member
Wow that looks awesome! Im such a sloob. My grow room is so dirty atm it should be thrown away. Women up and clean damnit :P


Well-Known Member
Uh, sexual harassment lol. Men can clean too haha. Hope the knee feels alright bud. Enjoy the vacation. And good luck foiling the enemy. ;)

Love that plant whodat. Even if the smoke sucks (which it wont) it's just a beautiful thing surrounding that light and trained all nice. Nice work. You should be proud.
while I hate to admit it but I couldn't find a consensus on the best 600 watt HPS for flowering. sure would appreciate some help from u pros. Thanks


Well-Known Member
dude leaf haters love when your down, wave of grass hoppers came threw, now its the caterpillars. got to stay vigilant. wish I had my camara still, I see some interesting things in my back yard, snakes lizards, skinks.. no not skanks but skinks, be hives, frogs... my dead goldsfish that I just killed yesterday cause I left the hose running into the pond. damnit. [youtube]cCbDjLJFDug[/youtube]