Chain's Chronic Perptual


Active Member
Am I the only one that the pics aren't showing up for? I see that you posted what looks like pics, but there is just blank space :(


Well-Known Member
Whats up chain, I'm subbed and ready to see this through! The shrooms look awesome, I might be trying that next lol.. I've had Shroom chocolates that where shaped like reeses cups, they where bad ass!! My friend tricked his brother that hadn't even smoked weed into taking them and he was trippin pretty hard lol.. Good times!


Well-Known Member
I can see the pics broseph!

How long til we're smoking that SLH chain?

When you gonna play in some tournies in CO?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Dr. Greenhorn, where on earth have you popped from, then again i go by avatars a lot of the time so may just have missed ya :D

picture bump cus she's pretttttyyyyyyyyyy



Well-Known Member
Whats up chain, I'm subbed and ready to see this through! The shrooms look awesome, I might be trying that next lol.. I've had Shroom chocolates that where shaped like reeses cups, they where bad ass!! My friend tricked his brother that hadn't even smoked weed into taking them and he was trippin pretty hard lol.. Good times!
Damn I bet he was trippin hard. Way easy to grow.

I would like to join the party too Chainseeker, but can not see any pics.
Welcome aboard SW. Glad ya made it.

I can see the pics broseph!

How long til we're smoking that SLH chain?

When you gonna play in some tournies in CO?
Man I need to head that way for sure. Soon as i get caught up I guess.
The SLH is my best plant by far and I got a clone for a mother plant :)

I see alot of familiar faces in here, hahaha
LOL! Ready to grow some mushies?

Dr. Greenhorn, where on earth have you popped from, then again i go by avatars a lot of the time so may just have missed ya :D

picture bump cus she's pretttttyyyyyyyyyy

Always love a SLH picture bump.

hangover!!! :spew:
That was some bomb grillin dude I gotta make one of them parties.

The gangs all here! Even the SLH! Hhahaa
I haven't seen sicc yet!


Well-Known Member
I had chocolate shrooms in the shape of a heart before. My friends backed out of doing them so I ate four when we went to see the midnight showing of Terminator Salvation. Completely packed but I held my shit together. I was sweating balls, rocking back and fourth, laughing nonstop and going "Dude, did you see that? This shit is crazy!!" It was the BEST MOVIE EVER!!!! At least until the shrooms wore off and I thought about it.


Well-Known Member
About a week before that I had one and tripped fairly hard. I was surprised because people usually make chocolates to stretch their shrooms. From what I hear they usually only have like 2g or so in them. Although it does make them a lot easier to eat. I also heard that dark chocolate and orange juice help you trip harder, but milk chocolate hinders it. I don't know how much truth is to that. Although I did hear the orange juice thing form more than one person. I once tried to swallow a small round cap whole so that I could avoid chewing it up and almost choked to death on it. I got it out by doing a self-Heimlich maneuver. I thought it would either go down easy or crush. Not one of my brightest moments. It was especially scary because I was home alone when it happened.