Chain's Chronic Perptual


New Member
from what i have read about it
it is fairly simple
if u can grow pot,i dont see y u cant grow shrooms

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to learn than. never tried growing em. where I live you can actually pick them year round if you find a nice pasture with the right conditions. I used to live by a pasture and picked shrooms quite a bit of times but was always scared to do em by myself and couldn't find anyone to do em with me. I'd like to learn to grow them though


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to learn than. never tried growing em. where I live you can actually pick them year round if you find a nice pasture with the right conditions. I used to live by a pasture and picked shrooms quite a bit of times but was always scared to do em by myself and couldn't find anyone to do em with me. I'd like to learn to grow them though
how do you know which ones to pick? i have always wanted to go, but we can only do it summer here, and they say there is a bad type as well.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahah! see, that's the thing. from what I'm told from everyone who picks them here, it has to be the cow shit. the pasture had cows and horses and pigs and what not. but you can tell by the look of the shroom. and they supposed to be higrade shrooms too. I wish I still lived by that pasture, if I did I would pick some and post the pictures here. but I was also worried of eating the wrong shrooms. that's the main reason I never tried them, that and I had no friends who did them.


Well-Known Member
They will bruise when you break them off the cow paddies and turn blue. If they don't turn blue around the tears don't eat them. The psychoactive chemical turns blue when exposed to oxygen. The deadly ones don't have that chemical. From what I heard back in high school the bad ones may be growing right along with the good so you have to pay attention. I personally would want to get home grown rather than the cow paddy kind. You know you aren't risking death then, and it's a pretty nasty death. There are also the super mario mushrooms (red with white spots). These are weird though. Not really crazy color tripping (at least not for me) but you do get some crazy time/space distortion going on. That's where the whole idea of Alice (in Alice in Wonderland) growing big and small, and Mario growing when he grabbed the mushrooms. There is a mushroom that looks near identical to those (skullcaps or death angels?) can't remember the name. Once you eat them you are screwed. The bad stuff doesn't happen for a few days and by then there is absolutely nothing you can do to save yourself.


Well-Known Member
Yeah their is more mushrooms that will make you sick or kill you than make you trip
If they bruise easily then they have psilocybin and is a good way to tell.
If you go back I'll show you how to preserve that strain forever.
Here is a link for the best way to get started.

Here is where I ordered all my spores. Three orders three deliveries within 6 days. spores&ei=KCCDTN2FOZCasAOmhPT2Bw&usg=AFQjCNGSl3WuYc_rmrmArC0dNzmnLRGyxQ&sig2=SkAkelW_d8L1KJjIAJ2KMQ&cad=rja


Well-Known Member
In India the cow is sacred and many believe it is because the mushrooms grow from their droppings. Also the god Shiva is blue and the mushrooms turn blue when picked or bruised. Some believe when you eat the mushrooms you are embodied by Shiva or able to commune with the god. At least I think I heard that somewhere. Meaning no offense to anyone Hindu if I am way off with that. It was just a theory I heard a while back.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
They will bruise when you break them off the cow paddies and turn blue. If they don't turn blue around the tears don't eat them. The psychoactive chemical turns blue when exposed to oxygen. The deadly ones don't have that chemical. From what I heard back in high school the bad ones may be growing right along with the good so you have to pay attention. I personally would want to get home grown rather than the cow paddy kind. You know you aren't risking death then, and it's a pretty nasty death. There are also the super mario mushrooms (red with white spots). These are weird though. Not really crazy color tripping (at least not for me) but you do get some crazy time/space distortion going on. That's where the whole idea of Alice (in Alice in Wonderland) growing big and small, and Mario growing when he grabbed the mushrooms. There is a mushroom that looks near identical to those (skullcaps or death angels?) can't remember the name. Once you eat them you are screwed. The bad stuff doesn't happen for a few days and by then there is absolutely nothing you can do to save yourself.
see, that's what I'm scared of!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yeah their is more mushrooms that will make you sick or kill you than make you trip
If they bruise easily then they have psilocybin and is a good way to tell.
If you go back I'll show you how to preserve that strain forever.
Here is a link for the best way to get started.

Here is where I ordered all my spores. Three orders three deliveries within 6 days. spores&ei=KCCDTN2FOZCasAOmhPT2Bw&usg=AFQjCNGSl3WuYc_rmrmArC0dNzmnLRGyxQ&sig2=SkAkelW_d8L1KJjIAJ2KMQ&cad=rja
thanks for the info chain!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Howdy doody, looking rather fine i must say, am enjoying the mushroom pictures, not my cuppa tea but looks intriguing.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info chain!!
No prob if ya need any help let me know.

Howdy doody, looking rather fine i must say, am enjoying the mushroom pictures, not my cuppa tea but looks intriguing.
Thanks TTT I'm shooting for super fluffy.:)

Mmmmm, mushroom tea.
Yes sir. I've also had shroom hearts made with chocolate. I need to figure out how to do this.

I took out the 70 watt hps and installed the 150 watt hps :)
Total 267 watts now and that could be a little too much for my size cab.
Heat didn't even rise very much. 81 after an hour of use.



Well-Known Member
your girls will be loving you!! now you got to get that 70 watter in your mom chamber with a couple blue cfls


Well-Known Member
Actually it's still in the flower cab.
Soon I'll get a huge exhaust fan and run both and all the cfl's for side and bottom.
That would be 337 total watts.