Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?


Well-Known Member
I did this thead as a tease to my 12/12 grow. Now with the #'s of female 12 so far. I do have 3 late hold out, 2 look boyish the other is to early to tell.

I checked my notes from the last 12/12 grow. You won't beleave my stats one plant in a 6" pot reached 40" in 60 days.

The down side is it two extra weeks then the norminal growers took. It apears I may have a couple of the runaway strains.

I may get a pound but longer time.


A dozen or so 1 oz plant.

eather way I get some nice smoke a couple more pics


Well-Known Member
this is bad ass man just started a test run of some 16oz cup 12/12. got four started i hope atleast two are girls. its only been like a week got 4 sprouts. hope yours turns out alright good luck


Well-Known Member
It looks like 14 of 15 are girls. I have about double what I wanted. oops.

Here is a pic from last night just before lights off.

So I'll get a pound but it may take an extra weekish


Well-Known Member

6 of them are in 6" pots. Five Type #3 and one Type #1.
3 of them are in 64 oz cups. Two Type #3 and one Type #1.

6 are in 16 oz cups. 2 of Type #3 and 4 of Type #1.

This is all 14 girls and one unknown. (looking girl).

Some plants (the oldest couple) are 20" tall.

My best from the last 12/12 grow on day 35 was a plant that stoped at 24.5". An other plant was 11.5" on day 35 and 40"+ on day 60.

Note: the stats I have on 12/12 are for Type #3 and Type #5 not growing this grow.

Type #3 is the type that can go 40"+ on a 12/12 grow. I have 9 of this strain.

Originally Posted by smokeballs
Thats fuckin amazing
whats your estimated harvest?

It was to be three week from today but that trip out of town ramped it back by a weekish.

So my target harvest date is around Aprill 11. I have untill the end of April when I move.

Originally Posted by growman3666
right on randy
thats alot of bud right there in 14 females wooo

And all 15 may be girls at 1.1 oz per plant = 16.5 oz or 1 pound and 1/2 ounce.

Some will be more and less then 1.1 but thats the target per plant.


Well-Known Member
Wow randy you have some great luck to get all 15 to turn out female! I'm very jealous man, your grow box is looking like a jungle. I can't wait to see those plants with some nice buddage. I have a 12/12 from seed plant and it is tiny compared to yours and it is in a bigger pot lol. I guess it's cause of the lighting and your green thumb :clap: Keep up the excellent work bro

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wow randy you have some great luck to get all 15 to turn out female! I'm very jealous man, your grow box is looking like a jungle. I can't wait to see those plants with some nice buddage. I have a 12/12 from seed plant and it is tiny compared to yours and it is in a bigger pot lol. I guess it's cause of the lighting and your green thumb :clap: Keep up the excellent work bro

Tom :leaf:
It's a double edge sword. I'm out of room (3.5' x 3.75' area) 1/2 is that big mother.

If only 10 had been girls then all could be in 6" pots. So more maniual waters oh well. I'll get that pound though.


Well-Known Member
It'll take some work that's for sure but getting that pound will be well worth all of it. I'm subscribed now so I'll be following this one to the finish


Well-Known Member
do u know the genetics of the donkey dick? i ask cause u r the only other person besides myself i have ever heard to have this strain i have a six foot mother i clone from which is really easy wit this strain just wonderin if you know genetics cause i aint got a clue.


Well-Known Member
do u know the genetics of the donkey dick? i ask cause u r the only other person besides myself i have ever heard to have this strain i have a six foot mother i clone from which is really easy wit this strain just wonderin if you know genetics cause i aint got a clue.

I love this strain it grows fast and tall. I'll ask the dude I got them from when I see him.

All he told me the last time I asked was "It's some thing like donkey dick or prick I've grow it for years".

The way I came to have this strain is cool,

2 years ago I bought 2 bags of dope and saved the seeds. Both of my connection are the grower or family of.

so when I started to grow I asked them what they were growing. The dude with DonkeyDick say he only grew that stain for year and makes his own seed and clones. He told me what he rememberd about it and that it was a good out door plant for this little part of the world.

the other dude Strawberry Jam was not sure what i bought so he took me to his (brother/cousin someone) and we looked at all his plants and it was easy to tell from that.