Bad rams horn and freckles, HELP ME PLEASE


DWC with spray nozzles on buckets 400 watt MH pH 6.1 CNS 17 at 750 ppm resevoir temperature 68 room temperature humidity 45 to 60 percent god bud from BC flushed with clearex one week ago had this problem for a couple weeks, getting worse. Water source is 70 percent distilled mixed with well water end up with 125 ppm. Plants been in system for 4 weeks, tried everything. I think too much nitrogen. What usually causes this and what do I do to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Was using CalMag but didn't this time because I thought I had a magnesium problem. Change nutes at least once a week.
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im going to flush again today and drop my nutes back to 450 ppm i was thinging of adding nutes with no nitrogen at all any input??????


CNS17 and calmag i just changed my nutes and flushed a little while ago lowered ph to5.7 from 6.0 ppm is now 650 and added 30ml of sm90 and put spray nozzles on a 3 hours off 30 minutes on cycle instead of 24 hours like the air stones thanks for the reply all ideas are appreciated


Active Member
looks like a MAD ph swing (leaves usually curl inwards when your ph swings alot) and possible overwater/underwatering. have you checked all nozzels to make sure their not clogged?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Make sure your ph meter is calibrated.. I have to calibrate mine every day or every other day as it goes off by .1

You're far from failing man just get this under control


Active Member
That happened to me my first time... ended up killing my mother, but I forgot to calibrate my tester for 2 months and it was off by 1.6. It was horrible


ya im anal about calibrating it its always .1 off also every time,ya and i check my nozzles all time 2 times a day with the overide on my timer. iwas running the nozzles 24/7 but just put them on every 3 hours for thirty minutes maybe thinking that the pots where staying to saturated gotta try many days will it take to notice something do you think? just checked nutes @666ppm that cant be a good sign do you think thATS TO HIGH?? Ph was up to 6.2 from 5.7 might have not got those big ass net pots 8" flushed as good as i thought. thanks for all your help guys ill take all i can get


Active Member
usually youll notice a difference within hours/day, theyll usually pick up after a day. are you using well water,tap water or RO? it sounds like the water is raising ph unless your using RO water


im using RO water 003ppm on the last nute change yesterday the roots are pretty white to a light tan not slimy at all when i flushed them i rinsed them off and they looked pretty good to me


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
More pics.. could be calcium, slightly less possible boron deficiency.. although could just be lockout. Make sure your ph is set at least daily to 5.8 through troubling times

Check out your nutrients and see if there's any calcium, it gets locked out at 5.3, so keep ph 5.4-5.8


Well-Known Member
Looks like over-watering/not enough oxygen to me. Notice how the leaves look plump and heavy. Thats how my new clones look when I drown them the first week after transplant. I also wouldn't rule out root rot either. Just my $0.02.


Active Member
exactly what i thought but he says he does 30min/3hr intervals and that sounds like enough time for those roots to get oxygen, unless he isnt recirc. the nute solution and the roots are hanging in stagnant water.

OP do you have any root pics?


Ya I've got a 600gpm current pump that comes on every 3 hours with the nozzles except when lights are off and nothing runs except for the 6 ,6"air stones 2 under each pot changed to GH duo notes yesterday @660 ppm and 5.8 ph this morning nutes where at 660 ph 6.0 the cns 17 and the calmag had no copper zinc or boron at all. I hope the duo fixes some of this and has enough calcium so I don't have to fuck with the calmag these been growing 1-2 inches daily despite all these troubles ill get some root pics posted today I hope