Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?


Well-Known Member
LOL I am really glad... it seems like we kind of did the same thing! I sat there lookign at every picture in the Buds For Less book I got. I have the ionizer but I haven't set it up in my grow area... I have the two plants actually. one is a 5 day old seedling in a perlite grow medium - my little hydro experiment. Then there is the bigger plant in the window box.

For smell it isn't a kick you in the face kind of stink, but a subtle kind like being in the house with a cat's litter box that is just a couple days overdue for a change. Just noticeable.

completely understandable as there are many things that I have already forgotten, too!

I am definitely going to be cloning tonight and so by sunday there should be even more pics up.


Well-Known Member
Ah, got it.

This morning I had a lot of time to just stare at my box. Trying to think of how I can improve the lighting for my lower leaves.. After sitting there for a bit, I could smell a hint of weed plant.. But very slightly and I was sitting in the box for some time. I had wondered if it was the same thing you were mentioning or if I was just tripping. haha.


Well-Known Member
LOl that is exactly what I'm talking about! you can only just barely smell it but it is an unmistakeable skunky aroma. stand there too long and you will lose it just as quick! Im glad I'm not going insane. olfactory hallucination are only interesting to me when I am high... any other time they are just scary.

What I do for side lighting is I use 42w warm whites on a y-adapter with the plant right in between them... if the temperature allows you can do it on both sides of the plant at the same time, but for now I just alternate. I am thinking about doing LST after I take my clones so If you are still wondering about it after that time, then just keep looking in and see if you think it is worth th hassle.


Well-Known Member
So I finished my cuttings on day 19 of veg and set them up in a little tent. instead of paying the 7 or 8 dollars for a cloning tray I got one of those disposable aluminum pans with the clear plastic top. There is a 13w CFL keeping it warm and bright. The process was really a lot quicker and easier than I had assumed it would be. There are now 3 Johnnie O's instead of one. Both cuttings were taken from the first couple of nodes that wouldn't have gotten much light anyhow and I used a box cutter cleaned with alcohol.

The only problem that came up was that in my final cut, I went a little too far and made a 1/4" longitudinal slice into the stem. That was about an hour after the dark period ended. I just cut the branch, scarred the part around th cut and dipped the end in powedered hormone before planting. It took less than 5 minutes and I did a 2-step watering on the mother with a 1/4 strength fish emulsion fertilizer. Even just before I left for work, I checked the plant and there were no signs of wilting or trauma so I am not worried


Well-Known Member
That's sick dude.

So, you will end up with... 1 mother and 3 clones then? Will you use CFLs throughout the flowering on the clones?


Well-Known Member
Well, you are pretty close! 1 mother, 2 clones ( I checked just a few minutes ago and they are still doing great! No wilting or browning.) and 1 seedling that has finally gotten its own light. The clones each have their own light and they are setup in a makeshift grow cabinet along with the seedling now, and I will tell you why...

Today, day 20 of veg will be the day that I switch Johnnie-O to flower. So I have moved everything else out with the exception of the big girl, the fan, and the lights. There is a 300w equivalent CFL ( I capitalize CFL in reference to this light because it is just that big of a light!!!!) hanging just above and there is also a pair of 42w cfls at the sides. If I get to the LST and it is as sublime as I think it is I will be adding a few more of the 26w. I plan on going CFL the whole way. I am certain that I could get a bigger yield with HIDs but my space is too small to put one in there without causing heat problems. Also I can't afford the equipment needed to keep it that way. Chances are that I will go my entire growing life without ever using a HID.

I have finally had time to show some of the process of cloning. Like I said in my previous post, it was a lot easier than I expected, but that never stopped me from making a slight blunder. I will probably show the boo-boo later on after my pride stops nagging at me... but here are the pics of the cutting.

The pics that are closeups of the stem with my finger pointing to a branch indicates where I will be making the cuts. The pics are in chronological order and there leaves much to be desired in the details, but it is something at least.

Take Care!



Well-Known Member
That's so scary! I can't believe you took the leap bro!

Damn good job too. I'm stoked to hear they are still looking good!

Do you know if taking clones from an already flowered plant is doable... For example, if I get to the end of my grow.. and while I'm cropping if I cut a branch for a clone -- will I be able to restart the grow -- or would it be too late?


Active Member
hey, ill be checking in on this grow. looking good so far.

what you think about that book, i been meaning to get it. i also think that many in here make things appear more complicated that it really is.

2nd, where are you all located that you order seeds via mail and dont trip? im in southern california would i have a reason to trip?


Well-Known Member
Well you can take them if you are only a week or so into flower, but after that you would have to reset the entire plant as far as I can tell. The process goes: When you harvest don't cut the entire plant. Just do your individual branches and colas and leave as many fan leaves as you can and put the cycle back to 18/6 and after a couple of weeks you will notice the vegetative growth start back up and the plant will get more shoots. However you can only rejuvenate once. Now I can't be 100% sure but it seems that the stress of going into flower and back out a couple of times increases the risk of having your plant turn into a hermaphrodite.

I can barely believe I am moving into it so quickly too! After I graduate nursing school in December I am going to be moving into my own apartment so.... Gotta lighten the load and make sure I have enough to get me through the move... They are always so stresful, but I have a feeling that this time the process will be much more enjoyable!

Hey, Goblin! First off I'm glad you stopped by! That book is a real gem and if you were thinking about getting it, I recommend that you do! It is like the WalMart of growbooks. It has a lot of useful stuff and the pictures are great! However, there are a lot of particulars that could have been expanded on and I recommend you supplement this book with any good Marijuana Grow Bible you can download. You have the pictures so the odd bits and pieces you hear about in the MGB you can see what they are in the Buds For Less. You get more information on fertilizers and cloning in the MGB also. BFL just uses Miracle Grow extended feed soil (most growers here are passionately anti-Miracle Grow so you can see why it is good to have both. And you can download the MGB for free in many places!

Now, I did have some food and culinary herb growing experience and this is an acclaimed beginner's strain, but you are right! This is not 1/8th as difficult as I thought it was going to be from some of the posts. It is totally just a weed and while it has some likes and dislikes it can grow just about anywhere whether or not you want it to. Light water and dirt is really all you need! The rest of the fiddling is just to increase the yields and make growing easier. Hell, my grow is ghetto as all get out! I have lights hanging from neckties and 'repurposed' wire hangers, but it all works fine. The thing that I have seen with a lot of people's grows to make them fail is their fear that they are doing something wrong. They over fertilize cuz they want the biggest yields and so much more. The next biggest problem seems to be impatience. The most complicated thing witha CFL grow is the light positioning and that is just a little bit extra time babying your plants...

As for the seeds. I got my seeds from Nirvana Seeds. They are from the Netherlands, but the service record is immaculate and the delivery speed was unbelievable! I got my seeds in just at 2 weeks and the packaging was so discreet that I thought I got scammed until I took a closer look! LOL I am in the Deep South so your delivery time my be a hair longer.


Well-Known Member
If I may add my two cents on the ordering thing. I received my seeds exactly 10 days (weekend included) from the time I ordered them. I ordered from Nirvana too and I live in Northwest USA.

Also, I think majority of the issues from growing derive from people doing naive/ignorant things. Much like Hackel mentioned.. adding too much nutes etc. People typically cause the grow an issue, not the plant.

That's all :)


Well-Known Member
People typically cause the grow an issue, not the plant.

That's all :)
Here, here! I can't help but agree with you there! I remember when I did my first corn crop in the backyard, I was raising a healthy patch of seedlings when I noticed that groups of them were turning pale and wilting... After a while I realized that the soil never got dry on top and had deduced that my mother had been coming up after me and heavily watering them again. Who knows how much better my crop would've been if they had just been left alone.


Well-Known Member
Damn bro.. CORN? You ARE from the deep south! lol JK

Sometimes I imagine the look on my landlord's face if I were to start a farm in my backyard. It measures about 15'x10'. I live downtown.


Active Member
cool, so your a farmer in a sence. hehe...
im one of those that rarely exist's over here in southern cali.
growing anything and everything fancy i get my hands on. hand pruning small plants like impatients up to 20 foot trees.


Well-Known Member
Right on, Icurbyou!!! 150 square feet is enough to put a majorly serious dent in your food bill. And every single grow that you successfully complete is pushing you a step closer to being able to grow anything anywhere be it corn peas or pot. I figure that even if Johnnie O ended up being a male, I will have completed a successful grow if I can get it to flower so you can see how I feel about anything green as my first grow. lol

Fantastic, Goblin! You are going to be one of those first timers that shocks the forum with some revolutionary but common sense technique! Good luck on your seed choice. If I had had more faith in my growing abilities when I bought seeds I would have gotten a more fashionable strain... If you are really good at getting things to grow from fragile seedlings then you could try whatever gets your mind wandering.


Active Member
Hope that Jonnie is a Janie. Cause learning is fun and all, but all this work would be even more fun with a happy ending. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Well, It is Day 20 of Veg going into the first day of flower. I have already done the first bends of LST and I have high hopes because of all the side growth that has already come in. Just thinking of what I can get by making sure this plant only gets about 8 inches off the ground at the end of harvest. I will have pics after lights on tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Just thinking of what I can get by making sure this plant only gets about 8 inches off the ground at the end of harvest.
Whoa whoa.. 8" at the end of harvest?? I know you are going to LST and all but how tall are they now?


Well-Known Member
Greeting the first full day of flower after 20 days of veg. I had about 4 or 5 nodes already and when you take into account that almost all of those nodes have secondary shoots growing off of them I am looking for the small plant to make a big impression. Amazing

Actually, they were 8 inches when I first bent them. And buy 8 inches off the ground I mean that they can be 3 feet of coiled stem on the surface of the soil and just the colas and a few fan leaves sticking up... Maybe foot would be more reasonable, though... Shit! the suspense is killing me! My dark period doesn't end for another 2 hours!!! I will be in class when it switches on again. I hope that everything is good and that it is accepting the bend and cycle switch ok... Well, at about 1230 today you will get to see the damage I have done. lol