A Glenn Beck Thread


Well-Known Member
Beck will get the right all riled up.
I don't think he's lying or wrong so much.
But when the time comes to back a real conservative in 2012.
Beck will throw his weight behind a Mitt Romney or Palin.
Not a real conservative, just my two cents.
But wait and see.

Bush fucked the Republicans.
He has created in the minds of Americans.
The Idea that "real" republicans are the war party.
Traditionaly that is not the case.
A real conservative should be against war as much as big government.

Beck co-opted the tea parties those where Ron Paul people did them first.
He is controled opposition, like the Pide Piper.
He will end up missleading the right into voteing for the lesser of two evils.
Last time I did that I voted for Bush.
I for one will NEVER do that again, ever.


New Member
What galls the left wing lunatic fringe is that despite the media being 90% Democrat liberals, the leftover middle and right leaning media trounces them continually, despite the coordinated machine of disinformation and omission news from the left.

The upper heights of hypocrisy is always occupied by the left wing of the Democratic Party.


Active Member
and right leaning media trounces them continually, despite the coordinated machine of disinformation and omission news from the left.
Fox news has been caught lying red handed and twisting information to fit their agenda so many times its not even funny. The stories you refer that the 'liberal media' doesn't cover, are topics created by the GOP propaganda machine. FOX news is just another tool for Rupert Murdoch and the rest of his republican cronies to keep you sheeple in the dark. Ignorance is bliss


New Member
I guess that's why the NY Times just admitted they aren't getting the news as well as FOX huh...... :wink:

FOX is one of the few networks to balance their views. They also look for news no matter the political angle.... the very core of Journalism. Something the NY Times has abdicated, as well as others.


Well-Known Member
FOX is one of the few networks to balance their views. They also look for news no matter the political angle.... the very core of Journalism. Something the NY Times has abdicated, as well as others.
Come on, Cracka... you pull that straight from one of their advertisements ? lol



I guess that's why the NY Times just admitted they aren't getting the news as well as FOX huh...... :wink:

FOX is one of the few networks to balance their views. They also look for news no matter the political angle.... the very core of Journalism. Something the NY Times has abdicated, as well as others.

Does the NYT have outlets in every major metro area with local stations and reporters under the payroll for millions of Americans to soak up their propaganda like Fox does?

As far as I know, the NTY is just a national newspaper. They don't have a station on tv running 24 hours a day non stop right wing propaganda, they don't have dozens of reporters spitting lies to the American people via subliminal "fair & balanced" news coverage. (do you honestly think a news station that was actually ''fair & balanced" would need to remind their audience that they're "fair & balanced" every commercial break?)

So if the puny ass little NYT can threaten what Fox News has got going, maybe there is hope after all...

Fuck Fox News.


New Member
They advertise it because it's true. I don't trumpet them because I watch them, I point it out as a reminder that most of the media is not serving the country well.


New Member
Does the NYT have outlets in every major metro area with local stations and reporters under the payroll for millions of Americans to soak up their propaganda like Fox does?

As far as I know, the NTY is just a national newspaper. They don't have a station on tv running 24 hours a day non stop right wing propaganda, they don't have dozens of reporters spitting lies to the American people via subliminal "fair & balanced" news coverage. (do you honestly think a news station that was actually ''fair & balanced" would need to remind their audience that they're "fair & balanced" every commercial break?)

So if the puny ass little NYT can threaten what Fox News has got going, maybe there is hope after all...

Fuck Fox News.
You must not be familiar with the story. The NY Times was well aware of the Acorn mess, but CHOSE not to run with it. News by omission....??

They got scooped because they have isolated themselves ideologically..... not what the NY Times USED to be.


Well-Known Member
They advertise it because it's true. I don't trumpet them because I watch them, I point it out as a reminder that most of the media is not serving the country well.
Is Fox the best news channel in America ? Yes, as of now. (When Bush was in office... it was CNN.)

Does that mean it's good? No

I can't watch any of the news channels. They piss me off, and it ruins my day


New Member
CNN was never the best station.... their record of accuracy is sketchy at best.

Most all of the BIG media is being abandoned by the public.

Newspapers made a fatal error in marketing their papers via the internet. Will they recover form their mistake? Probably not......


Well-Known Member
CNN was never the best station.... their record of accuracy is sketchy at best.
They're all sketchy...
Most all of the BIG media is being abandoned by the public.
*does a little dance* :mrgreen:
Newspapers made a fatal error in marketing their papers via the internet. Will they recover form their mistake? Probably not......
Well, if they go under... will we bail them out? :-?

Rather have a bunch of little news organizations than a few big ones...spread that love around ! :blsmoke:


New Member
As far as I'm concerned no industry should get a bail out. Failure should never be rewarded. The bailouts have led to the furthering of the corruption of business by our government.


All the news stations have an agenda to push. It's bullshit. They all claim they're honest and straight with the facts but they all disagree with eachother, so someones obviously lying, you can't trust anyone. That's a very big problem with mainstream media. That's why I think the internet is so important. We can all talk about stuff, just like we do here, exchange information, from my experience the people most passionate about the issue tend to have the most facts, and also tend to share what they know and try to educate other people. That's a lot easier for me to trust than msm. Regular peoples opinions. Not only that, the internet provides a tool to look litterally anything up at a moments notice. Anything you wish to know about, totally, and in most cases, uncensored.

All of them lie, and they all get paid to do it. They're professional liars, whether they knowingly comply with it or are just too stupid to see the truth themselves, that's what they are.

The Daily Show is a better source of information than any msm outlet.


New Member
I don't consider them to be nearly as bad as that. They do have agendas and the media is blatantly left wing. Is this potentially something new?

The short answer is no. The ol' media from our past was perhaps just as sensational. There was a difference however. The country is so integrated now. In the past urban "left wing" powerful newspapers were countered by the "middle salt of the earth ppl" newspapers of the Midwest and South. Now the media/entertainment beast is everywhere. The fabric has been pulled tight and the BS can't get past us. It just piles up, until ppl start to feel like Paddy.

If the media sobered up, and actually started to grind the politicians falsehoods no matter where they are, I wonder if ppl would listen? Perhaps we are the ones to blame? We after all drive the market. We have accepted our news delivery system. The media may be simply a symptom of a societal disease.

This is the age where a guy like Charlie Gibson who did morning schtick on Good Morning America .. a housewife show.. and is from that exact abysmal show is elevated to head anchor person.

It's a joke!! But maybe we asked for the joke.


Well-Known Member
News stations are nothing but more marketing, directed at US. when news stations report on politics, they skew the story in which ever direction their viewing audience appreciates most - because this keeps the viewers happy and attracts more viewers. They couldn't care less about reporting all the facts, they just want to make money and be "number one". For this reason, I like to absorb my news from multiple sources (left-leaning and right-leaning). Details that are consistent from both sides can more than likely be accepted as "true", and details that vary between the sides can largely be dismissed as "opinion".

The magic of the internet makes it pretty easy to verify what information is true, and what's just opinion. I'll use my Val-Pak coupon analogy again: Most people either throw this away without even opening it (because they figure there isn't anything they can use inside), or quickly go through and see if there's anything they could possibly use and throw out the rest. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who keeps every coupon and actually makes use of them all. We should all regard the news media as little more than a marketing tool (like the Val-Pak). There might be some good savings inside, but if you look around elsewhere you might find an even better deal - and you can never make use of every single coupon inside, so don't even try.


New Member
The internet has more disinformation in it than the media could ever produce mainstream. It takes much more skill and general knowledge to tell the drivel from the truth.

I find fewer and fewer ppl online being able to tell the difference..... urself included of course.


Well-Known Member
The internet has more disinformation in it than the media could ever produce mainstream. It takes much more skill and general knowledge to tell the drivel from the truth.

I find fewer and fewer ppl online being able to tell the difference..... urself included of course.

Says the guy who claims "Europe" has an income tax rate of 70%, and rockets use "inertia" to gain altitude.

Stick and stones, Jax. If you really think you're going to hurt me, you can find those sticks and stones outside (you know, that place beyond your front door).