2x600 Watt B.C. Blueberry, Northern lights, and Mango. Comments Welcome


Active Member
just mixed 4ml/gallon of "b.c. grow" nutrient for tomorrow morning's feeding.

that's 1/2 strength according to their chart. we'll see what happens. tomorrow i'll upload close up pics of the plants, and then again several days later and we'll see if there is any difference with the yellowing lower leaves.


Active Member

24 days since germination...

Lowered light again. Bulb is now 18" from to top of closest plant

Took the closet doors off and re-arranged the plants for maximum light per plant

Just gave first feeding at 1/2 strength (b.c. grow from technaflora plant products)

Really don't understand why, but now some of the lower leaves are browning at the tips (evidence of nute burn?) really strange since i haven't fed them until today.

I'm learning quick here. "Denial and Error" as Ricky would say.


Well-Known Member
They do not look that hungry yet. Lookin good actually. Get the boost in the next few days then feed them.


Active Member
just fed them. too late. it wasn't a "flush" type feed though...just one gallon over all those plants.

thanks so much for the advice here and on the other threads


Active Member
hey now....i don't think im doing too bad....just double and triple checking my info to make sure its correct.

my last grow was with a 400 watt and didn't produce near as much heat as this 600. This is my biggest concern, not to mention the smell...

my last grow, i didn't have much of a smell issue. now i have to be careful. i used miracle grow for nutes in the past with ok results, but i know i can do better.

what i really need to decide is whether or not im going to run another 600 and build a "tent", or if i should just stick with what i have now.

also, contemplating whether i should keep a mother or two and clone, or just continue buying seeds.

likely, im going to end up throwing out most of these plants once sexed, and keep just the best, healthiest females and work from there.

i really didn't expect 100% germination, not to mention every plant growing and doing well. lmao kind of overshot with the seeds


Well-Known Member
Never said you were doing bad. I think I said they were looking good. But you have no Boost. Homework.......


Active Member
AHHHH....just over a day later after feeding, and plants are showing a little "nute burn"....

should have listened to marlowe's advice on going 1/4 strength. d'oh

well, we'll see what happens. i'll upload some pics in later today or tomorrow.

on the bright side, several of the plants are starting to branch ever so slightly. they are between 5 and 7 nodes now, nodes on average 1" (2.5cm) apart.

also, first leaves with 7 tips are showing now. sweeet


Active Member

26 Days since germination

As you can tell from the pics the nute burn was very minimal (i think). Lesson learned though. So I won't be flushing the plants or doing anything drastic.

Just going to wait 2 or 3 more waterings before adding nutes again, and at this time 1/4 strength.

As you can see though, a couple plants are really yellowing. A few are also drooping quite a bit. And its not from overwatering, as they are almost bone dry.

That is my newest concern, however I can easilly stand to lose half my plants, and still have more than enough to finish off with flowering.

I'm starting to wonder if I should begin flower sooner than later. I think overall the plants should be bigger than they are for how old they are, but what can you do.

I also suspect that the jiffy pots I used after germination, and transplanted into the 6" pots may have restricted the roots growth. Due to this theory, I don't plan on using
jiffy peat moss cups again. Its easy enough to just use small cups.

Any thoughts? I always love feedback.

j to the c

Well-Known Member
starting seeds in plastic cups works great. You can do a force flowering now but only do 8/16 only 8 hours of light and 16 of dark. this will give you sex sooner than waiting for it to do naturally. after you pull the boys veg again for a 24/0 veg for at least 2 weeks after turning. Since your plants are reg(non-fems.) they should be more stable.... You picked good indica genetics, save a couple boys and collect the pollen and make your own seeds and crosses. A mango x blueberry sounds good. If your doing a tent you will need a light AND an expensive fan. if you cant afford both just get the light and use your room volume will be the key here. Do not cut a hole in your door in your apt. you will have to replace that when you move- it sucks ass. cut one into the ceiling if your on the top or do it out a window, cover the window with black and white plastic and connect to a hose. If you don't have air ducts in your building for heat then you can vent into the ceiling since there is no openings to other apts. And lastly get into cloning so your next crop will be 47 females. If you like these strains, select carefully and keep the best mom(s) and you can go as high as 6 psf. with clones. thats a lot of plants.

j to the c

Well-Known Member
Most important, never stop doing research, every time you learn something new your bud will be better and it will continue to get better.
If you choose you can run these seeds for a year and just start to figure them out.....Buy them, plant them, learn them, push them, perfect them = legendary grower


Active Member
Yo, just read your thread. Im interested, going to sub up....Twisting leaves is usually high ph. Also I agree jiffy pots suck nuts. I love seeing people learning as I am still learning myself. Seeing as you are using 600 watt HPS...you think I could use one of those in a 5x5 room? Im about to get a new grow area going.


Active Member
gr8 goin man...al d best ! sory cnt be much of an help since i m a rookie grower n dis is my 1st time growin... :P jst on my 5th day since germination...wish me luck ! i m with 10thc bombs btw..;) all germed well ! gud luck once agn with ur blueberry and northern li8s...cheers !


Active Member
I still dont know if I want to breed seeds, do clones, both or none. It seems easy enough to just continue buying seeds, maybe try fem. next time.

I'm going to vent into my celing (ghetto) but i'll talk about that when i do it.

I just asked my landlord to move me up to a 2 bedroom top floor unit asap, and he has no problem with that. Then I can run my next setup I plan to buy with some of the proceeds from this one. This is what I'm thinking....the apartments here are sealed from one another, with no a/c or heating ducts.

2x1000 for flower (keeping the current 600 for veg)
4' x 8' x 7' grow tent with 6" carbon filter and approx 550cfm inline fan.
vent the flowering chamber out the window (top floor and on the corner so no one notices with box fabbed up over window to make it look normal from outside with blinds)

this way, I could use a small area somewhere else in the apartment to start seeds or clones, then veg under the 600 (32 plants in 6" pots like i have now), 2 weeks flower in the same spot just for sexing purposes, then move them into the flower chamber, 16 plants per 1000 watt (one per square foot) for the reamining 6 weeks of flowering.

seems to me this would be the best all around more efficient way to continuously harvest bud, and i would hope i could get 2 lbs every 6 weeks without too much trouble.

what do you guys think?

more pics and updates coming in the next hour. the grow is doing really well.


Active Member
Day 32 after germination, 15 days under the metal halide...

Well, I've come to the conclusion that I was so worried about overwatering, and ended up UNDERwatering. I ran 2.5 gallons over all the plants last watering, and they took off really fast.

I just let them almost completely dry out, and this time today I ran 3 gallons over them.

I removed 6 plants, so now im at 32. All 6 had purple stalks and stems, their lower leaves were yellow, and even dying (see pics). Obvious nutrient burn (lucky it wasn't bad though). I read tons of threads about purple stems, and since its not genetic (all other plants are green), I am going to guess underwatering could be it. I never watered until runoff. So I likely just kept watering the surface over and over while the lower parts of the pots remained dry.

I suspected that the jiffy pots were restricting root growth earlier on, and so I had a look of the roots of the plants I was throwing away. Those jiffy pots have a small hole in the bottom center, and that's about the only place that roots were coming from. They weren't hardly breaking through the sides of the jiffy pots. (see pics). So my conclusion, and what i've learned in the past couple weeks is...

1. always water until there is runoff
2. don't worry so much about giving nutes. and start at 1/4 strength, not 1/2
3. never ever use jiffy pots.

Still unsure how much longer I should veg for. I'm just going to take it day by day. I'd like to start flowering in about 2 weeks but who knows.


Active Member
Looks like you've got your hands full with all those girls/boys. Hopefully your neighbors don't wonder why you have so many tomato plants as you bring them all upstairs... lol. Looking forward to see how many girls and boys you have to work with, but with your new and larger grow area, you shouldn't have an issue with space anymore. Personally, I think 3 x 600 is a better way to go than 2 x 1000. You cover more area, with less wasted light. I would also recommend getting into cloning. I understand why you think that sticking with seeds is easier with more variety, but clones easily shave a few weeks off the grow, and they're free! If you're planning on a continuous grow, cloning is a must.


Active Member
Day 32 after germination, 15 days under the metal halide...

Well, I've come to the conclusion that I was so worried about overwatering, and ended up UNDERwatering. I ran 2.5 gallons over all the plants last watering, and they took off really fast.

I just let them almost completely dry out, and this time today I ran 3 gallons over them.

I removed 6 plants, so now im at 32. All 6 had purple stalks and stems, their lower leaves were yellow, and even dying (see pics). Obvious nutrient burn (lucky it wasn't bad though). I read tons of threads about purple stems, and since its not genetic (all other plants are green), I am going to guess underwatering could be it. I never watered until runoff. So I likely just kept watering the surface over and over while the lower parts of the pots remained dry.

I suspected that the jiffy pots were restricting root growth earlier on, and so I had a look of the roots of the plants I was throwing away. Those jiffy pots have a small hole in the bottom center, and that's about the only place that roots were coming from. They weren't hardly breaking through the sides of the jiffy pots. (see pics). So my conclusion, and what i've learned in the past couple weeks is...

1. always water until there is runoff
2. don't worry so much about giving nutes. and start at 1/4 strength, not 1/2
3. never ever use jiffy pots.

1. always water until there is runoff - just learned I was underwatering as well and what do you know I got purple stems..thought it was genetic..its bag seed
2. don't worry so much about giving nutes. and start at 1/4 strength, not 1/2 - found out also that when you underwater it can cause nute burn from build up around the bottom of the area that did receive water
3. never ever use jiffy pots. - Learned this the hard way too.....Jiffy Pots suck balls


Active Member
well im glad someone else agrees with me. its all about learning from mistakes right? you can read, and read, and read, but if you haven't done it hands on you gotta get a feel for it yourself.

as far as room...i have enough room to take them out of the closet. in fact i have an entire bedroom to use. the problem is that im on the ground floor and these dumb ass parents and their kids like to play right near my bedroom window outside (when there is a park right behind my fence) so i can't really get rid of the heat that would be generated by the lights i plan on getting. hence, why im requesting the top floor apartment which by the way seems perfect. this is a 6 unit building, and the top floor bedroom window faces all greens, there is no other buildings right next to it so i could vent all the heat i wanted out that window.


Well-Known Member
hi mate, been growing a while now, still no pro though, in fact a complete lazy arse grower, but if you are growing from seed try straight under the 600 as soon as germination as happened on a 12/12 for two weeks then back to 24 for one week then back to 12/12 biggest pots you can find and water every day , feed now and again 3 or 4 days, and just ignore at 21 days from germ i can now get plants nearly 20" and week 4 36" dont now how or care but it seems to work, good luck mate,,,