1st time main-lining journal......


Well-Known Member
Keep it as is mate they should be quite happy at that level now until finish.

Unless you get a serious drop of 0.2-0.4 in your runoff meaning its going in 0.8 and runoff tests 0.6-0.4 then sure increase 0.2 but for now don't worry.

Remember with the runoff as high as it was the roots will still be over coming the shock of the high EC rootzone.

will do mate ,thanks ;)


Well-Known Member
so here a couple pics there as just had what i think is there last feed with nutes........
20ltrs water
100ml ionic bloom (ment to be 140ml)
10ml bloom (ment to be 20ml)
and 5ml cal mag

so i think i will be harvesting around the 11th but wana give a nice old flush to get them nutes out

1st 2 afghan kush
2nd 2 blue rhino
3rd 2 caramel ice
4th 2 critical 47
and last my new toy arrived today i probs start using once i harvest these and clean the room out just give a good old spay with a bi carb mix for the pm thats been coming



Well-Known Member
Some stats and pictures from tonight.
Day 37 of 12/12.

Temp hi 22.3C
Temp lo 17.5C is almost time to block a couple of intakes.
RH hi 46%
RH lo 36%
pH 6.0
EC in 1.0.
EC out 1.2.

My mix tonight contained only PK1314 and Mg with some ZYM and Rhizotonic. Plants are looking lovely as I think you'll all agree.

As green as the clones are when out of the room is as green as everything inside.

MrEDuck - correction. 1.5ml PK1314 per litre is a 0.4EC increase.



Well-Known Member
and last my new toy arrived today i probs start using once i harvest these and clean the room out just give a good old spay with a bi carb mix for the pm thats been coming
"maintain negative air pressure" very interesting feature.



Well-Known Member
I don't even no what that will do in the room java haha it's gona be for when I upgrade into an 8x4 tent after xmas


Well-Known Member
I love the idea....

I added a second fan to drive air from my Veg closet into
my tent and ended up with a positive pressure in my tent.

I imagine that it that controller could act as a motor speed controller
and lower fan speed in reaction to a pressure change.

Interesting in any case.



Well-Known Member
a havnt had a proper read like yet of the booklet i got with it, but when i got some soil yesterday i seen it was 110 in the grow shop and i got it for 70.
i cant wait to use it like maybe will flower my dogs with it since i will be emptying tent and giving it a good bleach and clean before they go in....


Well-Known Member
few more pics today as had them out water again half strength nutes,

1st 3 pics afghan kush
2nd 2 pics blue rhino
3rd 4 pics caramel
4th 4 pics critical

i noticed a branch snapped on my camramel so have trimmed it and left on the light to dry in tent its at day 43 so it will do as a little tester i suppose



Well-Known Member
Looking nice gentlemen!
Thanks for the info Jon. You're living up to your name because you're da man!


Well-Known Member
Here's 2 pics just as the hps fires up so you can see the greeness to the plants.



They are at day 40 of 12/12.



Well-Known Member
heres a couple mine, now on the ph water for last 10-13 days,,,, we are at day 46 of 12/12.. also a few of the veg room and whats there just forgot to get a pic of the deep blue x engineers dream i have 3 regs of them but heres what i did get the pics of haha

1st 3 afghan kush
2nd 3 blue rhino
3rd 3 caramel ice
4th 3 critcal 47

veg room
2 pics of the blue pits
1 pics of the 3 dogs fem
1 pic of my giga bud critical 47 and dog fem
and next 3 my white widow clones i gave 2 to a mate



Well-Known Member
Looking sweet budolskie.

Here's a few of mine.

Day 42 of 12/12.
Temp hi 23.5C
Temp lo 18.5C
RH hi 36%
RH lo 26%
EC in 1.2
EC out all plants 1.2.
pH 6.0

Tonight's mix contained 30ml each of Coco A and B, 9ml Rhizotonic and 45ml CANNAZYM. This came to EC 1.0 in my 18L container. So I added 5ml Ca and 5ml Mg which increased EC by 0.2.





Well-Known Member
my dogs just topped ready for the next mainline when my other girls are done, save me a couple weeks it will.....

and few of the ones nearly done