10 reasons to oppose gay marriage


Active Member
Its just one of my sayings I use when I want bother a woman I don't like. Other notable mentions include:

"The clitoris is my favorite mythological animal."

"A woman's vote doesn't count as much as a man's. That's what the 3/5 compromise was about."

Trolling on the internet is easy and stupid. Trolling in real life is much more of a challenge.
About 15 years old then?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
omfg, so i just told my gf about what you said, no orgasms means no babies...

her reply?? definitely not true, or else her ex husband never would have gotten her pregnant twice.. i almost pee'ed myself.. :D:D
that too is an appropriate maneuver in Danish Sexual Coupling.

but i believe they borrowed that custom from the Germans.


dont make sense how other people are worried about someone elses relationship, who they with and what they trying to do. its their life. you who posted this, would you want anybody trying to tell you who you can be with or marry. probably not. its people like you who make things f**ked for other people.


Well-Known Member
I agree with gay marrying . no im not gay. if 2 people are happy together why should they not have the same benefits as f&m mary ? what is the difference .


Well-Known Member
10. To piss off "innernet" trolls.
9. Because you enjoy seeing grown "men" cry about not being able to wear their mothers' wedding gown.
8. Because after your second divorce, you wouldn't wish that "marriage shit" on ANYONE.
7. Because gay marriage increases your chances of having to buy gifts for, and attend, yet another bullshit wedding that will last all of 18 months.
6. More weddings = more divorce = more money for lawyers, and FUCK those guys!
5. Because you find the concept of "marrying" something you can't breed with to be fucking retarded.
4. Because divorce is hard enough to explain to kids already.
3. Because there's enough "breeding pairs" that exploit the "marriage" tax laws without having kids already.
2. Because it's easier to pass a law that allows an individual to designate a "next of kin" list for emergency purposes.
1. Because growing up with "single gender" parents will be more fucked up than growing up in a "single parent" home, which is just above being an orphan.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The mods have a gay sense, of humor. Tea bagging is ok. Do Republicans not bleed or are homosexuals limp wristed sissies lacking thick skin?


Well-Known Member
The mods have a gay sense, of humor. Tea bagging is ok. Do Republicans not bleed or are homosexuals limp wristed sissies lacking thick skin?
With the Republicans, seemingly the more opposed to the gays they are, the more "ghey" they have bubbling underneath the surface.

I bet Rick Santorum thinks about gay sex MOAR than gay men do...put two plus two together.