Cannabis Is Shown Under An MRI By Doctors FINALLY!


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BBC Video: Cannabis and Human Evolution

August 26th, 2010 By: Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director
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While not necessarily ground-breaking science to longtime observers of cannabinoid research and cultural anthropology, the BBC video below (with about 45 seconds of pro-reform advocacy added), featuring US taxpayer-funded medical research conducted just up the road from NORML’s Washington, DC offices at the National Institute of Mental Health is very well done.
Question: When will a major American (or Canadian) media outlet cover the fascinating and ever-emerging science of cannabis as well as the BBC has?

Tags: BBC, cannabinoids


Well-Known Member
Awesome video.

Those scientists absolutely crushed any theory that MJ is harmful in any way to the human body.

This is the most solid evidence to date to support all medicinal uses of MJ. They proved MJ is good for the body, and that our body is designed to accept cannabinoids.

Sorry government and brainwashed masses, you loose.


Active Member
Yup this was the best I have ever seen even the doctors seemed surprised and excited. With info like this they really have some nerve locking people up. The people should be let out of jail immediately and the whole DEA BULLSHIT should be overhauled IMVHO.They need to be brought to court for covering this up for so long and making so many suffer needlessly for profit. I'm going to stop watching the American/Canadian News as they have been in the pockets of our Gov for way too long. I'm now watching the BBC for the real News! peace out Headband707