What is Barack Obama's Economic Plan?


New Member
i dont want the Romney band aid . .. and im not sure if Obama, can campiagn on legislature that is not working as predicted and not guaranteed to be in effect after his second term . . . . .

we dont need a quick fix and we dont need" ill do this" concepts . . . we need to change the way we structure our economy, money should be made here and should stay here not go overseas for a cheaper cost or wage

untill american corporations and business bring their business infrastructure back to america we will be perpetually in crisis
Samwell, I personally know of businesses that have left my state of California for states with a more business friendly environment, granted it's not exactly the same scenario as businesses leaving our country, it is indeed the same principle.

One of my friends father owned a corporation here in N. CA.

He moved his corporate headquarters to Nevada two years ago, from what i heard, he's saving over $10miilion right off the bat in state taxes and much more in regulation compliance savings.

Hard to argue the move if it was your business.


Well-Known Member
So where are we here with the fable of O's "Economic Plan"? Haven't heard from londonfog in a while, do you think he is actually trying to read through the absurd "talking points" offered looking for the answer to reality?!?

It is absurd right? He actually has none and somehow expects 47% of ignorant Americans to not realize that right?

Whom here actually believes that Americans are this ignorant?

What's next O's "Foreign Policy" ...


Well-Known Member
Kill um with charm?
Ok, so we'll just assume there is none or some ...

What is the outcome/goal of O's "Foreign Policy". Simply maintaining allies handed to him? Do we have more or less allies today? WTF is there another world leader with a fucking Nobel Peace Prize for his "Foreign Policy", is this absurd?


Well-Known Member
disagree..labor cost and workers are to damn cheap overseas. Does not mean that you are getting a better product. ..just means corporations pay less to get you to buy something for more.

Do you know how much workers get paid in China and India
I bet you weren't aware that in India a rupee buys a lot more than a dollar does here. A big mac in India costs about $1.50 in Rupees. You can't just convert their money into ours and say "hey they only make $6,000 a year." sure, maybe they do, but it has the purchasing power of someone making $30,000 a year. Do you get it?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
value of currency in some other country has nothing to do with loss of pay here in the states

bring back the job your capitalist fat cats


Well-Known Member
Well, your mother was smart, we all try to get our tax burden down to the legal minimum, her comment on having a paper trail to prove it tells me she was also inside the law. Without the paper trail, an IRS audit can not only crush you financially, it can ultimately close you down.

The problem I have with Obama taxing incomes as low as he is wanting is the fact that $200k a year is not wealthy by any stretch, especially where I live. I'd much rather see tax increases target big corporations, raising marginal rates or capital gains rates would have a direct impact on jobs, I know this from personal experience.

BUT, BUT, BUT,.....

You have to understand that these people look for success and wish for its destruction. It is different from jealousy in that sense. It doesn't desire the wealth or happiness of another. It wants the other to suffer because of the other's wealth, fame, success, or happiness.

We tax rich people not because that helps the poor in a material sense but only because it is fun to make the rich suffer. We squeeze middle-class amenities not because it's good for the social order, but because many organized groups don't like to see the hoi polloi living well. We block opportunities for business not because that enhances productivity, but because it frustrates the cause of moneymaking.

This is envy at work. It shows up in progressive taxation, of course. And the capital gains tax. And the inheritance tax. Even the sales tax. But it also shows up in monetary policies designed to harm savers and please the debt-ridden classes (especially politicians). It is there in transfer programs that spread as much damage to everyone as possible. It is there in foreign policies that bomb civilized countries, turning them into zones of death and suffering and calling it victory.


Well-Known Member
value of currency in some other country has nothing to do with loss of pay here in the states

bring back the job your capitalist fat cats
Really? So the fact that a single Dollar can buy me a big mac meal in India has nothing to do with the fact that geee, maybe people in India will work for a shit ton less in converted dollars than Americans will? Sorry buddy, but the value of currency has EVERYTHING to do with the loss of pay here in the USA. Everything.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
every "gee" payed by American companies is an American wage cut by 40%+ then given to the CEOs as a bonus or some other dirty business deal to further so and so advancement in a industry or corporation

they take from the poor to give to the rich


Well-Known Member
every "gee" payed by American companies is an American wage cut by 40%+ then given to the CEOs as a bonus or some other dirty business deal to further so and so advancement in a industry or corporation

they take from the poor to give to the rich
No, the poor willingly give it to the rich.
You can boycott corporations you know.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, there are many very impressive respected/respectful liberal intellectuals among us here on RIU. I think that when asshats show up in these threads to show you how confident they are, never realizing how wrong they are, it is an embarrassment to them :(
The same clowns that think 911 was an inside job.


Well-Known Member
Is equality a one way mirror to the left (i.e. what I find to be equal today)? I always thought equal was equal until Clinton taught me multiple meanings of the word "is" :o
That's the guy that didn't inhale. What a waste of good weed.


Well-Known Member
Really? So the fact that a single Dollar can buy me a big mac meal in India has nothing to do with the fact that geee, maybe people in India will work for a shit ton less in converted dollars than Americans will? Sorry buddy, but the value of currency has EVERYTHING to do with the loss of pay here in the USA. Everything.
You do realize the India does not sell Big Macs. They are called Maharaja Mac, which are made with chicken instead of beef. The cost is about 1.70


Well-Known Member
Obama's Economic plan is trickle down government. Reach out to other counties to find out how we can get more people on food stamps. Hes been doing that for about 2 months. He also has the justice department reach out to other countries giving cartel people assault rifles at basement bargain prices.