hello I People Scared newbie No electricity

Hello back in june or july i joined the community and i was heavily working towards growing small indoor plants that required little care. Well I hope you guys can help me. my situation is that i have a small closet available but there is no possible way of getting light or electricity in the room. This poses a problemo because i seriously want to grow but i dont have electricity in my grow spot ps i cant grow outdoors now cuz im in the north eastern part of usa. I was on the brink of growing weed but idk something keeeps on holding me back specially the electricity issue. Please give me advice on small electrical lamps or systems that i could use to manage my grow. My last option was to search for a 12v recheargeble nbattery but idk if this is gonna gnerate enough lite for my future ak-47 - 48 plants. Please give me advice


Well-Known Member
No electricity = No Grow. Even with a generator the amounts of gas you'll go through would be nuts. Maybe a LONG extension cord?


Well-Known Member
so you cant grow because its not possible for you to grow, and you want us to tell you how to do it? You have to have electricity. Batteries are not going to work unless you had a massive bank of them.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You have four choices:

1. Wire the closet for electricity
2. Extension cord from outlet outside of closet
3. Solar panels (will require extension cord or wiring of closet)
4. take the roof off the closet.

Or do what one enterprising young man did and grow your shit in an extra bathroom. In the bathtub.



Well-Known Member
If there's a light bulb socket, there are adapters widely available that add to or convert your socket to a regular 3-prong outlet....


New Member
seen someone post a long time ago he grew a pound with a candle and a pic of sun
but i would add a pic of chuck norris just to be sure


Well-Known Member
run an extension vord from an outlet and put it under the carpet is there is one ? or throw a toss rug on the floor ?

like the title OP...I think we can all relate, that as newbs we were all scared of the no electricity in the closet problem...It can be a very terrifying situation.



New Member
run an extension vord from an outlet and put it under the carpet is there is one ? or throw a toss rug on the floor ?

like the title OP...I think we can all relate, that as newbs we were all scared of the no electricity in the closet problem...It can be a very terrifying situation.

corn u gave me a ideal
what about a biodiesel generator runs on corn and diesel


Well-Known Member
You have four choices:

1. Wire the closet for electricity
2. Extension cord from outlet outside of closet
3. Solar panels (will require extension cord or wiring of closet)
4. take the roof off the closet.

Or do what one enterprising young man did and grow your shit in an extra bathroom. In the bathtub.

Not very visable but thats a big fan under that grow and thats one hell of a small bath you got there!lol! Peace

grow mushrooms instead.
Not a bad idea without electricity, Erowid is the next place for this dude!lol!