soliders of guilt


Well-Known Member
yea terrorism is the perfect tool in order to allow our gov. to do whatever they want.. terrorism is nameless, and faceless. apparently since it is not a country the president can declare war on it without congressional approval. not only that but according to the patriot act anyone who speaks out about gov. actions or organizes anti gov. displays is a terrorist...

American Civil Liberties Union : How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism"

an excerpt

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]The definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front have all recently engaged in activities that could subject them to being investigated as engaging in domestic terrorism. "


Well-Known Member
why has there not been even 1 incident since 9/11? not a single car bombing. nothing. how hard is it to drive a car into a building? they do it over there all the time. not one person can get into the US and drive a car bomb? our government is that good? come on. "terrorism" is BS. sorry.
I love the color coded terror levels, that let us know how fearful we should be at any given moment.

I feel more terrorized by our own leaders than I do from people of other countries. I think we have way more to fear from those people in office that shaft us daily.
No kidding, I was thinking about it with the "protect our freedoms" thing. I was going to say, the only people who are a threat to my freedoms these days, are the people running our government.

That's kinda scary :-|


New Member
I love the color coded terror levels, that let us know how fearful we should be at any given moment.

No kidding, I was thinking about it with the "protect our freedoms" thing. I was going to say, the only people who are a threat to my freedoms these days, are the people running our government.

That's kinda scary :-|

It would be easier to say "everyone should be ready for anything at anytime" and leave it at that. With this terror level being up high on holidays and such it's like the government that cried wolf. When was the last time you cared about the terror level? I just make fun of it, but I don't give a shit about it.

The government being the terrorists of the average citizen is really scary, not just kinda !


Well-Known Member
never stated "because." that's your fabrication. he serves the USA. if you live there, you're enjoying the freedom he protects.
I asked because I don't see what other reason you have for bringing up the weapon he carries....

I live in California, and I would prefer it if your cousin were home, out of harms way. I'm sure you can relate to that.


Well-Known Member
Just for clarification, are you equating Nazi soldiers to contemporary US soldiers?
I'm using the most well known example of the horrors that can ensue when people just follow their government. I'm sorry, I don't know many that illustrate the point quite like the Nazi's.

And I actually wrote an a paper comparing OUR government's use of propaganda to get us into the war, and Hitler's use of propaganda in Germany.
A lot of similarities :grin:


Well-Known Member
doing what his gov't asks

don't belittle a brave young man, it only makes you look pitiful.
my government asks me not to grow pot. i do what i chose. bongsmilie

brave for what though? feeding the war? stopping it? business as usual? facing death? killing people? i just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
I asked because I don't see what other reason you have for bringing up the weapon he carries....

I live in California, and I would prefer it if your cousin were home, out of harms way. I'm sure you can relate to that.
I noted the weapon he carries so as to distinguish his role as a dangerous one, undesirable to the vast majority of citizens that he protects and serves. He is the 'point of the spear,' so to speak, and I, for one, am proud of his valor, obviously unlike you, sir. I would too, prefer, that he were at home, out of harms way.

Since you continue to shy away from your assertion that our modern-day servicemen are no different than Nazi soldiers, I shall have no other recourse than to call you a pathetic coward, sir. Good day.


Well-Known Member
never stated "because." that's your fabrication. he serves the USA. if you live there, you're enjoying the freedom he protects.
i don't think my freedoms were ever unprotected. in fact now that the government has stepped in half my freedoms are gone.


Well-Known Member
I noted the weapon he carries so as to distinguish his role as a dangerous one, undesirable to the vast majority of citizens that he protects and serves. He is the 'point of the spear,' so to speak, and I, for one, am proud of his valor, obviously unlike you, sir. I would too, prefer, that he were at home, out of harms way.

Since you continue to shy away from your assertion that our modern-day servicemen are no different than Nazi soldiers, I shall have no other recourse than to call you a pathetic coward, sir. Good day.
I love it when people try to win arguments by putting words in my mouth. It shows that they have nothing better to bring.

And I wish you'd stop calling me "sir"


Well-Known Member
my government asks me not to grow pot. i do what i chose. bongsmilie

brave for what though? feeding the war? stopping it? business as usual? facing death? killing people? i just don't get it.
you'r not so naive, sir, though you act so. and to think that i respected you on some level!!! quite obviously for facing the unknown, far from home, in service of his country.


Well-Known Member
I love it when people try to win arguments by putting words in my mouth. It shows that they have nothing better to bring.

And I wish you'd stop calling me "sir"
you, sir, conveniently added "because" to my statement. you, sir, are hyporcrite of the most odious kind.