soliders of guilt


New Member
Signing bonuses that are more than a young person can make in a year may override the fear associated with Iraq. Also when you're 17-25, most people think they are 8 feet tall and bullet proof, death is a distant concept. I had forgotten about the 8 year obligation, no wonder the troops are signing up for second enlistments. Might as well get paid for something they'd just make you do for free. I think I'd get out and move leaving no fowarding address for at least 5-6 years.


New Member
My brother was in the Navy, he served in the first Desert Storm war back in the early 90's. Since he exited the Navy he's had problems finding any kind of job that pays anything. He has no health insurance and his back is really fucked up from him injuring it in the service.

Sunny I surely hope your family has a more positive experience than mine has had with the military.

My brother did say his favorite thing was to sneak out on deck when the ship was cruising through a hurricaine. ( it was forboden, but he did it anyway, gotta have some kind of fun)


Well-Known Member
He is a man that will do what he has to do to protect our freedom.
If they were actually dying to protect our freedom, maybe I would feel better about it.

Everyone likes to say that. "They're protecting our freedom"

No they're not. They're over there rebuilding the country we bombed the shit out of, and dying because....they're over there trying to rebuild a country we bombed the shit out of. When was Iraq actually a threat to our freedom? Maybe if they had actually had those weapons of mass destruction....


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their views on Iraq. Some would say they are there to keep the taliban under control. Others think we are just 'imperialistic pigs that can't mind their own business'... to each their own.

My personal opinion on it is this. We are there because our president fucked up. However, we are there. Yes, I do believe each and every one of our soldiers protects our freedom, I sure do. Because of our president's fuck up we cannot leave. We need our presence and what we represent there. If not, we would have weekly world trade center bombings. Our soldiers are there to protect our country, this is what I believe they do.

Our soldiers protect us all.


New Member
If they were actually dying to protect our freedom, maybe I would feel better about it.

Everyone likes to say that. "They're protecting our freedom"

No they're not. They're over there rebuilding the country we bombed the shit out of, and dying because....they're over there trying to rebuild a country we bombed the shit out of. When was Iraq actually a threat to our freedom? Maybe if they had actually had those weapons of mass destruction....

I'm with you Wiki, I don't feel that being in Iraq or Afghanistan is protecting our freedoms. They're more like protecting the Bush oil regime. Maybe helping Halliburtoin with those no bid contracts.

It makes me want to vomit to think of all the blood that has been spilled for Bush and Cheney's personal bank accounts.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their views on Iraq. Some would say they are there to keep the taliban under control. Others think we are just 'imperialistic pigs that can't mind their own business'... to each their own.

My personal opinion on it is this. We are there because our president fucked up. However, we are there. Yes, I do believe each and every one of our soldiers protects our freedom, I sure do. Because of our president's fuck up we cannot leave. We need our presence and what we represent there. If not, we would have weekly world trade center bombings. Our soldiers are there to protect our country, this is what I believe they do.

Our soldiers protect us all.
come on. :roll:


Well-Known Member
This is why I usually don't do politic threads, too many different opinions.
I have laid mine out here and now I am conceding to the rest of you.
Sorry, I am too passive:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont know about weekly...

did you ever think that some of them are over there because they want to be?

im not talking about like army or navy but like the first recon marines and the green beret and special task forces

those dudes are a little messed up in the head to begin with then they go through their training and they come out 100% ready to kill.

and they ENJOY it, theres nothing better then lighting up sum hadjies.


Well-Known Member
why has there not been even 1 incident since 9/11? not a single car bombing. nothing. how hard is it to drive a car into a building? they do it over there all the time. not one person can get into the US and drive a car bomb? our government is that good? come on. "terrorism" is BS. sorry.


New Member
why has there not been even 1 incident since 9/11? not a single car bombing. nothing. how hard is it to drive a car into a building? they do it over there all the time. not one person can get into the US and drive a car bomb? our government is that good? come on. "terrorism" is BS. sorry.

I feel more terrorized by our own leaders than I do from people of other countries. I think we have way more to fear from those people in office that shaft us daily.


Well-Known Member
terrorism: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

that word is the single reason why were in iraq as soon as 9/11 happened all you heard was "terrorist this" and "terrorist that" and we must stop this "terrorirstic threat"

listen to any speech given by a head of state after 9/11 and 30% of the words is terror related

they used it to get the country up in a storm about the "Terrorist" then added that the terrorist had wmds and it was over from there, bush planned on entering iraq from the moment he was elected, terrorists are just the excuse he used

I MEAN fuck, the bushes and the bin ladens go way back


New Member
I think Bush planned on being in Iraq before he was elected. He was just looking for a reason. When he announced that he was going to attack Iraq and go after Saddam, he was asked why. His very first response was and I quote "he tried to kill my father".

This has all been a personal vendetta and we've all been along for the ride.


Well-Known Member
anything, blow it up. sh*t a city office would do. something.

if i were a terrorist living in the US and truly believed in my cause, i would have blown something up a looooooong time ago.


Well-Known Member
nah dude, our government IS that good. not one terrorist has made it cross the border and all terrorist living in America are now in Guantanamo


Well-Known Member
I think Bush planned on being in Iraq before he was elected. He was just looking for a reason. When he announced that he was going to attack Iraq and go after Saddam, he was asked why. His very first response was and I quote "he tried to kill my father".

This has all been a personal vendetta and we've all been along for the ride.
Thank you!Why cant the other 80% of america see this,does anybody not remember the gulf war,and bushes daddy and how this war is almost a replica to the first one....started out with iraq invading kuwait,we say no,saddam says no,and bamm we drop bombs,except this time around idk whether saddam attacked kuwait or not, it's hard to belive anything nowadaysbongsmilie


New Member
why has there not been even 1 incident since 9/11? not a single car bombing. nothing. how hard is it to drive a car into a building? they do it over there all the time. not one person can get into the US and drive a car bomb? our government is that good? come on. "terrorism" is BS. sorry.
Terrorism is the main tool in endless war and American imperialism. When the neo-cons dreamed up that reason, they hit a home run. There is no country exempt from harboring terrorists. Do you remember when bush said. "If you harbor terrorists, you will be treated like a terrorist". That pretty much gave the USA carte blanche permission to bomb everywhere a "terrorist" may hide. Hell, we may even have some bombings here if they discover a terrorist onclave. It is totally insane, these wars on things, terror, drugs, poverty, etc. all they do is create more of the same.


New Member
Thank you!Why cant the other 80% of america see this,does anybody not remember the gulf war,and bushes daddy and how this war is almost a replica to the first one....started out with iraq invading kuwait,we say no,saddam says no,and bamm we drop bombs,except this time around idk whether saddam attacked kuwait or not, it's hard to belive anything nowadaysbongsmilie

My brother was in that war, so I remember it.

I was working at a gas station of all places the day we attacked. Gas jumped from under a dollar to $1.34 and every person that came in for gas read me the riot act about the gas price. By the end of the day my response had turned into "they don't pay me shit, I pay the same price for gas as you" . A day like that you don't foget easily either.

I just don't understand how this time Bush could justify attacking Iraq when it was Bin Ladin that did the trade center. Bush should change his name to Bin Lyin.