soliders of guilt


New Member
That's what I've been screaming!Noone believes me!

OH hell Stoney I've been on that boat for 20 damn years. I don't talk aboiut it to people, don't want to get carted off to the looney bin. My family made fun of me because I wanted to start buying a few extra jugs of water each week, to store up, just in case. I also want to start buying extra canned goods and shit like that. Not a ton, just a few extra things a week. it would add up pretty fast I think.


New Member
The earth will be here long after it has rid itself of the scourge of man. Like the dinosaur before us, we are about at the end of our reign. The cockroaches and ants will take over in the post apocalyptic world. Greed will be the downfall of our civilization (well if you want to call it that), I'm sure there are better words for it as we certainly don't act very civilized.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I can see me now...wearing animal hides and squatting in a cave....I'm gonna miss my computer.:-( Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and die.That's much less work.
OH hell Stoney I've been on that boat for 20 damn years. I don't talk aboiut it to people, don't want to get carted off to the looney bin. My family made fun of me because I wanted to start buying a few extra jugs of water each week, to store up, just in case. I also want to start buying extra canned goods and shit like that. Not a ton, just a few extra things a week. it would add up pretty fast I think.


New Member
OH hell Stoney I've been on that boat for 20 damn years. I don't talk aboiut it to people, don't want to get carted off to the looney bin. My family made fun of me because I wanted to start buying a few extra jugs of water each week, to store up, just in case. I also want to start buying extra canned goods and shit like that. Not a ton, just a few extra things a week. it would add up pretty fast I think.
The Mormons do that. Ya think they know something?


New Member
OH hell Stoney I've been on that boat for 20 damn years. I don't talk aboiut it to people, don't want to get carted off to the looney bin. My family made fun of me because I wanted to start buying a few extra jugs of water each week, to store up, just in case. I also want to start buying extra canned goods and shit like that. Not a ton, just a few extra things a week. it would add up pretty fast I think.
The Mormons do that. Ya think they know something? I remember when I was a kid growing up and i'd go to visit one of my mormon friends. sometimes I'd get a glimpse of their food lockers, quite extensive. Supposed to keed a years supply on hand at all times, although in these hard economic times, they may have had to use some of it.


New Member
I can see me now...wearing animal hides and squatting in a cave....I'm gonna miss my computer.:-( Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and die.That's much less work.
I live near some Amish and actually my grandmother was raised Old Order Amish , I could probably get the hook up from them. I am a distant cuz and all. :lol:

Got me some kerosene lamps and everything you need to stay well fed while cooking over a fire. Even got a nice fire pit outside. Nice big back yard, cut down the trees and make it a giant garden.

Learning how to grow weed is somewhat related to my "2012" plan, even if it doesn't happen then, it's gonna happen.


New Member
that's my question. why? why are they still enlisting? :dunce:
I watched a program last night on Marine recruiting. I may have missed something, but it seemed to me that the recruits were extremely low on the intellect scale. It's like the recruiters are preying on the dumb kids, offering them signing bonuses and filling their heads with nonsense. It used to be that you at least had to have a high school degree, I think that's out the window now. Some of the recruits said the recruiters followed them around their home town stalking them. Most of the recruits seemed like they were from the south, and rural areas with no jobs or excitement. I'm pretty sure these guys werent telling them they were going to foriegn lands to die for rich people.


New Member
I watched a program last night on Marine recruiting. I may have missed something, but it seemed to me that the recruits were extremely low on the intellect scale. It's like the recruiters are preying on the dumb kids, offering them signing bonuses and filling their heads with nonsense. It used to be that you at least had to have a high school degree, I think that's out the window now. Some of the recruits said the recruiters followed them around their home town stalking them. Most of the recruits seemed like they were from the south, and rural areas with no jobs or excitement. I'm pretty sure these guys werent telling them they were going to foriegn lands to die for rich people.

The Navy recruiter did that to my son, followed him to a pizza place when he was with his friends. Stalked him down at the basketball courts, drove by our house constantly and called all the time. The bad thing is we live in BFE so that dude was drving 30 miles ( one way, 60 round trip) to come stalk my kid.

The more the guy stalked the more my kid decided something wasn't right about the situation and he decided not to sign up. I finally had to answer the phone and tell the recruiter off to get rid of him. What a leech.