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Well-Known Member
Thats actually kinda funny. Wait till you see how that screen fills up in the next 2 weeks. You will be goin holy crap shoulda flipped two weeks earlier. I did the same thing now its all hanging over the sides or im pinning it to the walls lol.
Must be the Easter Stretch lol


Well-Known Member
Thats actually kinda funny. Wait till you see how that screen fills up in the next 2 weeks. You will be goin holy crap shoulda flipped two weeks earlier. I did the same thing now its all hanging over the sides or im pinning it to the walls lol.
Must be the Easter Stretch lol
uh-oh. hope it don't kill my yield. LoL! it is indica Dominant, so at least thats going for it...


Well-Known Member
I went back and looked at my 1st picture again...i am in trouble aren't I? LMAO!!!
I JUST defoliated all the stuff blocking the new sites only about 4-5 days ago, and it freaking EXPLODED with new growth!


Well-Known Member
Yes sir she does that, look back one page at my 2 pictures. You will see a kinda bare screen then 2 weeks later. Pics in 2 posts back to back. Now its even doubled those. I'm indica too


Well-Known Member
OKAY!! lol, now i see, I didn't notice the caption at the top that said "two weeks earlier" so thats why I wrote, "damn, talk about a haircut."
I thought you had defoliated it BACK to where it was on the 2nd pic from the 1st picture.
So that was 2 weeks after you flipped it?
what strain is it? I waited so long because everyone kept saying you practically have to fill the screen with indicas. I thought I was rushing it somewhat! ahah!
thanks for that comparison, now i know what to expect more-so!
lets see some new pics when you get a chance!


Well-Known Member
I should have done the before after bit. Sorry. The first pic is the 2 week bloom and the growth. The next post was after the trim on day 0 of bloom. Hang on let me get a new pic. Its at about the 7 ft lvl in room. Gonna run out of ceiling quick this Holy grail kush just outgrew all the nice monster cropping. I gave up. I trimmed and it grew back in 4 days, trimmed again grew right back. Just mean and green. Let her grow rev lol


Well-Known Member
hey all, just throwing out a UPDATE of my progress. I do plan on starting a journal, but this will work until then!
happy scrogging!
Day 6 flowering

heres a pic where you can see the one of the empty rows...hoping the stretch will fill it in! So far its not looking to be a very big stretcher! (indica, we'll see)
you cant tell by this pic, but both sides have a row that is not filled.


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Maxwell's Fluff

Active Member
So chopped her down 2 days ago. (Day 55). Did not get as musch as I hoped from the SCROG method: 38.5gram (1.4 Oz)
Used most wattage of CFL so far and other conditions were as last years. BUT still Im happy I have some new spliff to smoke for a while (not a daily smoker). I hope quality before quantity!! Let the curing begin!

C99 grown in coco, 365W CFL lights, Canna coco A+B, Canna P/K 13/14, hand watered
Great work!!! I see you're grow is done and your setup is similar to mine, and so are the results as far as I can see.
I use coco in a 2x2 space (grow tent). I had about 220w of CFL bulbs for flowering (just used fewer bulbs during veg). My only "complaint", if you will, with cfls is that the buds don't get as thick or dense as I have been used to see in buds I purchase (ie from progressional growers). Also when comparing to other pictures, ones using HiD lights I clearly see the extra stretching (the one between nodes or bud sites) in my grow vs theirs.
Personally I have opted to upgrade my lighting and just got a 150w HPS light.
I am using it now for the first time, and am currently at day 17-19 of flowering (sorry, didn't mark it on calendar or anything, just switch the timer in the light lol).
Now I run 2 plants in my space, mostly because i would like to grow different strains and a "perpetual harvest" style by offsetting each plant, but we'll see.

Currently, my girls are of an unknown strain. I got them from a friend who got them from a friend... I was a bit sketical at first, but now I'm convinced they are pretty legit beans, from a grower, not randomly collected swag-bag seeds. So far (over 4 grows), of 10 seeds I germinated, all 10 sprouted and all 10 turned out to be females. They all have grown quite identically and definitely all tasted and smelled the same. I ordered white widow and purple kush from a seed bank for my next grow, but also cloned this mystery strain before going 12/12 with this batch because I love it so much!
Anyhow, if you (or anyone else) are interested, I can post pics and after I harvest, comparisons of before and after switching light setup.
I just signed up now after getting caught up following your grow on this thread. It reminded me a lot of mine, and I can't wait to see how this 150w HPS changes the qualities of the harvested buds.

Taken at day 11-13 of flowering (they are sleepin arm!):


Well-Known Member
hey all, just throwing out a UPDATE of my progress. I do plan on starting a journal, but this will work until then!
happy scrogging!
Day 6 flowering

heres a pic where you can see the one of the empty rows...hoping the stretch will fill it in! So far its not looking to be a very big stretcher! (indica, we'll see)
you cant tell by this pic, but both sides have a row that is not filled.
View attachment 3641961
What kind of yield are u hoping for?


Well-Known Member
What kind of yield are u hoping for?
honestly, I cant say i have an exact weight in mind, but i will say I just finished my GTH#1 and yeilded aprx 7.5oz, without a screen, but it wazs a totally different strain. They say this grape god is a heavy yielder also, so we'll see. Also, this is my first scrog, so I have NO idea. I am hoping for "about a pound" lmao. but in all fairness, that would be fucking sweet. a half would be excellent.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
wow im looking for results like that! what size tent are you growing in? how many plants?
6 Ladies in a 20 gallon sterilite tub. I have a dig 6 outlet pressure compensator pumping nute to the root zone. The Root pics are at res change over my flushing solution which consist of 4 tablespoons Herculean Harvest and 1/2 teaspoon of jacks 5-12-26. Now you want results like mine you will have to bow down and pray to my Beloved Vero Angels :P