
  1. ShedsAndTents

    2x2' Veg Lighting

    Hello to all readers, I am a long time lurker for research but have finally decided to chime in considering I am finally where I can go legal! To the point: I have a 2'x2' area for veg and I'm having a tough time making a decision on which source of lighting will give me the most compact growth...
  2. Jimmy Verde

    Is panda film good for my room I got light green walls lol

    I's panda film poly film mylar whichever is top line right now w Good for my room if the walls are a puke green lol trying to get it as bright as possible
  3. T

    My first grow

    So I will be switching to a bigger grow closet that I will be making out of boxes it will prolly be close to 6 foot tall. Right now the seedling is in a tote. I have a 15 watt led light bulb in it. And it is lined in aluminum foil to help get brighter. The box build will be lined in foil as...
  4. vanslyke

    Help with 200w reflector

    Hey guys, so Im doing my first tent grow. Just a small one to start and see how she goes. Im hanging a 200w CFL with a reflector. When i screw in the light there is a pretty mean hang to the socket and the whole light bends an inch or so down. Has anyone had this happen to them using the same...
  5. maroonlover

    CMH Grow Cabinet Coverage

    Hi guys! I'm have lots of experience with traditional HID systems, but none with ceramic metal halide. In my new cabinet I would normally use a 600w MH/HPS in a cool tube, but I want to try CMH to lower heat in the surrounding space. The grow space has floor dimensions of 56" x 30″ with an...
  6. DrWahoos

    GROWANT LED reviews/concerns

    Hello guys, I've been doing quite a bit of research lately on different LED lights. I know that, here, people tend to root for Apache, Area 51, and few others. Has anyone ever used a GROWANT light. All I can find are extremely good reviews(all very detailed and say excellent things) which makes...
  7. V

    first time indoor grower/ keeping a mother indoors

    I grew a beautiful Critical 2.0 this summer and would like to keep her as a mother once shes harvested. Any advice with this? I've only ever been an outdoor grower and am looking to do it indoors through the winter months. This plant is very healthy and can be a good start to my indoor project...
  8. MrGhettoGrower

    Which Would You use a Tube or Hood?

    I've decided to go big this grow so I finally graduated up to 1000 watter! I was using one 400 watter in veg and two 400 watters in flower. I found this B-Line Mini slightly used for $120 with a 6" air cooled master blaster for $40 and I already had a 6" cool tube. The cool tube has...
  9. Harrisonj

    Lightimetunnel 3ooWatts???

    Well, I actually a newbie here and have questions with the lights what I am using now! Don't know how to just post pics.So here is what I been working on for all to see.This is a white blaze with a couple bulbs and lightimetunnel 3oow ( I actually got two of them).I breed and came up with a...
  10. Roche Mars

    45W Led -germination Hieght

    what height for germination -- they say 48 inches - seem a bit to high ----HELP (running 2 of them) also 3by2 space - considering 4 - 4.5 pot's or 2 - 7.5 airpots - or 2 gallon and 1 - 3 gallon for an auto Please help !!! also 3 -4.5 pot might be the best ? but for yields want to use the 2 7.5...
  11. Kiddkenna

    Give me kinds of lights and best place to find them?

    As of right now I have 2 CFL lights about an inch or so away from my plant ( A 13W and an 18W). Right now it's still a pretty small little sprout. Wondering if I should buy a different type of light for this stage or if it's fine for now? And what type of lighting do you recommend I use as she...
  12. Ethan010

    Get spotlights on our house!!!

    These are amazing! I always wanted spotlights on our house but steered away from solar lights because they never seemed bright enough. I didn't want to pay an electrician to have spotlights installed either. But when I came across these, I had to try after reading other reviews and seeing...
  13. Roche Mars

    How many lights like 45w panel Led grow light in my space ?

    I got a big big and old space from my uncle ,lol. I wanna try plant some olives and some tomato in there, And now I bought 5 olive seeds and 3 tomato seeds. because of there dont have enough sunshine so I am going to buy LED grow light to help them grow , But I have not idea that how many light...
  14. Roche Mars

    Big Big day tomorrow

    Ahh the great indoors! Lol, hey everyone! I've learned so much more from my second grow it's crazy, like I got a male again this time but also a female at long last!!! Finally! This is a huge accomplishment for me. All the work I put in and my experience with actually growing a plant on my own...
  15. Roche Mars

    Light Upgrade

    My seedlings are growing nicely and i feel it is due time to upgrade my lighting system. Currently I'm workin 2200 watt flourescents (dont laugh, i was too broke to get more :-/ ). What brand of light can I easily buy from Home Depot or summin that wont attract much attention. Oh yea and I'll...
  16. S

    Illumitex led yields

    I just bought a new illumitex neosol led 520 watt. I have been trying to find peoples grow logs/journals to see what people are pulling with this light. From the inforamtion that i do see is that this light does the job that it claims to do, but this is from only about 3 underdetailed grow...
  17. SonsOfAvery

    Need help with led light decision!

    Hey all, I'm doing my fist grow, indoor in a 4x4x7' tent. I'm torn between a few choices and wanted to know from people with experience with LEDs which would be best. I'm limited on price, and so far these are the best I've found. I have 3 white widow x big bud that I've started in a homemade...
  18. K

    (2) 300w LED or (1) 600w HPS - Which light should I get

    I'm upgrading after my first successful grow using (4) 4ft CFL t5s for 3 plants in 5gallon buckets. Soil grow. yielded 6oz. Which I was very pleased with. I know I can get much higher yields so have upgraded to DWC in 5 gallon buckets. Sativa in GH flora trio - I have room for 6 buckets, but...
  19. Ethan010

    So grow Jackfruit in a pot

    Hello, all. I have done some research on the internet like a couple years ago and wondering probably a bunch of people (growers only) will think how to grow the Jackfruits in a pot? Additionally, and the growing conditions (light, wind, soil, fertilizer, etc)? I'd like to show you guys first the...