yup I did it and I just wanted to say... I thought it was funny

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I made the sock and when I first posted the thread I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair:lol: I hope I didn't offend anyone... except for the person I meant to offend:fire:

I do want to thank everyone that played along(even if they didn't know it)
@Alienwidow you're the shit, you really got down with it lol
@Hookabelly you're too fast, I was trying to be funny:eyesmoke:
@mainliner you really thought it was analloveog... dumbass
@ any one else I forgot, sorry I'm already buzzed and stoned as hell

Oh yea, @mcdoubleanalog:finger:


Well-Known Member

i knew it was u and you knew i knew ..... Admit it or denie it doesn't matter to me.

Gary if you cant swallow your pride and admit im a good guy then im sorry .......... I have you in my sites ..

for those in the know, below is garys bag ;) be subtle.



Well-Known Member

i knew it was u and you knew i knew ..... Admit it or denie it doesn't matter to me.

Gary if you cant swallow your pride and admit im a good guy then im sorry .......... I have you in my sites ..

for those in the know, below is garys bag ;) be subtle.

Dafuq are talking about? Just walk away.. You are not welcomed..

Us Texas boys don't get down on your bullshit.. You are talking trash to real men.. walk away...



Well-Known Member
Shut the FRONT DOOR.

I thought injecting marijuanas was just a big RIU joke.

Or are you all photo-shoppy too?

hahahah - shows what I know.

Unless this IS a joke...in which case....I don't know, I'm dumb...haha


Well-Known Member
You might've missed the thread because they took it down quick, but I posted the fat guy with a bunny in the pic of yourself thread... and you saw right through it lol:clap:
Oh yeah that one….Nice. Who was your target?

Wait, never mind. I think I know...