Your logic is dizzying

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Hold on...
I think we have a problem...
Why a felon?
I have a problem with people being denied their rights and a felon is entitled to rights just like anyone else. So I don't think any felony should remove someones rights.
I do appreciate your thought of limiting it to people who have used guns to commit crimes, but I still disagree, If they are that bad they should be shot on sight during commission of their crime, otherwise, once they have "payed their debt to society" they should have rights like anyone else. A gun law wont stop a criminal, it will prevent a law abiding citizen from excercising his right to self defense
But the problem is, they didn't pay their debt. Like you said, they weren't shot during their crime. I think everyone who abuses their bill of rights to harm someone on purpose, should lose their right. Those rights are precious. People would think twice if they knew they could be taken away. That includes yelling fire, causing people to die by trampling because a person thought it'd be a funny prank. Those people would serve as reminders.

I think jails and prisons should only harbor those who stay for life. The only way you get out is once you finally die or it's found out you didn't actually do it. If what you did doesn't warrant a permanent lock up, there's several other ways you can pay your debt to society.

There's no such thing as rehabilitation. You can no more get rid of my big breast perversion just because you lock me up.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You should write your congressman and ask for more money for mental health in your area.
still waiting for you to express how successful somebody has to be before they acquire the privilege of self defense...

it's a simple question, why wont you answer it?

ill get you started:

Much like "McDonalds Fry Makers" and other undesireable elements, and unworthy drains on society, anyone who makes less than $___________________________________ per year should be barred from owning firearms, or defending themselves from attack.
The reason why anyone making less than $_____________________________________________ per year is unworthy of defending their life, is because they really dont have much of a life to defend at all.
Further, those who make in excess of $____________________________________________ per year should be able to hunt anyone who makes less than $__________________________________ per year for sport.

just fill in the blanks and wee can all see exactly where you're coming from. but you could also feel free to write something yourself, im not that picky. just explain how successful you must be to gain the privilege of not being killed by bandits, and why. it's fucking easy.


Well-Known Member
My state doesn't even do background checks. Walk in and walk out in 15 mins with your new firearm. They check your ID to see if you are a state resident and you are over requirement age, but its like buying beer lol.

the serial# isnt even attached to your name
every legal purchase of a firearm from a dealer has a background check done. its over the phone and takes less than a minute for the FBI to do it. if you fill out the paperwork you are having a check done whether you know it or not. some states my allow gun sellers to skip the check if the person buying has a Concealed carry permit.


Well-Known Member
you guys that were dumb enough voting for obama are ridiculous. he didnt change anything or do what he said he would do the first time around now here he is disarming his own people and people are still following and supporting him. now when china or who ever decides to invade we will be far less ready. you guys are helping set up your own country for its down fall. and when something happens you will be the people running around yelling what do we do what do we do! this country and its people are starting to be a great disapointment...

Kite High

Well-Known Member
you guys that were dumb enough voting for obama are ridiculous. he didnt change anything or do what he said he would do the first time around now here he is disarming his own people and people are still following and supporting him. now when china or who ever decides to invade we will be far less ready. you guys are helping set up your own country for its down fall. and when something happens you will be the people running around yelling what do we do what do we do! this country and its people are starting to be a great disapointment...
ummm...when this disarming occur?


Well-Known Member

He, much like you, doesn't understand how to read or use the english language, and literally made a dumbass assertion as a result.

Much like when you say "any democrat", and then immediately restrict it to "democrats in washington"

You guys are halfwits lol. Think you troll me... Only thing being trolled is your knowledge of the english language

Oh and PS: It's highly comical that you started using the words "halfwit" and "buffoon" on others in this subforum after I used them on you. Keep it up dude, you are totally trolling me with your continued insisting of being like me!
You're such a tool and you don't even realize it.


Well-Known Member
No and no. Not just invading armies, but rogue government as well.
and what weapons were available to (rogue) governments then, and which ones are available now.

cannons, muskets, horses, and bayonets against cannons, muskets, horses, and bayonets back then. atomic bombs, chemical warfare, and goddamn tanks against your gun safe nowadays.

and do people that are trying to overthrow the government bother to do so in a constitutional fashion?

the goal is to protect the security of a "free state". tell me when i'm not free anymore, things seem pretty OK here for now and the foreseeable future. didn't the author of the declaration write something about a healthy revolution every 20 years or so?

it may just be me, but i think that things have changed over time on that aspect.

And "militia" means every adult who can carry a gun to the site of battle.

It is for those two purposes that weapons of war are most suited. You cannot honestly claim that the framers, and many many Constitutional authorities since then, have expected to exclude the deadliest weapons. You seek to block the beneficiaries of the 2nd from their highest charge.

but of course now we have Sotomayor who was put in place with a deliberate eye toward gutting the 2nd without the muss&fuss of a new amendment. cn
"weapons of war" would have to include way too much to give any adult citizen the right to bear arms that are sufficient to overthrow our (rogue) government.

if it ever becomes necessary to protect the security of our free state against itself, no one will worry if we have enough cannon balls and muskets to do so anymore. you can buy nukes from some rogue russian and hire some expert to cook up some chemical warfare of your own and source some tanks from other governments anyway.

i worry about some people here that really cling to their guns like other people cling to their religion. controversial as it was, he hit the nail right on the head there.


Active Member
he claims to have 50k followers on some social network or the other, so there is no telling how he amassed so many. so maybe to him, his asshole is a tool.

excellent trollportunity taken.
Still full stroke backpedaling I see, not that I expect any different.

Funny freeloader who wants to be like me


Well-Known Member
Still full stroke backpedaling I see, not that I expect any different.

Funny freeloader who wants to be like me
you have me confused with some other member who talks about backpedaling. i just came here to troll you with no pretense and have no idea what i could even be backpedaling from.

also, i'm in the phoenix area the next couple days, if you have a med card i'll be happy to share with you for free some excellent medicine.


Well-Known Member
he claims to have 50k followers on some social network or the other, so there is no telling how he amassed so many. so maybe to him, his asshole is a tool.

excellent trollportunity taken.
Where've you been? I thought you went home to Isreal and visited the 'Holy Land' for Christmas. Have any pictures of your Jesus tree?


Well-Known Member
and what weapons were available to (rogue) governments then, and which ones are available now.

cannons, muskets, horses, and bayonets against cannons, muskets, horses, and bayonets back then. atomic bombs, chemical warfare, and goddamn tanks against your gun safe nowadays.

and do people that are trying to overthrow the government bother to do so in a constitutional fashion?

the goal is to protect the security of a "free state". tell me when i'm not free anymore, things seem pretty OK here for now and the foreseeable future. didn't the author of the declaration write something about a healthy revolution every 20 years or so?

it may just be me, but i think that things have changed over time on that aspect.

"weapons of war" would have to include way too much to give any adult citizen the right to bear arms that are sufficient to overthrow our (rogue) government.

if it ever becomes necessary to protect the security of our free state against itself, no one will worry if we have enough cannon balls and muskets to do so anymore. you can buy nukes from some rogue russian and hire some expert to cook up some chemical warfare of your own and source some tanks from other governments anyway.

i worry about some people here that really cling to their guns like other people cling to their religion. controversial as it was, he hit the nail right on the head there.
...cough when we see other countries used Deadly force other then small arms fire on a revolt , we attack them.(also because we planed it ) so yea maybe the UN may help us out here.

Maybe not militarily that would be a joke, but with crippling sanctions that prevent imports.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
demonstrably false. 1 out of every 20 americans doesn't believe in a simple background check.

overgeneralization. i can not come up with any democrat who favors outright bans. the only bans being called for are on weapons of war, not self defense or hunting.

and since you seem to agree that we should have "common sense gun safety measures", what is the difference between those measures and "controls"?

also, gun ownership is a right, not a "liberty", it is a right. and every right is abridged. the right to own a gun was included for "the militia" to ensure "the security of a free state". as it was written, that pretty much meant to repel invading armies.
Your ignorance of American history is appalling. Read the federalist papers, and the statements of the constitution's authors. The second amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. Its main purpose, but not its only purpose, is to assure that American citizens have the tools necessary to put down tyrants should they arise, i.e. our own government should it no longer function as our representative but instead as our oppressor. That is why our leaders have worked so hard to undermine the second amendment.

For the first 150 years of our republic there was not a hint of "gun control" except to deny slaves, and later emancipated freemen, from access to arms. That is one of the main purposes of the 14th amendment: to guarantee the right of freed blacks to "keep and bear" so that they could defend themselves from the goon squads roaming the south during reconstruction. You constantly whimper about racism, yet you align yourself with a fundamentally racist enterprise, disarmament of honest, free men.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone is for common sense gun safety measures.

Where people diverge is on what exactly should be included in there "common sense gun safety measures".
The left wants bans and controls which results in a loss of liberties and freedoms for everyone
The right wants education and more persons to be able to protect themselves with weaponry from the mentally unstable and crazy

I think the best and only way to describe the situation is: there is no "perfect" solution.

I thiink you are wrong - the rabid left is all for regulations that defy common sense, and the rabid right is all for no regulation - which also defies common sense.


Well-Known Member
You'd better ban small engine planes now, then. It's only a matter of time until someone flies a small engine plane into an outdoor football stadium on a Sunday.

For heavens sake...Ban them already. Ban them for the kids!
No worries, the right wing is on top of banning gay marriage, so we will be saving the kids from the worst of all possible atrocities ..... having TWO mothers!

It's for the kids.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid, you could order up a rifle or a pistol in a mail order catalog. Kids in rural areas hung their shotgun/rifle in the back window of pickup trucks. Kids went hunting before and after school. Most rural high schools offered shooting classes in the school and kids brought their own guns to the school range for practice shooting. There were no background checks, no waiting periods, no "common sense controls".

Has common sense changed since the 1960s, or has the government grown and now it wants to grow some more?
Ahh, the good ole days. Nothing like yearning for the time when women knew their role, and we could openly discriminate against others over the color of their skin.

We have really lost our way ....


Active Member
you have me confused with some other member who talks about backpedaling. i just came here to troll you with no pretense and have no idea what i could even be backpedaling from.

also, i'm in the phoenix area the next couple days, if you have a med card i'll be happy to share with you for free some excellent medicine.
Yeah I have my card, but you caught me at the only time I won't be in town. I'm in upstate NY for the holidays. Where abouts in PHX and how long will you be there?