Your logic is dizzying


Well-Known Member
knee jerk?

how many massacres did we let go in the last year or two before this one? how many murders at the point of a gun have we seen since those 20 kids were removed from this mortal coil?

this has been a long time coming. the fact that it happened to a couple dozen kindergarteners was the catalyst.
You'd better ban small engine planes now, then. It's only a matter of time until someone flies a small engine plane into an outdoor football stadium on a Sunday.

For heavens sake...Ban them already. Ban them for the kids!


Well-Known Member
You'd better ban small engine planes now, then. It's only a matter of time until someone flies a small engine plane into an outdoor football stadium on a Sunday.

For heavens sake...Ban them already. Ban them for the kids!

Its no wonder right wingers attacked Iraq for 9/11, they seem to have a problem with scapegoating.


Well-Known Member
Its no wonder right wingers attacked Iraq for 9/11, they seem to have a problem with scapegoating.
You should write to your congressman and demand changes in the legalities of small engine aircraft.

Maybe you should have them outlaw outdoor football and baseball stadiums, too.

Think of the lives you could save!


Well-Known Member
You should write to your congressman and demand changes in the legalities of small engine aircraft.

Maybe you should have them outlaw outdoor football and baseball stadiums, too.

Think of the lives you could save!

You should write your congressman and ask for more money for mental health in your area.

desert dude

Well-Known Member

this is only the most recent example of "GOP logic" that spins the head in circles. republicans are a dying breed. i never thought i'd see the NRA on its back foot in my lifetime, but it happened with the suddenness of a broken shoelace. that recent press conference was a joke.

i personally have changed my view from "yes, i would like common sense gun safety measures, but it's a losing battle" to "OK, let's get some common sense gun safety measures in place" with this recent tragedy.

and before anyone accuses me, wanting common sense gun safety measures does not make me anti-gun anymore than wanting common sense automobile safety measures makes me anti-automobile. yes, one is a right and the other is a privilege, but all rights are abridged.

even reagan fervently supported the assault weapons ban. listen to your savior, righties. follow his example. or perish. your choice.
When I was a kid, you could order up a rifle or a pistol in a mail order catalog. Kids in rural areas hung their shotgun/rifle in the back window of pickup trucks. Kids went hunting before and after school. Most rural high schools offered shooting classes in the school and kids brought their own guns to the school range for practice shooting. There were no background checks, no waiting periods, no "common sense controls".

Has common sense changed since the 1960s, or has the government grown and now it wants to grow some more?


Well-Known Member
demonstrably false. 1 out of every 20 americans doesn't believe in a simple background check.

My state doesn't even do background checks. Walk in and walk out in 15 mins with your new firearm. They check your ID to see if you are a state resident and you are over requirement age, but its like buying beer lol.

the serial# isnt even attached to your name


Well-Known Member
My state doesn't even do back ground checks. Walk in and walk out in 15 mins with your new firearm. They check your ID to see if you are a state resident and you are over requirement age, but its like buying beer lol.
They should sell them in the same place. Like fireworks and alcohol being sold next to each other in Wisconsin.
Or the states that sell hard liquor at the gas station.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The poster localities for gun laws, both deep Democratic strongholds, are Chicago and Washington, DC. Are those guns law "common sense" enough for you? How is that working out for you hoplophobes?

What is your defense of the daily massacres, happening by ones and twos in Chicago, Buck?


Well-Known Member
demonstrably false. 1 out of every 20 americans doesn't believe in a simple background check.

overgeneralization. i can not come up with any democrat who favors outright bans. the only bans being called for are on weapons of war, not self defense or hunting.

and since you seem to agree that we should have "common sense gun safety measures", what is the difference between those measures and "controls"?

also, gun ownership is a right, not a "liberty", it is a right. and every right is abridged. the right to own a gun was included for "the militia" to ensure "the security of a free state". as it was written, that pretty much meant to repel invading armies.
Why should there be a background check?
What are they checking for?
Should any of that prevent someone from buying a gan?


Well-Known Member
Just read some more of my state constitution gun laws. lol

You are not allowed to have a concealed gun and be under the influence of alcohol.

But if you are open carry that's just fine to get hammered at the bars.:hump:

desert dude

Well-Known Member
When the "common sense" gun laws being proposed did not even solve the problem at hand, the Sandy Hook massacre, then those proposing them should be shown the door.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Why should there be a background check?
What are they checking for?
Should any of that prevent someone from buying a gan?
I don't think there should be background checks either. All you should need is an ID. It's only purpose should be to check if you're over 18, a US citizen and not a felon. But I think only felons who did violence, epecially those who threatened another illegally with a gun.

If you meet those requirements, there should be zero other requirements. No bullshit regulations/bans on: "assault weapons", magazine capacity, automatic or whatever nutjob lefty fear you can come up with. You shouldn't need to be a resident of the state either.

Think of the children!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Just read some more of my state constitution gun laws. lol

You are not allowed to have a concealed gun and be under the influence of alcohol.

But if you are open carry that's just fine to get hammered at the bars.:hump:
I think the open carry laws in California are bullshit. You can only do it in extremely rural areas and only if you first get permission from the local sheriff.


Well-Known Member
Here is the run down of the laws for my state.

You can open carry anywhere anywhere (with the exception of court houses,churches ,airports & schools)

You can conceal carry anywhere ( with the exception of airports & schools)

The only guns that are outright banned are plastic guns because they can't be detected by metal detectors. & the Armsel Striker.

Automatic weapons are limited due to an agreement with the Uniform Machine Gun Act,

NO : registrations for purchessing Handguns & long guns
NO: license required to own Handguns & long guns

Yes: conceal carry requires a permit

Hand gun magazines must be <=20 rounds, unless you are concealed carry there is no limit

You can only buy 1 handgun every 30 day, unless you are concealed carry there is no limit

National parks & recreational areas have an age requirement of 18 for anyone carrying a firearm

I live in one of the most liberal states for guns, other then Alaska


Well-Known Member
I think the open carry laws in California are bullshit. You can only do it in extremely rural areas and only if you first get permission from the local sheriff.
well sometimes city laws can override state laws. Depends on how they wrote their state constitution


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid, you could order up a rifle or a pistol in a mail order catalog. Kids in rural areas hung their shotgun/rifle in the back window of pickup trucks. Kids went hunting before and after school. Most rural high schools offered shooting classes in the school and kids brought their own guns to the school range for practice shooting. There were no background checks, no waiting periods, no "common sense controls".

Has common sense changed since the 1960s, or has the government grown and now it wants to grow some more?
USA population 1960 - 179,000,000
USA population 2012 - 310,000,000

There are definitely some major differences between 1960 and 2012, including the population shift to urban areas and several other key factors. Not saying common sense has changed, but the 60's and now are extremely different times. To treat them the same doesn't accurately depict either time.


Well-Known Member
and not a felon. But I think only felons who did violence, epecially those who threatened another illegally with a gun.
Hold on...
I think we have a problem...
Why a felon?
I have a problem with people being denied their rights and a felon is entitled to rights just like anyone else. So I don't think any felony should remove someones rights.
I do appreciate your thought of limiting it to people who have used guns to commit crimes, but I still disagree, If they are that bad they should be shot on sight during commission of their crime, otherwise, once they have "payed their debt to society" they should have rights like anyone else. A gun law wont stop a criminal, it will prevent a law abiding citizen from excercising his right to self defense


Ursus marijanus
demonstrably false. 1 out of every 20 americans doesn't believe in a simple background check.

overgeneralization. i can not come up with any democrat who favors outright bans. the only bans being called for are on weapons of war, not self defense or hunting.

and since you seem to agree that we should have "common sense gun safety measures", what is the difference between those measures and "controls"?

also, gun ownership is a right, not a "liberty", it is a right. and every right is abridged. the right to own a gun was included for "the militia" to ensure "the security of a free state". as it was written, that pretty much meant to repel invading armies.
No and no. Not just invading armies, but rogue government as well.
And "militia" means every adult who can carry a gun to the site of battle.

It is for those two purposes that weapons of war are most suited. You cannot honestly claim that the framers, and many many Constitutional authorities since then, have expected to exclude the deadliest weapons. You seek to block the beneficiaries of the 2nd from their highest charge.

but of course now we have Sotomayor who was put in place with a deliberate eye toward gutting the 2nd without the muss&fuss of a new amendment. cn