Your favorite album/song from the 90's


Well-Known Member
What's your favorite album from th 90's @Yessica... ? That's what this thread is!
Much Music DANCE MIX '95 baby!!!

EDIT: I thought you meant what was your favourite one IN the '90's. I time machined there a bit.

I'll have to think about what album I like the best now. It is NOT dance mix '95. Although that will always hold a special place in my heart...


Well-Known Member
i was born with no ears so i cant join in this thread:)

also nobody loves me :(

a lonely walk to gates of heaven i shall walk ( while pissing my pants with laughter)

i love u pinworm you are sooooooo cool

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
It's 9am over here and now I'm bumpin 2pac, haven't even had my coffee. Even Mrs. Goodson looked at me and gave me the nod of approval, she hates rap.

lmao I just heard her singing "no matter where I go I see the same hoes" lol I'm dying here:lol: