Hey.. well your style is a little off, so u are doing something wrong. Since you are not using time release than u should be supplementing. More important, your going organic and not using a brewed tea such as a metabolic tea. Issue also starts with MG products. A true organics means u gotta mix your soil together with products at supply the means your plants require. Soo, being respectful, u got some more reading 2 do. Choose either Organics or Synthetics. Also try and stay away from time release inside, generally we use it for outside growing. Its good product too. I recommend Osmocote at 20/20/20 by scotts-its the best they offer and leader in the industry. U can also get it 15/15/15 too.
Yellow leaves is gonna happen, i generally keep one or two around to help guide me through my flower stage. Around your flushing time u will prob get a few leaves falling but its all good. The rest of plant should be paling and maybe some purple hues might show on leaves.
U need a 2 or 3 part feed program with a good micro nuts and a good additive such as Vitamax or b52
Hope im some help. But u gotta make some changes! I would anyways, its simple and fairly cheep 2, to give u some level of success.